How do I copy cell contents into adjacent cells?

Text, values and formulas often need to be copied to other locations and/or adjacent cells to avoid duplicating work. While many Excel users rely on the mouse to copy and paste, a far more efficient way is to use built in Excel keyboard shortcuts. Here are a few helpful related shortcuts:

To copy a cell, go to the desired cell and press CTRL + C

To paste the copied cell, go to the destination cell and press CTRL + V or the Enter key. The difference is that when pressing CTRL + V the copied data stays in memory and can be pasted again, while when pressing Enter the copied data does not stay in memory.

To fill a formula to several adjacent cells to the right, highlight the initial cell and the cells to the right, and hit CTRL + R

To fill a formula to several adjacent cells below, highlight the initial cell and the cells below, and hit CTRL + D

Keep in mind that all of the methods above will result in pasting ALL of the attributes of the copied cell(s), including formulas and all formatting.

- [Instructor] In Excel, it's not uncommon that after you've written a formula, you need to copy it either rightward into adjacent cells or downward into adjacent cells. And as we're about to see, it's a huge time saver to be able to do this. In this particular worksheet, called CopyFormulas, and we're in the Workbook 03, Creating Formulas and Functions. In cell B4 is a formula. I wanted to double-click it so we can see it better. It subtracts the two cells above it. When you copy a formula, you copy that kind of a relationship. If we were to copy and have the exact same formula over in C4 that we have in B4, it's not gonna make any sense. We're gonna get the answer 20 and we want the answer, of course, to be the subtraction of these two cells. When we copy a formula, we copy the relationship. And we do it with the fill handle in the lower right-hand corner. So, pointing to the fill handle, notice how it changes its shape to be a thin plus. Just gonna drag this over into Column G. And…

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In column D, we want to return the total score, then we need to copy paste the formula with the fast option. We will have to follow below given steps:-

  • Write the formula in cell D2.
  • =B2+C2
  • Press Enter on your keyboard.

How do I copy cell contents into adjacent cells?

  • To fast copy paste formula, place the mouse on the handle in the bottom right hand corner of the cell.

How do I copy cell contents into adjacent cells?

  • Double click when the mouse pointer changes into a plus symbol. Excel copies the constants or formulas till the last cell of data.

How do I copy cell contents into adjacent cells?

If you want to copy and paste the content in the range side of the range, you need to follow below given steps:-

Drag the fill handle down, up, or across the cells that you want to fill. In this example, the figure here shows dragging the fill handle down:

How do I copy cell contents into adjacent cells?

  • When you let go, the formula gets automatically filled to the other cells:

    How do I copy cell contents into adjacent cells?

  • To change how you want to fill cells, click the Auto Fill Options button

    How do I copy cell contents into adjacent cells?
    that appears after you finish dragging, and pick the option that want.

  • For more information about copying formulas, see Copy and paste a formula to another cell or worksheet.


    • You can also press Ctrl+D to fill the formula down in a column. First select the cell that has the formula you want to fill, then select the cells underneath it, and then press Ctrl+D.

    • You can also press Ctrl+R to fill the formula to the right in a row. First select the cell that has the formula you want to fill, then select the cells to the right of it, and then press Ctrl+R.

    When filling doesn't work

    Sometimes filling works fine, and other times it doesn't work as you expect. That's why it's important to check the cell references of the first cell.

    Cell references are simply pointers to other cells. For example let's say the first cell has this formula:


    A1 and B1 are relative references. This means simply that when you fill the formula down, the references will change incrementally from A1, B1 to A2, B2 and so on, like this:




    Other times, you may not want the references to other cells to change. For example, let's say that you wanted the first reference, A1, to stay fixed and B1 to change as you drag the fill handle. If this is the case, you'd enter a dollar sign ($) in the first reference: =SUM($A$1,B1). A dollar sign forces Excel to keep pointing to A1 as you fill other cells. This is what it would look like:




    References with dollar signs ($) are called absolute references. When you fill down, the reference to A1 stays fixed but Excel changes the reference of B1, to B2 and B3.