How many numbers are there with 3 digits such that if 4 is one of the digits

Let a,b,c be digits such that the six digit number $abcabc$ has 4 prime factors and only one prime factor out of the four has a power of 3 (say $\mathrm{k}^3$ ). If there are $\mathrm{n}$ such numbers find $n$.

$abcabc$ can be re-written as $7 \times 11 \times 13 \times(100a+10b+c)$. Hence $3$ of those primes are $7,11,13$ and so the prime with power of $3$ has to be $100a+10b+c$. Let it be equal to $k^{3}$, then $100 \leq k^{3} \leq 999$. Hence $k=5,6,7,8,9$ and from there we get $5$ cases for $a,b,c$. But the answer key says there are $23$ such numbers. What did I get wrong /missed?

How many three-digit numbers are composed of three distinct digits such that one digit is the average of the other two?

Solution 1

We can find the number of increasing arithmetic sequences of length 3 possible from 0 to 9, and then find all the possible permutations of these sequences.

Common differenceSequences possibleNumber of sequences18263442

This gives us a total ofsequences. There areto permute these, for a total of.

However, we note that the conditions of the problem require three-digit numbers, and hence our numbers cannot start with zero. There arenumbers which start with zero, so our answer is.

Solution 2

Observe that, if the smallest and largest digit have the same parity, this uniquely determines the middle digit. If the smallest digit is not zero, then any choice of the smallest and largest digit givespossible 3-digit numbers; otherwise,possible 3-digit numbers. Hence we can do simple casework on whether 0 is in the number or not.

Case 1: 0 is not in the number. Then there are

How many numbers are there with 3 digits such that if 4 is one of the digits
ways to choose two nonzero digits of the same parity, and each choice generates3-digit numbers, givingnumbers.

Case 2: 0 is in the number. Then there areways to choose the largest digit (2, 4, 6, or 8), and each choice generates3-digit numbers, givingnumbers.

Thus the total is. (by scrabbler94)

Video Solution by OmegaLearn

~ pi_is_3.14 starts with a variation on this question (plus solution)

See Also

The problems on this page are copyrighted by the Mathematical Association of America's American Mathematics Competitions.

Question 1159034: How many even numbers are there with three digits such that if 5 is one of the digits in a number then 7 is the next digit in that number in the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9?
Answer by Edwin McCravy(19274)
How many numbers are there with 3 digits such that if 4 is one of the digits
How many numbers are there with 3 digits such that if 4 is one of the digits
  (Show Source):

You can put this solution on YOUR website!

We include all 3-digit even numbers that don't contain a 5 at all.

Case 1: the number does not contain a 5 at all.
We choose the first digit 8 ways [from {1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9}]
We choose the second digit 9 ways [from {0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9}]
We choose the third digit 5 ways [from {0,2,4,6,8}].

That's 8∙9∙5 = 360 ways

Case 2: the first digit is a 5 and the second digit is a 7.

They are 570, 572, 574, 576, and 578.

Total 360+5 = 365. 

[Note: the 2nd digit cannot be 5 because the third digit must be even, and
thus cannot be 7]


Execution Info

  • #execInfo : expression object providing useful information about the template being processed inside Thymeleaf Standard Expressions.
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.ExecutionInfo
 * ======================================================================

 * Return the name and mode of the 'leaf' template. This means the template
 * from where the events being processed were parsed. So if this piece of
 * code is not in the root template "A" but on a fragment being inserted
 * into "A" from another template called "B", this will return "B" as a
 * name, and B's mode as template mode.

 * Return the name and mode of the 'root' template. This means the template
 * that the template engine was originally asked to process. So if this
 * piece of code is not in the root template "A" but on a fragment being
 * inserted into "A" from another template called "B", this will still 
 * return "A" and A's template mode.

 * Return the stacks (actually, List or List) of
 * templates being processed. The first element will be the 
 * 'processedTemplate' (the root one), the last one will be the 'leaf'
 * template, and in the middle all the fragments inserted in nested
 * manner to reach the leaf from the root will appear.

 * Return the stack of templates being processed similarly (and in the
 * same order) to 'templateNames' and 'templateModes', but returning
 * a List with the full template metadata.


  • #messages : utility methods for obtaining externalized messages inside variables expressions, in the same way as they would be obtained using
     * ======================================================================
     * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
     * ======================================================================
     * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
     * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
     * externalized messages).
     * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
     * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
     * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
    5 syntax.
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
 * ======================================================================

 * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
 * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
 * externalized messages).
 * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}

 * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
 * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}


  • #uris : utility object for performing URI/URL operations ( esp. escaping/unescaping) inside Thymeleaf Standard Expressions.
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Uris
 * ======================================================================

 * Escape/Unescape as a URI/URL path
${#uris.escapePath(uri, encoding)}
${#uris.unescapePath(uri, encoding)}

 * Escape/Unescape as a URI/URL path segment (between '/' symbols)
${#uris.escapePathSegment(uri, encoding)}
${#uris.unescapePathSegment(uri, encoding)}

 * Escape/Unescape as a Fragment Identifier (#frag)
${#uris.escapeFragmentId(uri, encoding)}
${#uris.unescapeFragmentId(uri, encoding)}

 * Escape/Unescape as a Query Parameter (?var=value)
${#uris.escapeQueryParam(uri, encoding)}
${#uris.unescapeQueryParam(uri, encoding)}


  • #conversions : utility object that allows the execution of the Conversion Service at any point of a template:
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Conversions
 * ======================================================================

 * Execute the desired conversion of the 'object' value into the
 * specified class.
${#conversions.convert(object, 'java.util.TimeZone')}
${#conversions.convert(object, targetClass)}


  • #calendars : analogous to
     * ======================================================================
     * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
     * ======================================================================
     * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
     * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
     * externalized messages).
     * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
     * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
     * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
    6, but for
     * ======================================================================
     * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
     * ======================================================================
     * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
     * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
     * externalized messages).
     * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
     * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
     * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
    7 objects:
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Calendars
 * ======================================================================

 * Format calendar with the standard locale format
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Format calendar with the ISO8601 format
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Format calendar with the specified pattern
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#calendars.format(cal, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}
${#calendars.arrayFormat(calArray, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}
${#calendars.listFormat(calList, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}
${#calendars.setFormat(calSet, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}

 * Obtain calendar properties
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${}                // also arrayDay(...), listDay(...), etc.
${#calendars.month(date)}              // also arrayMonth(...), listMonth(...), etc.
${#calendars.monthName(date)}          // also arrayMonthName(...), listMonthName(...), etc.
${#calendars.monthNameShort(date)}     // also arrayMonthNameShort(...), listMonthNameShort(...), etc.
${#calendars.year(date)}               // also arrayYear(...), listYear(...), etc.
${#calendars.dayOfWeek(date)}          // also arrayDayOfWeek(...), listDayOfWeek(...), etc.
${#calendars.dayOfWeekName(date)}      // also arrayDayOfWeekName(...), listDayOfWeekName(...), etc.
${#calendars.dayOfWeekNameShort(date)} // also arrayDayOfWeekNameShort(...), listDayOfWeekNameShort(...), etc.
${#calendars.hour(date)}               // also arrayHour(...), listHour(...), etc.
${#calendars.minute(date)}             // also arrayMinute(...), listMinute(...), etc.
${#calendars.second(date)}             // also arraySecond(...), listSecond(...), etc.
${#calendars.millisecond(date)}        // also arrayMillisecond(...), listMillisecond(...), etc.

 * Create calendar (java.util.Calendar) objects from its components


 * Create a calendar (java.util.Calendar) object for the current date and time


 * Create a calendar (java.util.Calendar) object for the current date (time set to 00:00)



  • #numbers : utility methods for number objects:
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Numbers
 * ======================================================================

 * ==========================
 * Formatting integer numbers
 * ==========================

 * Set minimum integer digits.
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Set minimum integer digits and thousands separator: 
 * 'POINT', 'COMMA', 'WHITESPACE', 'NONE' or 'DEFAULT' (by locale).
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * ==========================
 * Formatting decimal numbers
 * ==========================

 * Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits.
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits, and also decimal separator.
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits, and also thousands and 
 * decimal separator.
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * =====================
 * Formatting currencies
 * =====================


 * ======================
 * Formatting percentages
 * ======================


 * Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits.
${#numbers.formatPercent(num, 3, 2)}
${#numbers.arrayFormatPercent(numArray, 3, 2)}
${#numbers.listFormatPercent(numList, 3, 2)}
${#numbers.setFormatPercent(numSet, 3, 2)}

 * ===============
 * Utility methods
 * ===============

 * Create a sequence (array) of integer numbers going
 * from x to y


  • #strings : utility methods for
     * ======================================================================
     * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
     * ======================================================================
     * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
     * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
     * externalized messages).
     * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
     * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
     * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
    8 objects:
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Strings
 * ======================================================================

 * Null-safe toString()
${#strings.toString(obj)}                           // also array*, list* and set*

 * Check whether a String is empty (or null). Performs a trim() operation before check
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Perform an 'isEmpty()' check on a string and return it if false, defaulting to
 * another specified string if true.
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Check whether a fragment is contained in a String
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#strings.contains(name,'ez')}                     // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.containsIgnoreCase(name,'ez')}           // also array*, list* and set*

 * Check whether a String starts or ends with a fragment
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#strings.startsWith(name,'Don')}                  // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.endsWith(name,endingFragment)}           // also array*, list* and set*

 * Substring-related operations
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#strings.indexOf(name,frag)}                      // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.substring(name,3,5)}                     // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.substringAfter(name,prefix)}             // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.substringBefore(name,suffix)}            // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.replace(name,'las','ler')}               // also array*, list* and set*

 * Append and prepend
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#strings.prepend(str,prefix)}                     // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.append(str,suffix)}                      // also array*, list* and set*

 * Change case
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#strings.toUpperCase(name)}                       // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.toLowerCase(name)}                       // also array*, list* and set*

 * Split and join
${#strings.arraySplit(namesStr,',')}                // returns String[]
${#strings.listSplit(namesStr,',')}                 // returns List
${#strings.setSplit(namesStr,',')}                  // returns Set

 * Trim
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#strings.trim(str)}                               // also array*, list* and set*

 * Compute length
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#strings.length(str)}                             // also array*, list* and set*

 * Abbreviate text making it have a maximum size of n. If text is bigger, it
 * will be clipped and finished in "..."
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#strings.abbreviate(str,10)}                      // also array*, list* and set*

 * Convert the first character to upper-case (and vice-versa)
${#strings.capitalize(str)}                         // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.unCapitalize(str)}                       // also array*, list* and set*

 * Convert the first character of every word to upper-case
${#strings.capitalizeWords(str)}                    // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.capitalizeWords(str,delimiters)}         // also array*, list* and set*

 * Escape the string
${#strings.escapeXml(str)}                          // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.escapeJava(str)}                         // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.escapeJavaScript(str)}                   // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.unescapeJava(str)}                       // also array*, list* and set*
${#strings.unescapeJavaScript(str)}                 // also array*, list* and set*

 * Null-safe comparison and concatenation
${#strings.equals(first, second)}
${#strings.equalsIgnoreCase(first, second)}
${#strings.concatReplaceNulls(nullValue, values...)}

 * Random


  • #objects : utility methods for objects in general
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Objects
 * ======================================================================

 * Return obj if it is not null, and default otherwise
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets


  • #bools : utility methods for boolean evaluation
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Bools
 * ======================================================================

 * Evaluate a condition in the same way that it would be evaluated in a th:if tag
 * (see conditional evaluation chapter afterwards).
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Evaluate with negation
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Evaluate and apply AND operator
 * Receive an array, a list or a set as parameter

 * Evaluate and apply OR operator
 * Receive an array, a list or a set as parameter


  • #arrays : utility methods for arrays
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Arrays
 * ======================================================================

 * Converts to array, trying to infer array component class.
 * Note that if resulting array is empty, or if the elements
 * of the target object are not all of the same class,
 * this method will return Object[].

 * Convert to arrays of the specified component class.

 * Compute length

 * Check whether array is empty

 * Check if element or elements are contained in array
${#arrays.contains(array, element)}
${#arrays.containsAll(array, elements)}


  • #lists : utility methods for lists
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
 * ======================================================================

 * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
 * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
 * externalized messages).
 * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}

 * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
 * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}


  • #sets : utility methods for sets
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
 * ======================================================================

 * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
 * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
 * externalized messages).
 * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}

 * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
 * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}


  • #maps : utility methods for maps
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
 * ======================================================================

 * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
 * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
 * externalized messages).
 * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}

 * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
 * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}


  • #aggregates : utility methods for creating aggregates on arrays or collections
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
 * ======================================================================

 * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
 * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
 * externalized messages).
 * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}

 * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
 * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}


  • #ids : utility methods for dealing with
     * ======================================================================
     * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
     * ======================================================================
     * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
     * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
     * externalized messages).
     * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
     * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
     * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
    ${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}
    9 attributes that might be repeated (for example, as a result of an iteration).
 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages
 * ======================================================================

 * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments,
 * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of 
 * externalized messages).
 * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned.
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}

 * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default
 * message if a message for the specified key is not found.
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)}
${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)}
${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})}

How many 3 digit numbers can you form such that if one of the digits is 5?

Total numbers=Total ways=81+72+72=225.

How many 3 digit even numbers can you form such that if one of the digits is 3 then the 3 is followed by 5?

Therefore, Total no. of even numbers =8×9×5+5=365.

How many 3 digit numbers exist which can be divisible by 4?

∴ there are 225 3-digit numbers which are completely divisible by 4.

How many even numbers are there with 3 digits such that?

The total 3 digit numbers are 999 including preceding zeros and there are 999/2 even numbers. so total three digit even numbers are 499.