How to create boder top in item click navigationbottom android năm 2024

In this example we set the title and navigationIcon (back button) and also we set the color and elevation. In content area, we set the Column with one Text().


How to create boder top in item click navigationbottom android năm 2024

Title customization:

You can customize the title area like this,

title = {

Row() {
        text = "Title 1",
        fontSize = 30.sp,
        color = Color.Red
        text = "Title 2",
        fontSize = 30.sp,
        color = Color.White

title - It accept any composable. Here we use the Row() with two different Text()


How to create boder top in item click navigationbottom android năm 2024


We can show bottom menu items with help of BottomNavigation. It make it easy for users to explore and switch between top-level views in a single tap.

If you are an Android developer, It's BottomNavigationView

Structure of BottomNavigation:


            modifier = //your modifier ,
            backgroundColor = //color code,
            contentColor = //color code,
            elevation = //your elevation value in Dp
) {

Structure of BottomNavigationItem:

BottomNavigationItem(icon = {

       //composable function for menu icon
        label = { //composable function for menu title}, 
        selected = //mutableState boolean for highlight, 
        onClick = {
            //menu item click event

BottomNavigation sample code

Step 1 : Create a composable function for BottomNavigation

@Composable fun BottomBar() {

val selectedIndex = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
BottomNavigation(elevation = 10.dp) {
    BottomNavigationItem(icon = {
        Icon(imageVector = Icons.Default.Home,"")
        label = { Text(text = "Home") }, 
        selected = (selectedIndex.value == 0), 
        onClick = {
            selectedIndex.value = 0
    BottomNavigationItem(icon = {
        Icon(imageVector = Icons.Default.Favorite,"")
        label = { Text(text = "Favorite") }, 
        selected = (selectedIndex.value == 1), 
        onClick = {
            selectedIndex.value = 1
    BottomNavigationItem(icon = {
        Icon(imageVector = Icons.Default.Person,"")
        label = { Text(text = "Profile") }, 
        selected = (selectedIndex.value == 2), 
        onClick = {
            selectedIndex.value = 2

Step 2: Add into Scaffold

@Composable fun ScaffoldWithBottomMenu() {

Scaffold(bottomBar = {BottomBar()}
) {
  //content area
  Box(modifier = Modifier


How to create boder top in item click navigationbottom android năm 2024

Source code:

How do bottom navigation bars work in Android?

The material design team at Google defines the functionality of bottom navigation bars in Android as follows: Bottom navigation bars make it easy to explore and switch between top-level views in a single tap. Tapping on a bottom navigation icon takes you directly to the associated view or refreshes the currently active view.

How do I customize the bottom navigation view?

The bottom navigation view also can be customized with several different options, including: app:itemBackground, app:itemIcontint, and app:ItemTextColor: app:itemIconTint - The tinting for the bottom navigation's items' icons app:itemTextColor - The text color for the bottom navigation's items' text

How do I bootstrap a project with a bottom navigation bar?

As a bonus, you'll also learn how to use Android Studio templates to bootstrap your project with a bottom navigation bar quickly. Open Android Studio, create a new project, and select a Blank Activity template, as shown below. Select the Kotlin language from the drop-down menu and click Finish.

How do I notified when a bottom navigation item is selected?

Set a listener that will be notified when a bottom navigation item is selected. This listener will also be notified when the currently selected item is reselected, unless an BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemReselectedListener has also been set.

How to set border bottom in android studio?

Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project..

Step 2 − Add the following code to res/drawable/border_top_bottom.xml

Step 5 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main..

How do I fix the bottom navigation bar on my Android?

Steps for Creating Bottom Navigation Bar.

Step 1: Create a new Android Studio project. To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio..

Step 2: Adding the dependency to the build.gradle(:app) file. ... .

Step 3: Working with activity_main.xml file..

What is the bottom bar on Android called?

The Navigation bar is the menu that appears on the bottom of your screen - it's the foundation of navigating your device.

What is the difference between navigation bar and bottom app bar?

Navigation bars provide access to destinations in an app, whereas bottom app bars can contain both destinations and actions. Not all products should use a bottom app bar.