How to rename playlist on SoundCloud

How to rename playlist on SoundCloud
Name changes apply to both the SoundCloud website and associated mobile apps.
Image Credit: Ingram Publishing/Ingram Publishing/Getty Images

An accurate name is essential on SoundCloud because it is how other users identify your music, playlists and other content. Edit your SoundCloud profile, including your username and personal name, via the Profile settings screen.


Changing Your Name

To change your name on SoundCloud, visit the SoundCloud website and log in to your account (link in Resources). Click your username on the menu bar at the top of the screen and select "Profile" on the drop-down menu to display your profile. Click the "Edit" button located beneath your profile picture to load the Profile settings screen. Here, you can change both your SoundCloud username and the first and last names associated with your account. Click the "Save Changes" button when you're finished.


Video of the Day

Changes you make to your username apply to all existing and future songs associated with your account. If someone has added one of your songs to a playlist, for example, your new name will display on that playlist regardless of when it was created.

To change the name included in your permanent SoundCloud URL, click the "Edit" icon located next to the Permalink field on the Profile settings page and input your new permalink.


Although SoundCloud has a fairly open policy when it comes to names, it does not allow squatting (selecting a name without using it just to keep someone else from having it) -- or impersonations (using someone else's name).
