Hướng dẫn cài đặt server 9dragon offline

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LouLx Game | Cửu Long Tranh Bá Offline Việt Hóa | 9Dragon | Tổng hợp những những tin tức về game hay nhất.

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Hình ảnh liên quan đến chủ đề game offline viet nam.

Hướng dẫn cài đặt server 9dragon offline

Hướng Dẫn Cài Đặt Cửu Long Tranh Bá Phiên Bản Offline Việt Hóa ➤Background PC | Thể loại MMORPG Sword Half Test Trên Win 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 18363) | Ram 8GB | G4600 CPU @ 3,60GHz (4 CPU) ➤Đăng ký kênh: Để nhận video mới nhất. ➤Link Download: ➤CHUYÊN MÃI CỦA NINTH: ➤PASS: loukoala.blogspot.com LÀM VIDEO: NHNH: ➤NH: NH➤NH➤NH➤ Đăng Kí Kênh: Để Nhận Những Video Mới Nhất. ➤Cảm ơn các bạn đã quan tâm đến mình ➤Nếu Thấy Hay thì Đăng Ký Kênh Giúp Mình ➤Facebook: ========================= ===== ====================== ➤Xin Ủng Hộ Để Tôi Có Động Lực Làm Công Việc Tiếp Theo ❤️ ➤ Ngân Hàng Agribank ➤Số Tài Khoản: 6300 2050 60120 ➤ Chủ Tài Khoản: ĐỒNG TIẾN HOÀI ================================= #cuulongtranhba #cuulongtranhbaoffline #loulx # 9d #ninedragon #ninedragonoffline # 9doffline #servergameoffline..

>> Ngoài xem bài viết về chủ đề LouLx Game | Cửu Long Tranh Bá Offline Việt Hóa | 9Dragon này bạn có thể xem thêm nhiều thông tin về game khác tại đây: ở đây.

Vậy là bạn đã xem xong bài viết chủ đề game offline viet nam rồi nhé. Ngoài xem các thông tin về game mà chúng tôi cung cấp thì bạn có thể xem thêm nhiều thông tin liên quan đến game, thủ thuật, hướng dẫn, clip game… tại đây nhé: ở đây.

Tag liên quan đến chủ đề game offline viet nam.

Server offline,game offline,Mu offline,Vltk offline,VMware,Máy ảo.

Rất mong những thông tin về game do Bem2 cung cấp sẽ mang nhiều giá trị cho bạn. Xin chân thành cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi bài viết chủ đề game offline viet nam của chúng tôi.

09/22/2010 15:11 nu4ever#1

join this 4rum ! it's me :bandit:
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] đang phối hợp với 1 người bạn l�m sever offline test ! sau n�y chắc sẽ up sever 9D lậu ở VN :P (mặc d� chưa x�c định dc thời gian sẽ mở ;))) anh em cho � kiến nh� , kết quả sẽ dc cập nhật sau 2 tuần nữa , trong thời gian n�y m�nh sẽ cập nhật 1 số t�nh h�nh sau >:D< ảnh thật :

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

cực thật : no photoshop , no lagg , no sever online , no internet connection

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] ảnh minh họa nếu sửa lại dc c�i GM tools ! >:D<

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] luu y' 4 ảnh cuối l� từ D9 th�i , nhưng do chưa l�m lại dc c�i c�ng cụ quản l� 9D VN n�n kh�ng s�i dc tr�n 9D th�i , v� t�nh h�nh 9D up up up n�n sẽ đổi sang sửa 9D G1 offline , (bật m� ch�t x�u về c�ch l�m 9D off l� d�ng SQL ... :) ) 0 100000 100000 0 0 0 0 EXP <== exp 100,000% 1 100000 100000 0 0 0 0 SKILL EXP <== skill 100,000% 2 1000000 1000000 0 0 0 0 CARDS EXP <== (XP card ) 1,000,000% th�ng thường l� 100% v� x2 m� 3 500 500 0 0 0 0 DROP RATE <== drop HT , gold , VK , 500% (đ�nh 1,3 con nhặt 1 cục HT :)) ) 4 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 PREMIUM PACKAGE <== ko cần phải n�i nữa cửu long thi�n hạ 5 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 1 <== bố khỉ thật c�i n�y n� cũng đưa l�n :)) +1 tới 12 (20,000%) 6 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 2 7 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 3 8 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 4 9 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 5 10 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 6 11 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 7 12 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 8 13 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 9 14 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 10 15 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 11 16 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 12 số "0" ch�nh l� source , m�nh đổi th�nh 0 để game dc an to�n srr all >.^ 1)Tạo card mạng ảo: - Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Add Hardware --> Next + Chọn " Yes, I have already ..." --> Next + Chọn " Add a new hardware device " --> Next + Chọn " Install the hardware that I manually ... " --> Next + Chọn " Network adapters " --> Next + Chọn " Microsoft Loopback Adapter " --> Next --> Next + Finish - Thay đổi IP của card mạng ảo: + V�o Network connection. + Chuột phải v�o biểu tượng "Local Area Connection" --> Properties + Chọn " Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) " --> Properties + Chọn " Use the following IP address: IP address: g� v�o Subnet mask: g� v�o Default gateway: g� v�o --> OK 2) C�i đặt Client: - C�i game b�nh thường. - Update c�c Patch theo thứ tự trong Folder (Đối với ai download ở ngo�i, th� thứ tự patch nh�n theo video). - V�o Folder game, sửa IP sang -->> OK 3) Thiết lập SQL 2000: - C�i đặt b�nh thường (trong khi c�i đặt, đến đoạn chọn Password n�n để l� User: 9d Pass: 9d9d9d - c� thể xem video HD). - Start/Microsoft SQL Server/Service manager. Start Server v� để đ�. - Tạo database - Restore database: +Click chuột phải v�o từng Database vừa tạo -> Chọn All Tasks -> Restore Database -> From Device -> Select Device -> Add. +Sửa đường dẫn đến c�c file c� sẵn trong Folder Restore trong bộ Cabal Offline (bước n�y tốt nhất n�n l�m theo Video). +Sau khi Restore xong 5 Database , tạm thời ẩn Enterprise xuống --> OK - Query Analyser (bước n�y ch�nh l� tạo Account để đăng nhập): +v�o Microsoft SQL Server -> Query Analyser (trong Start menu) +Đăng nhập bằng ID v� Pass đẫ thiết lập ở đầu bước 3. +Điền c�c gi� trị: Trước khi l�m bước n�y, v�o Folder Restore copy file xp_md5.dll v�o C:/Windows/System32/ ** chọn thẻ master (ở ph�a tr�n toolbar, kh�ng chọn ở phần b�n tr�i) -> Copy paste phần trong ngoặc ('xp_md5' , 'xp_md5.dll') -> Ấn Execute Query (n�t Play m�u xanh) -> Sucessfull. ** Đổi thẻ ACCOUNT -> copy paste phần trong ngoặc (exec dbo.9Dragons_tool_registerAccount 'ID của m�nh' , 'Password của m�nh') -> Ấn Execute Query -> Usernum: 6/7/8 .v.v. (Lưu � bước n�y thực hiện y hệt theo HD, v� c� gắng thực hiện 1 lần duy nhất, n�n suy nghĩ kỹ trước ID cần tạo đủ 1 k� tự trở l�n, sau khi ấn Execute Query m� hiện usernum l� 6 hoặc 7,8 .v.v. l� được, đ� ho�n th�nh bước tạo Account) + Tắt Query Analyser, ấn No khi được hỏi Save. - Linked Server: (Bước n�y kh� lằng nhằng, n�n thực hiện theo Video HD) + Nhập Name: chọn ODBC Driver + Đoạn cần copy trong video: Provider string : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=cabalstart; - Kết th�c: Sau khi ho�n tất c�c bước tr�n (theo text + video HD) --> OK 4) C�i đặt CentOS: Đ�y l� bước mất thời gian nhất trong khi c�i Cabal Offline. Tốt nhất n�n thực hiện y hệt theo video HD. - C�c lưu � cần thiết cho bước n�y: + Đến đoạn th�ng b�o Localhost Login, th� nhập ID v� Pass l� root/9Dragonsserver -> Enter. + Nhập /home/9Dragons/9Dragons_config.sh -> Enter. + Tiếp tục thực hiện cho đến hết. + C�i đặt v� để đ�, c�n thực hiện tiếp sau bước 5. 5) C�ng đoạn cuối: - V�o WinSCP (c� phần c�i đặt trong folder) - Đăng nhập bằng hostname:; ID/pass: 9d/9d9d9d. Nhớ chọn SCP trong File Protocol. - Chờ khoảng 15s để WinSCP nhớ gi� trị vừa thay đổi -> tắt. - Mở CentOS: điền service 9Dragons start -> Enter, nếu thấy c�c gi� trị hiện l�n với to�n OK xanh th� coi như đ� ho�n th�nh. --> FINISHED!!! Xong hết 5 bước tr�n . Sau đ�y l� c�ch Open v� PLay 9Dragons Offline: - Tắt Firewall. - Mở Service Manager (trong Start/Microsoft SQL Server/) - Mở CentOS -> Start Vitual Machine -> để n� auto chạy đến l�c đ�i đăng nhập th� điền ID/pass: 9d/9d9d9d. - Đ�nh d�ng lệnh trong CentOS: service 9Dragons start -> OK xanh.

- V�o folder cabal ấn 9Drgons.exe để chơi.

09/22/2010 15:18 0event0#2

translate by google to english :) 4rum join this! it's me 9D offline! Hot Hot Hot working with a person you do offline test server! sure will be up later in the U.S. illegally sever 9D: P (although not defined dc open time will)) brother commenting offline, dc results will update after two weeks, during which time I will update the situation after a number> < real photo: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 807x606. very true: no photoshop, no LaGG, no server online, no internet connection This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 922x758. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 833x650. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 914x730. Artwork dc if the GM change tools! > < Attention 'last four photos are from D9 behavior, but by not doing so again dc management tools should not lean dc VN 9D 9D move on, because the situation 9D up up up should be changed to edit offline G1 9D, (turn eyelid little bit about how to use SQL 9D is off ...) 0 100000 100000 0 0 0 0 EXP <== exp 100.000% 1 100000 100000 0 0 0 0 Skill EXP <== skill 100.000% 2 1000000 1000000 0 0 0 0 EXP cards <== (XP cards) 1000000% 100% because typically that x2 3 500 500 0 0 0 0 DROP RATE <== HT drop, gold, VK, 500% (type I picked up a local HT 1.3)) 4 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 PREMIUM PACKAGE <== do not need to say anymore Kowloon lower natural 5 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 REFINE 1 <== this disclosure when it put it) +1 to 12 (20.000%) 6 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 2 REFINE 7 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 3 REFINE 8 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 4 REFINE 9 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 5 REFINE 10 20000 20 000 0 0 0 0 6 REFINE 11 20000 20 000 0 0 0 0 7 REFINE 12 20000 20 000 0 0 0 0 8 REFINE 13 20000 20 000 0 0 0 0 9 REFINE 14 20000 20000 10 0 0 0 0 REFINE 15 20000 20000 11 0 0 0 0 REFINE 16 20000 20000 12 0 0 0 0 REFINE "0" is the source, his game changed to 0 for all dc safety srr>. ^ 1) Create virtual network cards: - Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add Hardware -> Next + Choose "Yes, I have already ..." -> Next + Choose "Add a new hardware device" -> Next + Choose "Install the hardware that I Manually ..." -> Next + Choose "Network adapters" -> Next + Choose "Microsoft loopback adapter" -> Next -> Next + Finish - Change IP of virtual network cards: + In the Network connection. + Right click on the "Local Area Connection" -> Properties + Select "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" -> Properties + Choose "Use the Following IP address: IP address: type Subnet Mask: enter Default gateway: type -> OK 2) Installing Client: - Install game normally. - Update the patch in the order in Folder (For anyone outside the download, then view the video sequence patch). - In the game folder, edit the IP to ->> OK 3) Setting up SQL 2000: - Install normally (during installation, to select the User Password should be: 9D Pass: 9d9d9d - can watch HD video). - Start / Microsoft SQL Server / Service Manager. Start Server and to them. - Create a database - Restore the database: + Right-click on each newly created database -> Select All Tasks -> Restore Database -> From Device -> Select Device -> Add. + This is the path to the files available in the Restore in Cabal Offline Folder (this step is best to follow the video). After 5 + Database Restore is complete, Enterprise down temporarily hidden -> OK - Query Analyser (this step is to create an account to login): + Microsoft SQL Server -> Query Analyser (in the Start menu) + Sign in with your ID and password set up in the first three steps. + Enter the values: Before this step, the file copy xp_md5.dll Restore Folder to C: / windows/system32 / ** Select master card (above the toolbar, not selected in the left side) -> Copy paste the section in brackets ('xp_md5', 'xp_md5.dll') -> Execute Query India (green Play button) -> Sucessfull . ** Change Account tab -> copy paste part in parenthesis (exec dbo.9Dragons_tool_registerAccount 'his ID', 'your password') -> Execute Query India -> Usernum: 6/7/8. Etc. (Note this step is identical to the HD, and try to make a single, so ID should think carefully before creating a character more fully, after which the press Execute Query usernum is 6 or 7, 8. so that is has completed the steps to create the Account) + Shortcut Query Analyser, press No when asked Save. - Linked Server: (This step is quite "C, should follow Video HD) + Enter Name: select ODBC Driver + Text to copy the video: Provider string: Driver = (SQL Server); SERVER = localhost; UID = sa; PWD = cabalstart; - Completion: After completing the above steps (according to HD video + text) -> OK 4) Install CentOS: This is the most time consuming step during setup Cabal Offline. Are best done exactly as HD video. - The notice required for this step: + Localhost Login to the message, then enter the ID and password is root/9Dragonsserver -> Enter. + Import / home/9Dragons/9Dragons_config.sh -> Enter. + Continue until done. + Install and to which, also carried out after step 5. 5) The last paragraph: - In WinSCP (with parts installed in the folder) - Log in hostname:; ID / password: 9d/9d9d9d. Remember to select the File Protocol SCP. - Wait for about 15s to WinSCP memory value has changed -> off. - CentOS Open: 9Dragons complete service start -> Enter, if the value is up with all the green OK as completed. -> Finished! Completed all five steps. Here is how to Open and Play 9Dragons Offline: - Turn off Firewall. - Open Service Manager (in Start / Microsoft SQL Server /) - Open CentOS -> Start Virtual Machine -> for it to auto run at login, then fill requires ID / password: 9d/9d9d9d. - Type command in CentOS: 9Dragons service start -> OK Green. - In press 9Drgons.exe to play cabal folder.

PS: Can u make a video please i think its dificult to do this alone :) im noob in server sql

09/23/2010 12:25 Cashmere-Caveman#4


09/23/2010 12:33 Cashmere-Caveman#5

nu4ever if youcan speak english plz help, with video, translation and downloads...

09/23/2010 13:58 sva260#6


Originally Posted by BamRockz

nu4ever if youcan speak english plz help, with video, translation and downloads...


09/23/2010 15:16 tero20051#7

Idk why, he/she wana say that is an private server made after 9d-vn was closed? O.O

09/23/2010 16:00 Cashmere-Caveman#8

lol you Dumb ASS (not to be offensive ) he's telling how to make one i mean convert one to .......

09/23/2010 16:33 tero20051#9

Umm, from where i can dld the game again? :(

09/23/2010 18:36 nixford#10

I belive you can make to run game to local host whit any version of 9D not only the Vietnam . Maybe the gay have 9D.exe unpachet and change here the ip whit the one writed in the tutorial . Hope to same one to have time and remake the tutorial whit screens/video so can all understend more easy how to make this . Also i start to understend how this plp know to use the GM tools and from where recive the code for rafine/dupe so fast . After a litle more search i find this .. forum.ra ge zo ne.com/f460/video-guide-fix-524857 The original quide .. maybe your "frend" change same stuff in this cabal version and run the 9D client. So curios to se one guide how to do this .

And Here a Gm tolls also for cabal [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] .. maybe same plp whant to know how look somting like this

09/23/2010 23:55 P-TYX#11

is that GM tools for cabal realy working on cabal?

09/24/2010 00:39 dreanore#12

How this works? Is there any news about it?

09/24/2010 17:28 Cashmere-Caveman#13

Well, Whoever or whatever he is hes got BRAINS!!! . Its actually would be cool if the 9d files get leaked :) :mofo:

09/24/2010 21:43 Layger#14

We better need to know some better way to make offline 9dragons cuz personally i m not gonna instail CentOS just for that....

09/24/2010 23:10 Cashmere-Caveman#15

me too i almost downloaded everything gonna try it in a feww hrs....