Hướng dẫn how do you read two strings in python? - làm thế nào để bạn đọc hai chuỗi trong python?

  • Python Code to Read two Strings & Concatenate the Strings.
    • Python code implementation without user-defined functions & classes
    • Python code implementation using function
    • Python code implementation using Classes


Python code implementation without user-defined functions & classes

# Python code to Read two Strings & Concatenate the Strings a = input("Enter First String: ") b = input("Enter Second String: ") c = a+b print("Concatenated String is: ",c) 
Executing Python Script: 
python program.py Enter First String: I love Enter Second String: Python Programming 

Python code implementation using Classes

# Python code to Read two Strings & Concatenate the Strings using Class class
Concatenate_string_class(object): def concatenate_string_function(self, a_string, b_string): self.a_string = a_string self.b_string = b_string return self.a_string + self.b_string a = input("Enter First String: ") b = input("Enter Second String: ") #Create the Object Object_1 = Concatenate_string_class() #Call the function using created Object c = Object_1.concatenate_string_function(a, b) print("Concatenated String is: ",c) 
Executing Python Script: 
python program.py Enter First String: I love Enter Second String: Python Programming 


Concatenated String is: I lovePython Programming 






Enjoy Python Code By Pythonbaba 🙂