Hướng dẫn how to count number of rows in excel using python - cách đếm số hàng trong excel bằng python

Giải pháp được đề xuất trong câu trả lời này đã bị phản đối và có thể không còn hoạt động nữa.

Nhìn vào mã nguồn của OpenPyXL (ItableWorksheet) Tôi đã tìm ra cách lấy cột và số lượng hàng từ bảng tính Iterator:

wb = load_workbook(path, use_iterators=True)
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]

row_count = sheet.get_highest_row() - 1
column_count = letter_to_index(sheet.get_highest_column()) + 1

IterableWorksheet.get_highest_column Trả về một chuỗi với chữ cái mà bạn có thể thấy trong Excel, ví dụ: "A", "B", "C", v.v. Do đó, tôi cũng đã viết một hàm để dịch chữ cái cột sang chỉ mục dựa trên số 0:

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

Mặc dù vậy, tôi vẫn chưa tìm ra cách lấy kích thước cột, vì vậy tôi đã quyết định sử dụng phông chữ có chiều rộng cố định và các cột được mở rộng tự động trong ứng dụng của mình.

Gấu trúc cho phép chúng tôi có được hình dạng của DataFrame bằng cách đếm số lượng hàng và cột trong DataFrame. Bạn có thể thử các cách tiếp cận khác nhau để biết cách đếm số lượng hàng và cột trong một gấu trúc.


Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

Đếm số lượng hàng và cột của dataFrame bằng hàm LEN (df.axes [])

Hãy cùng lấy một ví dụ về một khung dữ liệu bao gồm dữ liệu về kết quả thi của học sinh. Để có được số lượng hàng và các cột, chúng ta có thể sử dụng hàm Len (df.axes []) trong Python.


import pandas as pd


Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4


Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1


def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
1 import2import3import4__

pandas as pd2pandas as pd3

pandas as pd2pandas as pd5

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

Đầu ra: & nbsp; 

Hướng dẫn how to count number of rows in excel using python - cách đếm số hàng trong excel bằng python

Đếm số lượng hàng và cột của dataFrame bằng hàm thông tin ()

Chức năng pandas dataFrame.info () được sử dụng để có một bản tóm tắt ngắn gọn về DataFrame. Ở đây chúng ta có thể thấy rằng chúng ta nhận được một chi tiết tóm tắt về DataFrame chứa số lượng hàng và cột.


import pandas as pd


def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

pandas as pd2

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1


RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes

Làm cách nào để đếm số lượng hàng trong Excel bằng Python?

Nhập OpenPyxl dưới dạng XL WB = XL. load_workbook ("mẫu. xlsx", liệt kê) #2 dòng dưới làm như vậy. Tờ = WB.


import pandas as pd


def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4


def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

pandas as pd2pandas as pd5import2

Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

pandas as pd2pandas as pd5import2

Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4



Đếm số lượng hàng và cột của DataFrame bằng hình dạng.

Ở đây, chúng tôi sẽ thử một cách tiếp cận khác để tính toán các hàng và cột của khung dữ liệu của tệp CSV đã nhập và đếm các hàng và cột bằng DF.Shape.df.shape.


Đầu ra:

Hướng dẫn how to count number of rows in excel using python - cách đếm số hàng trong excel bằng python

Hướng dẫn how to count number of rows in excel using python - cách đếm số hàng trong excel bằng python

Đếm số lượng hàng và cột của DataFrame bằng cách sử dụng kích thước

Kích thước trả về nhiều hàng và cột. tức là ở đây, số lượng hàng là 6 và số lượng cột là 4 vì vậy nhiều hàng và cột sẽ là 6*4 = 24.


import pandas as pd


def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4


def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

pandas as pd2

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes



Đếm số lượng các hàng của gấu trúc DataFrame bằng cách sử dụng Count () và Index.

Sử dụng Count () và Index, chúng tôi có thể nhận được số lượng hàng có trong DataFrame.


import pandas as pd


Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4

Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1
Input: {'name':          ['Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura'],
        'score':         [98, 80, 60, 85, 49, 92],
        'age':           [20, 25, 22, 24, 21, 20],
        'qualify_label': ['yes', 'yes', 'no','yes', 'no', 'yes']}

Output: Number of Rows: 6
        Number of Columns: 4


pandas as pd2

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes

pandas as pd2pandas as pd5import2

RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------         --------------  ----- 
 0   name           6 non-null      object
 1   score          6 non-null      int64 
 2   age            6 non-null      int64 
 3   qualify_label  6 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes



Làm cách nào để đếm số lượng hàng trong Excel bằng Python?

Nhập OpenPyxl dưới dạng XL WB = XL.load_workbook ("mẫu. xlsx", liệt kê) #2 dòng dưới làm như vậy.Tờ = WB.

Làm cách nào để đếm số lượng hàng trong Python?

Bạn có thể sử dụng Len (df.index) để tìm số lượng hàng trong gấu trúc DataFrame, DF.Chỉ mục trả về phạm vi Index (start = 0, stop = 8, bước = 1) và sử dụng nó trên len () để lấy số lượng.len(df. index) to find the number of rows in pandas DataFrame, df. index returns RangeIndex(start=0, stop=8, step=1) and use it on len() to get the count.

Làm cách nào để đếm số lượng hàng trong excel pandas?

Đếm số lượng hàng và cột của dataFrame bằng hàm len ().Hàm Len () trả về các hàng độ dài của DataFrame, chúng ta có thể lọc một số cột bằng DF.các cột để có được số lượng của các cột.using len() function. The len() function returns the length rows of the Dataframe, we can filter a number of columns using the df. columns to get the count of columns.

Làm cách nào để đếm số lượng hàng trong Excel?

Chỉ cần nhấp vào tiêu đề cột. Thanh trạng thái, ở góc dưới bên phải của cửa sổ Excel của bạn, sẽ cho bạn biết số lượng hàng.Làm điều tương tự với các cột đếm, nhưng lần này nhấp vào bộ chọn hàng ở đầu bên trái của hàng.Nếu bạn chọn toàn bộ hàng hoặc cột, Excel chỉ đếm các ô có chứa dữ liệu.click the column header. The status bar, in the lower-right corner of your Excel window, will tell you the row count. Do the same thing to count columns, but this time click the row selector at the left end of the row. If you select an entire row or column, Excel counts just the cells that contain data.