Hướng dẫn lấy năng lượng forever 7th capital

Eternal City [also known as Forever 7 Days and Forever 7th Capital] is a real-time action RPG developed by NetEase Games. The game is currently available for download in China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and [formerly] Southeast Asia.

*Note* The Southeast Asia [SEA] version is the only one that supports an English translation. Keep in mind that the English translation, while not overly sloppy, is not infallible in regards to typos and poor grammar

*As of June 30, 2020, Eternal City's SEA servers have discontinued service*


The Player takes the role of a Conductor, leading groups of Wielders to protect the city of Confluence by fighting monsters and sealing Black Gates.


The game plays from a top-down perspective using touchscreen controls similar to other mobile fighting games. Players take control of up to three Wielders in the field, each with various skillsets for the myriad encounters you'll face. Like most mobile games, Eternal City uses a gacha system where you premium currency to gamble for new equipment and Wielders.

Dynasty Warriors 7 [Hay Shin Sangokumusou 6] phát hành ở Nhật vào ngày 10/03/11, ở Bắc Mỹ vào ngày 29/03/11 và ở Châu Âu vào ngày 8/4/11

Dynasty Warriors 7 là game đầu tiên trong series có story vượt qua năm 234 trận Wu Zhang Plains, kết thúc ở năm 280: Nhà Tấn thống nhất Trung Quốc và kết thúc thời kỳ Tam Quốc.

Với việc phe Jin được thêm vào đã nâng số phe trong Dynasty Warriors 7 lên con số 5 [Shu, Wei, Wu, Jin ,Other] với số lượng nhân vật lên đến 62 nhân vật

Musou Mode không còn dựa theo các nhân vật nữa mà dựa theo các phe [Shu, Wei, Wu, Jin – phe Other không có story] và được gọi dưới tên Kingdom Mode và chỉ có thể chơi được một người , các nhân vật trong các màn chơi cũng là cố định, bạn không thể thay đổi nhân vật chơi được.

Khi chơi Kingdom Mode sẽ từ Cutscene vào thẳng trận đấu, menu hướng dẫn trận tình hình trận đấu thường thấy trong dòng game trước kia sẽ không còn nữa. Thay vào đó, trước trận đấu, người chơi sẽ điều khiển nhân vật trong thành trì của quân mình mà ở đó, họ có thể mua thêm vũ khí mới, đối thoại với các những nhân vật khác để hiểu rõ hơn về story trước khi bắt đầu trận đấu.

Sẽ có các trận đấu lớn, và nó sẽ đc chia ra làm 2 phần với 2 nhân vật khác nhau

Không phải nhân vật nào cũng sẽ có màn chơi trong Kingdom Mode

Free Mode đã bị loại bỏ, thay vào đó là Conquest Mode.

Hệ thống Renbu trong bản 6 được loại bỏ, Gameplay trở về với hệ thống charge quen thuộc như các bản trước bản 6 và các nhân vật có thể mang theo 2 vũ khí trong trận đánh và có thể thay đổi bất cứ lúc nào

Thanh musou đã được thay đổi, không còn là một thanh dài như các bản cũ mà chia ra làm nhiều thanh, do đó bạn có thể sử dụng musou nhiều lần liên tiếp, tối đa là 4.Và có 2 chiêu musou khác nhau.

Thanh Morale [Tinh thần] đã được bỏ đi, nhưng hệ thống Morale vẫn còn sử dụng và diễn ra trong những lời nói của các tướng

Có thêm mục Tutorial, các bạn sẽ điều khiển Guan Ping để làm quen với Dynasty Warriors 7

II. Hướng dẫn mở nhân vật

Dynasty Warriors 7 có hai cách để mở các nhân vật:

  • Chơi một màn trong Kingdom Mode với nhân vật đó
  • Chơi hết các màn legend của nhân vật đó trong Conquest Mode. Sau đây mình sẽ liệt kê ra những nhân vật nào có thể mở trong Kingdom Mode và nhân vật nào buộc phải mở trong Conquest Mode.

Lưu ý: những nhân vật mở được trong Kingdom Mode cũng có thể mở được bằng Conquest Mode

  1. Shu

Nhân vật mới: Bao Sanniang, Ma Dai, Liu Shan, Guan Suo

Nhân vật cũ: Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Yue Ying, Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei, Guan Ping, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Wei Yan, Pang Tong.

Nhân vật quay trở lại: Xing Cai, Jiang Wei

Nhân vật bị cắt: không có

Các nhân vật có sẵn: Liu Bei, Bao Sanniang

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Kingdom Mode: Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong, Guan Suo, Jiang Wei

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Conquest Mode: Ma Chao, Yue Ying, Guan Ping, Wei Yan, Ma Dai, Liu Shan, Xing Cai

  1. Wei

Nhân vật mới: Jia Xu, Cai Wenji

Nhân vật cũ: Xiahou Dun, Zhen Ji, Cao Cao, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, Dian Wei, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Cao Pi, Xu Zhu, Xu Huang

Nhân vật quay trở lại: không có

Nhân vật bị cắt: Pang De, Sima Yi

Các nhân vật có sẵn: Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Kingdom Mode: Xiahou Yuan, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Cao Pi, Jia Xu.

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Conquest Mode: Cai Wenji, Zhen Ji, Xu Huang

  1. Wu

Nhân vật mới: Ding Feng, Lian Shi

Nhân vật cũ: Zhou Tai, Lu Xun, Ling Tong, Lu Meng, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Taishi Ci, Sun Shang Xiang, Xiao Qiao, Sun Quan, Sun Jian, Huang Gai, Gan Ning

Nhân vật quay trở lại: Da Qiao

Nhân vật bị cắt: không có

Các nhân vật có sẵn: Sun Jian, Sun Shang Xiang

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Kingdom Mode: Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Huang Gai, Gan Ning, Lu Xun, Ling Tong, Lu Meng, Zhou Yu

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Conquest Mode: Ding Feng, Lian Shi, Zhou Tai, Taishi Ci, Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao

  1. Jin

Nhân vật mới: Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji, Zhuge Dan, Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Guo Huai, Xiahou Ba

Nhân vật cũ: Sima Yi

Nhân vật quay trở lại: không có

Nhân vật bị cắt: không có

Các nhân vật có sẵn: Sima Yi, Sima Zhao

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Kingdom Mode: Sima Shi, Wang Yuanji, Zhuge Dan, Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Guo Huai

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Conquest Mode: Xiahou Ba

  1. Other

Nhân vật mới: không có

Nhân vật cũ: Yuan Shao, Zhang Jiao, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Diao Chan

Nhân vật quay trở lại: Meng Huo, Zhu Rong

Nhân vật bị cắt: Zou Ci

Các nhân vật có sẵn: Zhu Rong

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Kingdom Mode: không có

Các nhân vật mở được bằng Conquest Mode: Yuan Shao, Zhang Jiao, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Diao Chan, Meng Huo

III. Hướng dẫn Conquest Mode

Conquest Mode là một phần chơi mới hoàn toàn trong serie, thay thế cho Free Mode đã quen thuộc trước đây

Map sẽ là hình ảnh đất nước Trung Quốc với những ô Lục giác cho bạn di chuyển.

Các màn chơi trong Conquest Mode chia làm 2 nhóm chính là chiến trường [Battlefield] và đấu trường [Arena]

  1. Giới thiệu các dạng màn chơi trong Conquest Mode

Legend: Những màn chơi đặc biệt dựa trên những câu truyện khác nhau của các nhân vật. Những nhân vật nào có 3 gạch ở trên là có 3 màn legend, các nhân vật còn lại có 2 màn legend. Khi bạn chọn chơi màn legend của nhân vật nào thì máy sẽ tự khắc chuyển qua nhân vật đó cho bạn điều khiển và bạn không thể chọn nhân vật khác.

Ví dụ: bạn đang chơi Conquest Mode bằng Zhao Yun, bạn chọn màn legend của Cao Cao thì máy sẽ chuyển bạn qua Cao Cao

Status: Nhận được gold, điểm fame hoặc tăng điểm trạng thái [atk, def, hp]sau khi hoàn thành màn chơi.

Lưu ý: điểm tăng này phụ thuộc vào cấp độ bạn chơi, nếu bạn chơi cấp chaos thì sau khi hoàn thành sẽ nhận được nhiều hơn so với cấp easy

Weapon: Nhận được một vũ khí bất kì sau khi hoàn thành màn chơi

Rare Weapon: Nhận được vũ khí 7 sau khi hoàn thành màn chơi

City Battle: Những trận đánh chiếm thành, sau khi hoàn thành màn chơi bạn có thể ra vào các thành đó

Guardian Animals: Nhận được một hộ thú đặc biệt sau khi hoàn thành màn chơi

Chú thích nhiệm vụ trong các màn chơi Conquest Mode

  1. Giới thiệu các thành trì trong Conquest Mode

Trong Conquest Mode còn có các toà thành cho bạn thực hiện các việc như mua vũ khí, hộ thú hay thuê tướng giúp đỡ.

Các thành đó là : You Zhou, Ji Zhou, Bing Zhou, Liang Zhou, Si Zhou, Qing Zhou, Yong Zhou, Yi Zhou, Jing Zhou, Yu Zhou, Yan Zhou, Xu Zhou, Yang Zhou, Jiao Zhou

Thợ rèn, dùng để luyện seal cho vũ khí của bạn. [Sẽ nói rõ hơn trong phần các seal của vũ khí]

Người bán vũ khí, bạn có thể mua vũ khí mới tại đây, bạn chiếm càng được nhiều thành trì thì càng có thêm nhiều vũ khí mới

Quán trà, nơi bạn lựa chọn các hộ thú và các tướng kết nghĩa với mình cùng tham gia vào trận chiến

Thương gia, sẽ xuất hiện lại trong thành mỗi khi bạn chơi 3 màn trong Conquest Mode. Bạn có thể mua vũ khí với giá rẻ, mua hộ thú và thuê tướng giúp đỡ tại đây

Học giả, cũng xuất hiện lại trong thành sau khi bạn chơi 3 màn trong Conquest Mode và sẽ xuất hiện mãi mãi khi bạn chiếm được hết các thành trì trong Conquest Mode. Đây là người sẽ hỏi bạn các câu hỏi về tam quốc, nếu bạn trả lời đúng 4 hoặc 5 câu trong một lần thì sẽ được thưởng gold

  1. Sworn Ally – Tướng kết nghĩa

Trong Conquest Mode có một đặc điểm là khi bạn đã kết nghĩa với các tướng khác thì bạn có thể mang theo vào các trận chiến. Vậy làm cách nào để có thể kết nghĩa với các tướng? Giữa bạn và các tướng có một điểm gọi là điểm bond [mình tạm dịch là mối quan hệ], khi bạn và tướng đó đạt đến mức điểm nhất định thì tướng đó sẽ xuất hiện trong thành và đồng ý kết nghĩa với bạn.

Muốn một tướng nào đó kết nghĩa với bạn thì phải đạt 2 điều kiện sau:

  • Đã chơi ít nhất 1 màn legend của tướng đó
  • Điểm bond của bạn và tướng đó đạt được 2.5 Cách tăng điểm bond với các tướng
  • Mang tướng theo vào trận chiến
  • Thuê các tướng giúp sức
  • Giúp đỡ các tướng khi gặp trong các màn chơi Danh sách các tướng thuê ở các thành [lưu ý bạn không thể thuê tướng là nhân vật bạn đang chọn hoặc là tướng bạn đang mang theo]:

1. Liang Zhou - Ma Chao, Jiang Wei, Jia Xu 2. Bing Zhou - Zhang Liao, Diao Chan, Lu Bu, Guo Huai 3. Ji Zhou - Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang He, Zhang Jiao, Zhen Ji 4. You Zhou - Sun Shang Xiang, Zhang Fei, Liu Bei, Cai Wenji 5. Yong Zhou – Cao Ren, Dong Zhuo, Ma Dai 6. Si Zhou - Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji , Guan Suo, Bao Sanniang 7. Qing Zhou - Taishi Ci, Yuan Shao, Lian Shi 8. Yi Zhou - Gan Ning, Yue Ying, Xiahou Ba, Liu Shan, Xing Cai 9. Jing Zhou - Hoang Gai, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Guan Ping, Pang Tong, Deng Ai 10. Yu Zhou - Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Lu Meng , Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao, Zhong Hui 11. Yan Zhou - Dian Wei, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Hoang 12. Xu Zhou - Zhuge Liang, Xu Zhu, Ling Tong, Zhuge Dan 13. Yang Zhou - Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Sun Jian, Zhou Tai, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Ding Feng 14. Jiao Zhou - Meng Huo, Zhu Rong

  1. Câu hỏi của học giả

Đây cũng là một tính năng mới trong serie Dynasty Warriors, giúp ta hiểu rõ thêm về thời đại TQDN. Bạn cần hoàn tất hết phần Kingdom Mode của 4 phe để có thể đạt được 100% câu hỏi. Sau đây là danh sách các câu hỏi và câu câu trả lời

Cấp độ Easy [spoil]The Three Kingdoms are part of the history of which country? -China

Who among the following did not become an emperor? -Cao Cao

Which of these is the beloved steed of Lu Bu and Guan Yu? -Red Hare

Who was the former pirate-turned-Wu officer who always carried bells on his person? -Gan Ning

How were Cao Cao and Cao Ren related? -Cousins

Of the three brothers that started the Yellow Turban Rebellion, who was the last to fall? -Zhang Bao

Zhuge Liang was called "The Sleeping Dragon". Who was called "The Fledgling Phoenix"? -Pang Tong

Who was the renowned doctor during the Three Kingdoms Era often referred to as "The Diving Physician"? -Hua Tuo

Sun Quan was known for having a strange appearance. What color was his beard? -Red

"He is too good with his words and that is why I cannot trust him." Which officer was Liu Bei referring to when he said this to Zhuge Liang on his death bed? -Ma Su

Of the following people, who was Zhuge Liang's brother and was described as looking like a donkey? -Zhuge Jin

Which of Xiahou Dun's eyes was shot with an arrow during battle? -The left

At the Battle of Sishui Gate, which of these individuals was slain by a then- unknown Guan Yu? -Hua Xiong

Who was chosen as the leader of the Anti-Dong Zhuo Alliance? -Yuan Shao

Although Cao Pi succeeded Cao Cao as ruler, he was not the eldest son. Who was Cao Cao's eldest son? -Cao Ang

What was the name of Guan Yu's adoptive son, who was executed alongside his father after Jing Province fell to Wu? -Guan Ping

Who was the strategist that, after the failed assassination plot against Dong Zhuo, fled to Luoyang with Cao Cao, but then became disillusioned by Cao Cao's questionable ethics, and ultimately served under Lu Bu? -Chen Gong

Who was it that kill Sun Quan's officer Ling Cao at the Battle of Jiangxia? -Gan Ning

Who was the fearsome general under Yuan Shu renowned for his weapon of choice, the trident? -Ji Ling

In the time period of this story, a certain insect plagued the land, with swarms of them ravaging crops and food supplies, causing widespread famine. What is this insect called? -Locust

At the Battle of Chibi, which of Liu Bei's officers caught Cao Cao as he fled, only to let him go? -Guan Yu

What is the name of the conflict between the Han Dynasty and the rebel force called the "Yellow Turbans"? -The Yellow Turban Rebellion

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion was quelled, Liu Bei was named Constable of Anxi. However, after doing something to a Han official who had come on an inspection, Liu Bei was forced to resign. What did he do to the official? -Whipped him

Before becoming Cao Pi's wife, who was Lady Zhen betrothed to? -Yuan Xi

What is the name of the individual who, at the behest of his elderly mother, broke through the Yellow Turbans' forces alone to assist Kong Rong, and eventually defeated Guan Hai on the battlefield alongside Liu Bei? -Taishi Ci

What gift did Zhuge Liang send Sima Yi while they fought one another at the Battle of the Wuzhang Plains? -Women's Clothes

What was the name of the castle in which Liu Bei died? -Baidi Castle

Upon witnessing Zhao Yun's might in battle, Liu Bei praised him by saying "Zhao Yun is ____ personified!" What goes in the blank? -Courage

Guan Yu was deified after his death. What is he considered the god of? -Commerce

The song that served as the war cry of the Yellow Turbans was, "The Blu Heaven is dead. The time of the Yellow Heaven has arrived." The "Yellow Heaven" refers to the Yellow Turbans. What does the "Blue Heaven" refer to? -The Han dynasty

Due to his impressive beard, Guan Yu was called "Lord of the Magnificent Beard." who was it that first called him this? -Emperor Xian

How did Pang Tong spend his time when he was appointed to the position of county magistrate by Liu Bei? -Drinking wine

Lu Meng, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Lu Su, Zhuge Jin, Lu Fan, and Zhou Fang all served which faction? -Wu

After the Battle of Hulao Gate, Dong Zhuo set fire to Luoyang and moved the Imperial Court to another city. Which city did he move it to? -Chang'an

Cao Cao's grandfather was a eunuch. What exactly are eunuchs? -Castrated people

Sun Shang Xiang had an affinity for the fighting arts, and was given a nickname based on an item she always carried with her. What was that item? -Bow

On one of Cao Cao's campaigns, his forces suffered from a water shortage. Cao Cao famously said, "There's a ____ forest up ahead!" to motivate his troops. Fill in the blank. -Plum

Fill in the blank: Sun Jian is known as the ____ of Jiangdong. -Tiger

Cao Cao died in 220 AD, as did Xiahou Dun. Several other people of note died that year, but which one of these people did not? -Zhang Fei

Who was the venerable general who started his career as a Yellow Turban. but whose exploits continued up until the fall of Shu? -Liao Hua

When Sun Jian was 17 years old, he made a name for himself by fighting off a group of dangerous foes. What was it that he defeated? -Pirates

Who had such a close relationship with Zhou Yu that it was said to be like an iron bond? -Sun Ce

Who gave Zhang Jiao the "Three Scrolls of Heaven" that taught him the Way of Peace? -The Mystic of Nanhua

The stories of the Three Kingdoms took place near the end of the Eastern Han Period. Who then, was the first emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty? -Emperor Guangwu

Of the following people, who was not directly related to Cao Cao? -Cao Shuang

Known as the Little Conqueror of Jiangdong, Sun Ce defeated numerous surrounding rivals. Out of the following people, who was not defeated by Sun Ce? -Yuan Shu

In the story, which given name exists in all three of the Ma, Cao, and Sun families? -Xiu

Guan Yu was called "Lord of the Magnificent Beard." How long was his beard? -2 chi

During his Southern Campaign, Zhuge Liang would capture and release Meng Huo several times. How many times did Zhuge Liang have to capture Meng Huo before he finally accepted defeat? -7 times

Bao Sanniang was said to be Guan Suo's wife, but she does not appear in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms." What literary work does she appear in? -Hua Guan Suo Zhuan

Which weapon, invented by Zhuge Liang, fires multiple arrows at the same time? -Arbalest

Which Shu officer was known for being very active and powerful despite his old age? -Huang Zhong

While on the run in his last days, Yuan Shu became thirsty one day and asked a cook in his service to give him some honey water. The cook replied, "We have no honey water, but we do have ____." What was ____? -Blood water

When Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao in Xu Province, Guan Yu was cornered by Cao Cao's forces at Xiapi. Through the efforts of his old friend Zhang Liao, Guan Yu agreed to surrender to Cao Cao temporarily, but how many conditions did he put forth? -Three

Zhuge Liang gave Liu Shan a document before setting out on his Northern Campaigns. What was the name of the document? -Chu Shi Biao

As Zhuge Liang prepared to march home after the Southern Campaign, Meng Huo wanted to offer human sacrifices to the river to prevent flooding. Zhuge Liang instead threw something else into the rivers to stop the flooding. What were they? -Dumplings

Who said, "When you meet someone you have not met for three days, you should see him with a new eye"? -Lu Meng

Wei Yan was known for having a head which protruded in the back. What did this signify? -He would become a rebel

When Cao Cao sent out his call to arms against Dong Zhuo, Liu Bei led a volunteer force under the command of a certain general. Who was this general? -Gongsun Zan

The Nine Rank System was a revolutionary administrative system that was instituted during Cao Pi's rule. Who devised this system? -Chen Qun

When Zhang Xiu attacked Cao Cao in a nighttime raid, he defeated the fierce general Dian Wei, but afterwards, when he was faced with Cao Cao's counterattack, he turned to another lord for assistance. Who was that lord? -Liu Biao

While under the protection of Liu Biao, Liu Bei looked at a part of his own body, and lamented how it symbolized his recent lack of opportunities to prove himself in battle. What part of his body was it? -His thighs

Who served as the vanguard of the Anti-Dong Zhuo Coalition forces at the Battle of Sishui Gate? -Sun Jian

Of Shu's Five Tiger Generals, who was the last to join Liu Bei's ranks? -Ma Chao

Of the following, who has a style name in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that is different from his actual historical style name? -Zhang Fei

Who instructed Liu Feng not to send Guan Yu any reinforcements while he was surrounded by Wu forces in Jing province? -Meng Da

What did Sun Jian wear on his head when he made his first appearance at the Battle of Hulao Gate? -A red scarf

Who was Huang Zhong and Wei Yan's first lord? -Han Xuan

Who made the "Map of Nanman" and presented it to Zhuge Liang during the Southern Campaign? -Lu Kai

Sun Jian was said to be descended from a famous individual. Who was that individual? -Sun Wu

Who was the tallest person in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? -King Wutugu

What was second Shu Emperor Liu Shan's name as a child? -Adou

After quelling a Yellow Turban uprising in a certain region? Cao Cao selected elite troops from those that surrendered and incorporated them into his own army. What were these troops called? -The Qingzhou Troops

Which kingdom unified the Three Kingdoms? -Jin

Of the following people, whose father is different between actual history and the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" novel? -Xiahou Mao

Jia Xu served Wei since the age of Cao Cao, but who was the ruler of Wei when Jia Xu died? -Cao Pi

All of the following people are children of Cao Pi, but which is also a child of Lady Zhen? -Cao Rui

In the Three Kingdoms Story, when Sun Jian makes his first appearance, his wide forehead, large face and body are like to that of a tiger. Which animal were his thick hips compared to? -A bear

The allied forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan chose to use a fire attack against the invading Wei forces. In order for a fire attack to succeed, the wind must blow towards the enemy forces. what direction did Zhuge Liang "pray" for the wind to blow from? -Southeast

What is the vow of brotherhood the Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei took commonly referred to as? -The Peach Garden Oath [/spoil]

Cấp độ Normal [spoil]Which Wei strategist was responsible for laying the foundations of the Jin Dynasty? -Sima Yi

Which final Wei emperor was forced to abdicate by Sima Yan? -Cao Huan

Who was Wu's last emperor? -Sun Hao

Which son of Zhuge Liang's who married Liu Shan's daughter [also an officer of Shu] died during Deng Ai's invasion? -Zhuge Zhan

What was the name of Xiahou Yuan's eldest son who defected to Shu? -Xiahou Ba

What is the name of Liu Shan's fifth son who staunchly resisted Wei when they invaded? -Liu Chen

Which Wei officer led the invasion of Shu, and was one of the first to arrive at Chengdu? -Deng Ai

What is the name of the Jin officer who was ordered by Sima Yan to attack Wu, but still maintained his friendship with Lu Kang? -Yang Hu

When Sun Quan defeated his brother's nemesis Huang Zu, who was the officer who fought under Huang Zu and was taken prisoner, but had his life spared from execution by Gan Ning? -Su Fei

When his brother Sun Ce died, Sun Quan broke down crying. Who was it that saw him and said, "This is no time to be crying"? -Zhang Zhao

Upon hearing of Sun Ce's death, Zhou Yu came to visit Sun Quan. When Sun Quan consulted with Zhou Yu on what to do next, who did Zhou Yu recommend to help them? -Lu Su

Following the death of his father Sun Jian, Sun Ce received the protection of Yuan Shu as a guest general. When Sun Ce complained about having to serve beneath the despotic Yuan Shu, who was it that recommended he borrow troops and head for Jiangdong? -Zhu Zhi

Who is the officer that killed a messenger from Sun Quan to please Cao Rui, and then became unsatisfied with the title he was given and rebelled against Wei, declaring himself king of Yan? -Gongsun Yuan

Liu Bei's arms were so long, that he could touch the bottom of his knees without bending over. Who else had long arms like Liu Bei? -Sima Yan

Known as The Little Conqueror, Sun Ce looked to carry on his father's ambition. Of the following people, who did not serve Wu since the time of his father? -Ling Cao

Who received orders from Sima Yan to attack Wu and successfully captured Sun Hao? -Wang Jun?

Of the following people, who was not recommended by Zhou Yu? -Lu Xun

Who was the minister favored by Sun Hao that led Wu to its demise? -Cen Hun

When Sun Jian invaded Luoyang as part of the alliance against Dong Zhuo, where did he find the Imperial Seal? -Inside a well

How many times did Liu Bei have to visit Zhuge Liang before he joined his forces? -Three times

What was the name of the tribe of people who had the lands of Jiangnan as their base and caused numerous problems for Wu? -Shanyue

Who was known as the "Little Conqueror"? -Sun Ce

Who shares the same dates of birth and death as Zhuge Liang? -Emperor Xian

Who was angered by Sima Shi's abandonment of Cao Feng and started a rebellion along with Wen Qin? -Guanqiu Jian

Who was the unfortunate Yellow Turban general that was cut down by Guan Yu in his first battle? -Cheng Yuanzhi

Men who had been punished by castration were sometimes made to serve in the female quarters of the Imperial Court. They served as advisers to the emperor, and were often guilty of spreading corruption. What were these men collectively referred to as? -Eunuchs

Who was the general under Yuan Shao that, at the battle of Baima, killed Cao Cao's generals Wei Xu, and Song Xian, and also routed Xu Huang? -Yan Liang

During the Southern Campaign, many of Zhuge Liang's troops began to suffer from vitamin B deficiency. As a countermeasure, Zhuge Liang began harvesting a certain vegetable within the camp. What was this vegetable? -Turnips

Who served all of the following three generals: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, and Sun Quan? -Han Dang

At the Battle of Chibi, who was the one who used a fake letter to deceive Cao Cao in order to allow Zhou Yu and Huang Gai's plot to succeed? -Kan Ze

When Guan Yu left Cao Cao to rejoin Liu Bei, who was the former Yellow Turban- turned-bandit that tried to steal Red Hare from him? -Peo Yuanshao

After being defeated by Lu Bu in Xiaopei, Liu Bei fled alone, abandoning his family. Who subsequently negotiated his family's safety with Lu Bu? -Mi Zhu

What was Zhang Fei's profession before meeting Liu Bei? -Meat and wine salesman

Who did Zhao Yun first serve? -Yuan Shao

After the defeat and death of Lu Bu, a captured Zhang Liao continually hurled insults at Cao Cao. When an incensed Cao Cao raised his sword to slay him, someone grabbed hold of his hand from behind to stop him. Who was it? -Liu Bei

While under siege in Xiapi, Lu Bu issued a prohibition on the consumption of alcohol. Who was it during that time that, in an effort to start a banquet, sent Lu Bu some food and drink, but was then instead punished by whipping? -Hou Cheng

Ma Liang, who served Liu Bei, had many brothers but he was considered to be the most talented. There is a part of Ma Liang's body that was later used to describe someone who demonstrated great skill. What part of his body was used? -White eyebrows

Jiang Wei was originally an officer of Wei who later defected to Shu. Which Wei officer joined him in defecting? -Yin Shang

Lu Bu hailed from the Wuyuan region of Bing province. Who was the other person that hailed from the same region? -Li Su

Which written work did Zhang Song commit to memory after reading it just once? -Annotation of Sun Tzu's Strategies

After relocating to Luoyang after the fall of Shu, Liu Shan was asked, "Do you miss Shu?" to which he replied, "No, not at all." Who chastised him for this? -Xi Zheng

What was the name of the dynasty that Yuan Shu founded? -Cheng

Who was the unfortunate Yellow Turban general that was cut down by Zhang Fei in his first battle? -Deng Zhi

During the battle with Yuan Shao, who was the man that took the beautiful Lady Zhen as his wife and eventually became the first Emperor of Wei? -Cao Pi

How many gates did Guan Yu have to make his way through to free himself from Cao Cao's captivity and return to Liu Bei? -Five

What kingdoms comprise the "Three Kingdoms"? -Wei, Wu, and Shu

When Yuan Shu declared himself emperor, who tried to persuade him to reconsider by letter? -Sun Ce

Who advised Sun Quan he should move Wu's capital to Moling? -Zhang Hong

How many brothers did Sima Yi have? -Seven

Hua Tuo was imprisoned after earning the ire of Cao Cao. As he resigned himself to his fate, he gave a prison guard that had been good to him a medical journal that he had written. What was it called? -Qingnang Shu

The famed physician Hua Tuo was summoned by Cao Cao to treat his painful headaches. However, when Cao Cao heard what the treatment was, he became enraged. What was the treatment? -Cutting his head open

Sima Zhao was pinned down by Jiang Wei's forces and he was confined at Mt. Tielong. What action did he take when his water supplies ran out? -He prayed

Wang Yuanji was Sima Yan's mother. Who was her grandfather? -Wang Lang

Of the following, who was never a Yellow Turban? -Han Hao

The "Qingnang Shu," the medical journal written by Hua Tuo, was accidentally burned, but one part of it was salvaged from the flames. What did its contents deal with? -Castration

Guan Yu and Guang Ping almost lost their lives to Lu Meng's deadly strategy in Jing Province. Who would eventually receive Guan Yu's Green Dragon Crescent Blade? -Pan Zhang

what position did Zhuge Liang take after Lie Bei conquered Shu? -Chancellor

When Guan Yu left Cao Cao to rejoin Liu Bei, who proposed that he should be pursued and executed? -Cheng Yu

Of the following, who did not participate in the Anti-Dong Zhuo Alliance? -Liu Yan

During the Northern Campaigns, Zhuge Liang retreated from Jieting using his "Empty Castle" strategy. Who saw through his plan and warned Sima Yi? -Sima Zhao

Which great strategist, who, like Zhuge Liang, studied under Sima Hui served under Liu Bei, left Liu Bei to serve Cao Cao due to Cao Cao's machinations? -Xu Shu

Zhuge Liang's family members, such as his elder brother Zhuge Jin of Wu can be found in the service of all three kingdoms of Wei, Wu, and Shu. Which of the following Zhuge family members did not serve Wei? -Zhuge Jun

At the Battle of Guandu, the showdown between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, which one of the following Yuan Shao officers did not defect? -Chunyu Qiong

Out of the following, who is not a blood-relative of Sun Quan? -Sun Shao

Who was Wang Yuanji's father? -Wang Su

Before dueling, Zhang Fei would often ask opponents, "Know you that I'm Zhang Fei of Yan?" Which one of his opponents retorted, "I hail from an esteemed family. How could I possibly be familiar with scum like you?" -Ma Chao

The Oath at the Peach Garden took place at the back of whose house? -Zhang Fei

Who served Wu as a prefect of Poyang and had to shave his head to prove to Cao Xiu of Wei that his offer of surrender was genuine? -Zhou Fang

Although Zhuge Dan was a Wei officer, he was never appointed to high positions of power due to his relationship with Zhuge Liang. What was his relationship to Zhuge Liang? -Cousin

When Guan Yu received a wound from a poisoned arrow, he underwent surgical treatment by the famed physician Hua Tuo. Though he was not under any anesthetic, Guan Yu remained stoic, even playing a game of Go during the surgery. Who was his opponent? -Ma Liang

To initiate the fire attack at Chibi, Huang Gai pretended to defect to the enemy. The ship carrying Huang Gai toward Cao Cao's fleet was moving peculiarly fast, as the southeast wind had begun to carry it. Which one of Cao Cao's officers was the first to realize that something was amiss? -Cheng Yu

Who told Sun Jian that the Imperial Seal found in the well was real? -Cheng Pu

Guo Jia was recommended to Cao Cao by Cheng Yu. However, in the official histories, he was recommended by a different person. Who was it? -Xun Yu

To allow Liu Bei to escape Cao Cao's pursuit, Zhang Fei made a solitary stand at Changban Bridge. Which of these officers was not among Cao Cao's forces that were in pursuit? -Xu Huang

At the Battle of Hefei, Gan Ning led a bold night raid on Cao Cao's main camp with 100 men. To easily indicate allies, he placed a feather of a certain bird on everyone's helmet. Which bird was it? -Goose

Which one of Sima Zhao's advisers ordered the assassination of Cao Mao, the Wei Emperor? -Jia Chong

Of Lu Bu's followers, which of the following went on the become one of the Five Generals of Wei? -Zhang Liao

Of the following, who was the first to join Liu Bei? -Jian Yong

Which one of these individuals never served as Chancellor? -Sima Yi

Before the Battle of Chibi, Sun Quan warned his men: "I will cut down any who speak of surrender!" and cut something to demonstrate his will. What did he cut? -A desk

Of the following people, who was not a relative of Cao Cao? -Cao Xing

As a guest general in Zhang Lu's forces, Pang De fought bravely against Cao Cao, but he pursued fleeing enemies too far, and was lured into a trap. Who was it the fled under false pretense to lure Pang De? -Xu Zhu

Whose drinking habits were so bad that he himself said, "When I am drunk and order someone killed, do not kill that person"? -Sun Quan

The Five Generals of Wei included Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Zhang He, Li Dian, and what other officer? -Yue Jin

Zhuge Liang proposed to Liu Bei his plan for the Three Kingdoms. Meanwhile, a Wu officer proposed to Sun Quan that the land should be split between two kingdoms. Who was this officer? -Gan Ning

Who confiscated the Han Imperial Seal in Sun Ce's possession, and declared himself Emperor? -Yuan Shu

He Jin moved quickly up the ranks of the Imperial Court to become General-in- Chief thanks to his sister Empress He. But what was his former profession? -Butcher

Originally serving under Ma Teng, this man later went on to serve Cao Cao. Suspected of having dual loyalties, he carried a casket into battle with him. Who was he? -Pang De

Who received orders to capture Zhuge Liang from Zhou Yu after the Battle of Chibi? -Ding Feng

Who authored the accurate historical account of the Three Kingdoms? -Chen Shou

Who was Diao Chan's patron, and the mastermind behind the assassination plit against Dong Zhuo? -Wang Yun

Which of Cao Cao's advisers recommended at the Battle of Tong Gate that they drive a wedge between Ma Chao and his friend Han Sui? -Jia Xu

In 223 AD, Wei attacked Wu. Who received orders from Xu Sheng to rescue Sun Shao as well as the one ultimately responsible for wounding Zhang Liao with the arrow that eventually killed him? -Ding Feng

A strategist in Yuan Shao's service was said to be so brilliant, he was compared to the like of Zhang Liang and Chen Ping, legendary advisers to the Han Emperor Gaozu. However, at the Battle of Guandu, not only were his words ignored, they were considered slanderous enough to warrant his imprisonment. Who was this unfortunate officer? -Tian Feng

What tome was said to have been discovered by Zuo Ci at Mt. Emei? -Dunjia Tianshu

Zhuge Liang, Fei Yi, Jiang Wan, and Dong Yun remained loyal and served Shu until the day it fell. What is the nickname given to these four officers? -The Four Heroes

During Zhuge Liang's second Northern Campaign, who held off the Shu Army at Chencang Castle and halted its advance north? -Hao Zhao

Who was the barbarian king that fought under Liu Bei during his campaign against Wu, and slew Gan Ning in battle by shooting an arrow through his head? -Sha Moke

Though he had lost all imperial titles after the campaign against Dong Zhuo, after Dong Zhuo's death, this Eastern Han general was welcomed into the ranks of Li Jue and Guo Si, and made a triumphant return to the Han Court as Minister Coachman. Who was he? -Zhu Jun

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were two famous officers who served Yuan Shao. Which of the two was killed by Guan Yu at the Battle of Guandu -Both were killed

What is the name of the elderly warrior who was captured by Zhang Fei during Liu Bei's conquest of Shu and eventually killed Xiahou De at Mt. Tiandang? -Yan Yan

Having more difficulty against the coalition force than he imagined, Dong Zhuo attempted to pull one of the regional leaders to his side by offering his daughter's hand in marriage. Who was this leader? -Sun Jian

To pursue Liu Bei, who was fleeing south from Xinye, Cao Cao appointed two former officers under Liu Cong as navy commanders. One was Cai Mao. Who was the other? -Zhang Yun

Who received orders from Sun Xiu, the Emperor of Wu, to kill the tyrannical Sun Chen? -Ding Feng

Cao Cao dreaded the idea of an alliance between Lu Bu and Liu Bei. What plan did Xun Yu propose to prevent this? -The Hungry Tigers strategy

Who cut down Cui Yong in one strike in his first appearance in the Three Kingdoms story? -Xu Huang

Sun Ce was made a general. What type of general was he appointed as? -General who Punishes Rebels

Sun Jian was made a general. What type of general was Sun Jian appointed as? -General who Destroys Insurgents

Dong Zhuo removed Emperor Shao from the throne and installed Emperor Xian. He would later order the death of Emperor Shao, but who actually carried it out? -Li Ru

After being pressed by the coalition force against him, Dong Zhuo proposed that the Imperial Capital be moved from Luoyang to Chang'an. Which one of the following people was "demoted" to commoner status for opposing the move? -Xun Yu's uncle

Lian Shi was related to an officer who served Sun Quan. Who was she related to? -Bu Zhi

Who was the officer under Cao Zhen that was known for his "meteor hammer" weapon, but during Zhuge Liang's Northern Campaign, was led into a trap and slain by Wei Yan? -Wang Shuang

Guan Yu's style name is Yunchang, but initially he had a different style name. What was it? -Shouchang

Which one of Sun Jian's sons lived second longest? -Sun Ce

Who turned down a drink of alcohol from Zhang Fei while they were guarding Xu Province together under Tao Qian's orders, resulting in him being lashed with a whip? -Cao Bao

Which officer served under Tao Qian and murdered Cao Cao's father, Cao Song? -Zhang Kai

Who is the officer who served Liu Zhang and killed Pang Tong at Fallen Phoenix Slope? -Zhang Ren

Which of the following pairs were so inseparable as to have inspired a saying comparing their relationship to that of a fish and water? -Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang

This historical figure surrendered to Liu Bei during his attack on Jing Province and got along well with Zhao Yun with whom he shares the same last name, birthplace, and birth year. However, he angered Zhao Yun by trying to arrange a marriage for his older brother's wife. Who was he? -Zhao Fan

What is the name of the horse originally thought to be bad luck that saved Liu Bei when he was fleeing from Cai Mao at the Tan River? -Hex Mark

Who was it that labeled Cao Cao, "An able ruler in times of peace, and an unparalleled hero in times of chaos"? -Xu Shao

Zhuge Liang is said to have died in the Wuzhang Plains in autumn. What month was it [in the lunar calendar]? -August

Which military strategy did Zhuge Liang author and pass down to Jiang Wei? -The 24 War Manuals

During the Three Kingdoms Period, what type of ship was utilized for its long, slender hull to ram into enemy naval fleets? -Mengchong

This question refers to when Liu Bei was a guest general of Cao Cao. When Cao Cao turned to Liu Bei ans said, "Only you and I deserve the name of hero at present time." Liu Bei was caught off-guard and accidentally dropped what he was holding at the time. What did he drop? -His chopsticks

The Wuzhang Plains became famous for being the site where Zhuge Liang died. What best describes the terrain of this area? -Plateau

Wei Yan betrayed Shu shortly after Zhuge Liang's death. Who killed Wei Yan? -Ma Dai

Of the following, who was one of the Chinese "Four Beauties"? -Diao Chan

Lu Xun defeated Liu Bei at Yiling and, upon Liu Bei's retreat, attempted to chase him down to deal the final blow. However, he became lost in Zhuge Liang's Stone Sentinel Maze and only narrowly escaped with his life. Who came to Lu Xun's aid? -Huang Chengyuan

How many Northern Campaigns did Zhuge Liang carry out? -5

Before the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao informed Cao Cao of a slanderous letter written about him by someone. The content of the letter terrified Cao Cao greatly. Who wrote this letter? -Chen Lin

Wang Ping fought for Wei as a lieutenant of a certain officer. However, he defected to Shu after his relationship deteriorated with his superior during the Battle of Hanzhong. Who was Wang Ping a lieutenant for? -Xu Huang

One of Cao Cao's advisers, Xun Yu, received an item from Cao Cao that made him realize his services were no longer need, and take his own life. What was the item? -An empty food box

At the Battle of Guandu, the one-on-one battle between Zhang Liao of Cao Cao's forces and Zhang He of Yuan Shao's forces ended without a victor. Also during this same battle, a fight between Xu Zhu and another officer of Yuan Shao's forces ended in a draw. Who was that officer? -Gao Lan

Of Wei, Wu, Shu, and [Western] Jin, which kingdom had the most emperors? -Wei

What was the name of Cao Cao's sword that Zhao Yun seized from Xiahou En at Changban? -Qinggang Sword

Which one of Cao Cao's advisers died of illness at a young age, causing Cao Cao to lament that he would not have lost the Battle of Chibi if he had still been alive? -Guo Jia

The leader of Shu's Five Tiger Generals was Guan Yu. Who was the lowest ranking, according to the official Three Kingdoms history? -Zhao Yun

What did Liu Bei become, in opposition to Cao Cao becoming the King of Wei? -King of Hanzhong

What is the name of the king who wore armor that could deflect blades and arrows who appeared during the Southern Campaign? -King Wutugu

Of the following people, who was not a blood relative of Zhuge Liang? -Zhuge Xu

Of the following, who died in the same year as Gongsun Zan? -Yuan Shu

Pang Tong's style name was Ziyuan. Of the following, who had the same style name as Pang Tong? -Sima Shi

Of the emperors of the three kingdoms of Wei, Wu, and Shu, which emperor stayed in power the longest? -Liu Shan

Before the death of Emperor Ling of Han, a standing army under direct Imperial rule was established and the "eight colonels of the Western Garden" were appointed as commanders. Of the following, who was not one of the eight colonels? -Liu Yan

Who hung himself upside down in an attempt to convince Liu Zhang not to welcome Liu Bei into Shu, but later died after hitting his head when he cut himself down? -Wang Lei

Which preferred eunuch of Liu Shan's was ultimately responsible for Shu's decline? -Huang Hao

Gongsun Zan found himself in a pinch after being run down by Wen Chou, one of Yuan Shao's subordinates during his battle against Yuan Shao. Who came to Gongsun Zan's rescue? -Zhao Yun

When Sun Jian died in battle after being ambushed by Liu Biao's forces, who of Liu Biao'd men was traded in exchange for Sun Jian's body? -Huang Zu

Which former bandit served Guan Yu and committed suicide after discovering that his lord and Guan Ping were killed by Lu Meng at Mai Castle in Jing Province? -Zhou Cang

During the eradication of the Yellow Turbans, Lu Zhi refused to bribe a head government official, resulting in slander against him and demotion. Who was appointed as Lu Zhi's replacement? -Dong Zhuo

The kingdoms of Wei, Wu, and Shu were all eventually taken over by Jin, but the emperors of all three kingdoms were given a special title, this preserving their social status. Of the following, who died last? -Liu Shan

Which one of Zhang Fei's sons acted as a messenger bearing Shu's surrender to Wei and accompanied Liu Shan on his relocation to Luoyang? -Zhang Shao

Who was the "Emperor Yangming" who was defeated by a young Sun Jian? -Xu Chang

During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Liu Bei mixed together a concoction of pig, sheep, and dog's blood to counter Zhang Bao's summoning of apparitions from the heavens. Who called for Liu Bei to use this method? -Zhu Jun

Many people opposed Dong Zhuo when he removed Emperor Shao from his throne and proposed support for Emperor Xian. However, who of the following did not oppose his idea? -Wang Yun

When He Jin ordered the eradication of all eunuchs, Zheng Tai did not want to allow Dong Zhuo into the capital. What did Zheng Tai compare Dong Zhuo to in order to support his position? -A jackal

Is Guan Suo the first, second, third, or fourth of Guan Yu's sons? -Third son

Which one of Shu's Five Tiger Generals was the third to die? -Huang Zhong

When Cao Cao exhibited rudeness during a hunt, Emperor Xian decided that he had finally had enough of him and entrusted his father-in-law, Dong Cheng, with an imperial order calling for the death of Cao Cao. Of the following, who was not involved in this plot to assassinate Cao Cao? -Han Sui

Who did Cao Cao say was like a "rotting skeleton in a graveyard"? -Yuan Shu

Who did not take part in Zhuge Liang's Southern Campaign? -Ma Chao

Which of Ma Chao's younger brothers was killed with their father, Ma Teng? -Ma Xiu

After Yuan Shao died, his children were divided in conflict over his inheritance and who would be his successor. Of the following, who is Yuan Shao's oldest son? -Yuan Tan

After his subordinate Yu Fan left him for shielding the bandit Yan Baihu from Sun Ce's pursuit, this man went on to serve Cao Cao after being defeated by Sun Ce. Who was he? -Wang Lang

Zhuge Liang cried in mourning at Zhou Yu's funeral, putting to rest any worries that Wu's government officials may have had about the rivalry between the two. Afterward, who attempted to cut down Zhuge Liang as he was preparing to leave? -Pang Tong

Of the following, who was not a member of Yuan Shu's ranks? -Qiao Mao

When Liu Bei and Sun Shang Xiang's marriage was proposed from Wu, who was the emissary sent back by Liu Bei to deliver his response? -Sun Qian

Who was the Wu emissary present when Liu Bei and Sun Shang Xiang announced their marriage? -Lu Fan

Lady Zhen was born into a wealthy family during the Eastern Han Period. Her father, Zhen Yi, was a government official. In all, she had three brothers and four sisters. In order from oldest to youngest, which was Lady Zhen? -5th daughter

Who acted as Liu Bei's matchmaker for his marriage with Sun Shang Xiang? -Sun Qian

Of the following, who was not one of the Seven Scholars of Jian'an? -Cao Pi

Dong Zhuo, under intense pressure from the allied forces against him, abandoned Luoyang and forced a relocation of the capital to Chang'an. Which officer held down and protected the front line of Hulao Pass for Dong Zhuo's forces during this time? -Zhao Cen

Which of the following officers did not die at Wan Castle? -Pang De

Where did Lu Su, a tactical general of Wu, die? -Lukou

Who, upon observing his extremely wise son, made the statement, "This child will either bring great honor to my household or destroy it."? -Zhuge Jin

Of the following, who used the Green Dragon Crescent Blade? -Pan Zhang

When Liu Bei went to attack Yuan Shu while serving as a guest officer for Cao Cao, this person was ordered together with Liu Zhao to supervise Liu Bei's efforts, but her returned without completing his mission and was nearly executed by Cao Cao. Who was he? -Zhu Ling

Upon receiving a report from Liu Bei's forces during their campaign to Yiling, Zhuge Liang exclaimed, "Who advised such an arrangement? He ought to be put to death, whoever he is!" Who was it that advised such an arrangement? -Liu Bei

Who recommended Zhuge Jin to Sun Quan? -Lu Su

What was Zhu Rong particularly skilled with? -Flying Swords

Who of the following was not present at Liu Bei's side as he passed away? -Liu Shan

Who killed Ahui Nan, an officer who served under Meng Huo? -Meng Huo

During Zhuge Liang's Southern Campaign, which one of Meng Huo's subordinates was killed by Zhao Yun? -Jinhuan Sanjie

Despite nearly dying in numerous battles, Cao Cao was each time saved by one of his subordinates. Of the following people, who never saved Cao Cao's life in battle? -Xiahou Dun

What was the name of Xu Zhu's child? -Xu Yi

During Zhuge Liang's Southern Campaign, who used sorcery to control beasts such as tigers, leopards, and venomous snakes to wreak havoc upon the Shu forces? -King Mulu

Cao Cao gave Dian Wei the nickname of "Elai." Elai was a warrior of old known for his strength; who did he serve under? -King Zhou of Shang

Stuck in a long battle with Ma Chao, Cao Cao refused to withdraw his troops when winter came. With his men in danger of dying from the cold, he quickly built a castle to help protect them from the elements by using a certain material. What was the material? -Ice

Of the following, who was Cai Wenji's father? -Cai Yong

Amidst the chaos of the uprisings caused by the remnants of Dong Zhuo's followers, Cai Wenji was taken by the Xiongnu and imprisoned by their King of the Left. Who then freed her from captivity? -Cao Cao

Zhang Xiu surrendered to Cao Cao, but he promptly executed an ambush under the cover of night while Cao Cao was sleeping with his uncle Zhang Ji's wife. Who was Zhang Ji's wife? -Lady Zou

Who pleaded for their life and survived after being captured by Guan Yu during the batte at Fan Castle, much to the disappointment of Cao Cao? -Yu Jin

Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, and Cao Ren were all cousins of Cao Cao. Who of the following was also a cousin of Cao Cao? -Cao Chun

Emperors would receive a posthumous name upon death. Of the following, only one has a different posthumous name from the rest. Who is it? -Liu Shan

Of the following, who married the same person as her older sister? -Xing Cai

Sima Yi's brothers were all well-known for being capable, talented men. Who was their father? -Sima Fang

Wang Yun successfully used Diao Chan to get his revenge on Dong Zhuo. Who killed Wang Yun? -Li Jue and Guo Si

During the Battle of Chibi, who did Pang Tong serve under? -Sun Quan

Who grabbed Pang Tong by the sleeve as he tried to make his escape after tricking Cao Cao into falling for his "Chain Strategy" at the battle of Chibi? -Xu Shu

Mi Heng would often criticize many of Cao Cao's favorite subordinates directly to his face. Who was he referring to when he told Cao Cao, "He has a nice face, so he is good for conveying concern offering condolences."? -Xun Yu

A crossbow is more powerful than a traditional bow, but to increase the range and power even further a new type of crossbow with an even tighter string was invented. The string was so tight, however, that it could not be pulled by hand alone. How was it pulled? -With the feet

During the discussion between Liu Bei and Liu Zhang, who was ordered by Pang Tong to look for an opening during Liu Zhang's sword dance in order to strike him down? -Wei Yan

Cao Cao's strategist Jia Xu previously served under Zhang Xiu. However, in the story, he originally served under a different ruler. Who was the ruler? -Li Jue and Guo Si

Who was the Wei general who led a large army against Liu Bei's forces at the Battle of Bowangpo, Zhuge Liang's first battle, only to lose against Zhuge Liang's powerful fire attack? -Xiahou Dun

The Xiongnu tribes of the north threatened the Eastern Han Dynasty and often caused trouble. The Xiongnu did not use a particular item on their horses that the Han did. What was that item? -Saddles

Who persuaded Ma Chao, who served under Zhang Lu, to go back and serve under Liu Bei? -Li Hui

When Liu Bei attacked Cheng Du, Pang Tong outlined three plans for him: Upper, Middle, and Lower. Which of these three plans did Liu Bei choose? -Middle Plan

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were brothers-in-law due to marrying two sisters. Of the following officers, who had the same relationship with Cao Cao? -Xiahou Yuan

What is the name of Liu Shan's fifth son who staunchly resisted Wei when they invaded? -Liu Chen

Liu Bei led a large army into Wu in order to avenge Guan Yu's death. This led to what is now called the Battle of Yiling. This battle ended up as a decisive victory for Wu thanks much in the part to the success of Lu Xun. Which of the following officers did not die in this battle? -Huang Quan

Zhang Liao made a name for himself serving under Cao Cao, but who was the ruler he served under first? -Ding Yuan

Before two of his Northern Campaigns, Zhuge Liang submitted a document called the "Chu Shi Biao" to the emperor explaining the reasons for the campaigns and offering advice to the ruler in his absence. The second time he submitted this document was before which Northern Campaign? -The second

Cao Cao had 25 sons. All of the following are Cao Cao's sons, but only one of them has a different mother from the rest. Who is it? -Cao Ang

Where did Liu Bei and Guan Yu first meet? -At a tavern

Of the following, who married Cao Cao's daughter? -Xiahou Mao

After realizing that Zhuge Liang had died in the Wuzhang Plains, Sima Yi advanced on his enemy in an attempt to attack the Shu Forces. However, something surprised him and he retreated in a panic. What did Sima Yi see that surprised him? -A wooden statue of Zhuge Liang

As he lay dying in the Wuzhang Plains, Zhuge Liang named two people to be his successors. One was Jiang Wan. Who was the other? -Fei Yi

Who unexpectedly gave the names of Yuan Shao and Liu Biao when asked by Cao Cao for advice on who to pick as his successor? -Jia Xu

Of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Jiang Wei, who died the youngest? -Zhuge Liang

One day, as Guan Yu had become accustomed to serving under Cao Cao, he learned that Liu Bei was still alive and decided to write him a letter. However, he hid a message inside a certain picture so that it could not be read by anyone else. What was the picture that he used? -Bamboo

Of Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Sima Yi, who lived the longest? -Sima Yi

Of Sun Jian, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, who lived the longest? -Sun Jian

Of the following people, who killed Guo Huai? -Jiang Wei

Through the successive emperors, the Imperial Seal came to be known as proof of the emperor. Who was the first to use the Imperial Seal? -Shi Huangdi of Qin

After Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo, Li Jue and his forces attacked and took over Chang'an. Who did Lu Bu first rely on at this time? -Yuan Shu

Of the following, who was the tallest according to actual historical records? -Cheng Yu

Fan Jiang and Zhang Da were ordered by Zhang Fei to procure a certain item in preparation for Guan Yu's retaliation. however, they were unable to complete this task and were punished. This created within them a hatred for Zhange Fei and they killed him as a result. What was the item they were ordered to procure? -White clothing

Liu Bei is from Zhuo. Of the following, who has the same hometown as Liu Bei? -Jian Yong

The Grand Chief Commander received a certain item from the emperor to symbolize their authority to appoint, dismiss and judge their subordinates at their own discretion. What was that item? -A golden broadaxe

The rulers of Wei, Wu, and Shu were Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei. Of these three, who was the oldest? -Cao Cao

Of the following, who specialized in using twin halberds? -Dian Wei

Of the following people, who was Deng Ai's son? -Deng Zhong

Ma Su of Shu was defeated in Jieting because he did not listen to Zhuge Liang's orders. Who was the Wei general who defeated Ma Su? -Zhang He

Where did Lu Bu spend his final moments before he died? -Xiapi

Liu Bei lost many battles during his lifetime. Who was it that dealt him his very first defeat? -Zhang Bao

Who suggested to Sun Quan that he move the capital from Wu to Moling [Jianye]? -Zhang Hong

Cao Cao fought in many battles throughout his life. Who dealt Cao Cao his first defeat? -Lu Bu

Following the withdrawal of Shu forces from the Wuzhang Plains, what did Sima Yi think of Zhuge Liang and his abilities after closely inspecting the remains of the enemy camps? -Genius

Who did Sun Quan fight in his first battle? -Bandits

Who did Cao Cao fight in his final battle? -Wei Yan

Which general did Guan Yu fight last? -Pan Zhang

A strategist for a certain leader became enraged after one of his proposals was rejected. From then on he refused to perform his duties. Even when his leader came to his home to apologize he refused to come outside and eventually had his home set on fire by his leader. Who was this leader? -Sun Quan

Who was disgraced by being stripped naked and having ink painted on his face, before being sent home to face his famous general father? -Zhang Hu

Due to Tian Feng's military power and vast resources, Yuan Shao felt rather pessimistic before the Battle of Guandu. However, one person, due to his Confucianist ideals, preferred a fight in which he was the underdog. Who was this person? -Liu Bei

Which of the following poems written by Cao Zhi depicted his feelings for his older brother Cao Pi's wife, Lady Zhen? -The Goddess of Luo River

Hoping to use Diao Chan to drive a wedge between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, Wang Yun sent a gift to Lu Bu in order to encourage him to reply to his invitation so that he could introduce him to Diao Chan. What was the gift? -A golden crown

When Liu Bei went to Sleeping Dragon Hill to meet Zhuge Liang, whom did he first mistake for Zhuge Liang? -Cuizhou Ping

Of the following people, who was the youngest to promoted to ruler of his kingdom? -Liu Shan

All of the following Wei officers were prominent strategists, but one of them does not have a biography in the official history of the Three Kingdoms. Who is it? -Sima Yi

In order to persuade Zhuge Liang to serve him, Liu Bei persistently visited Zhuge Liang multiple times. Zhuge Liang was not at home the first two times, and although he was there on Liu Bei's third visit, what was he said to be doing when Liu Bei arrived? -Taking a nap

Meng Huo was famously captured and released seven times. Until the last time, every time he was caught, Meng Huo gave tortured excuses for why Zhuge Liang was able to capture him. What was the first excuse he gave? -The mountain path was too narrow

Liu Zhang of Shu lacked decisiveness, and so, many of his ministers thought the best way to pursue his ambition would be to give up his lands to another warlord. One of these ministers, Zhang Song, first recommended that he give the lands to which of the following people? -Cao Cao

What was the cause of Liu Bei's death? -Illness

Who was the famous Wu officer who died at the Battle of Hefei? -Chen Wu

Before he met Zhang Fei, what did Liu Bei sell in order to make a living? -Straw sandals

Which of the following was a poem written by Cao Cao? -Short Song Style

Lu Bu was defeated by Cao Cao and taken prisoner. Who was the person who dissuaded Cao Cao from recruiting Lu Bu and recommended that he execute him instead? -Liu Bei

Of the following people, who was born first? -Lu Su

At the Battle of Chibi, the Wu Army defeated the Wei Army and pursued Cao Cao as he fled. During this pursuit, which officer was shot in the army by Zhang Liao and fell into the river? -Huang Gai

Sun Ce had a man killed who was not only the Governor of Wujun, but also connected to Cao Cao. Sun Ce was then attacked several days later by men who were acquaintances of that man, causing Sun Ce to eventually die as a result of his wounds. Who was the man? -Xu Gong

When Jiang Wei surrendered to Zhuge Liang, it was during which of Zhuge Liang's Northern Campaigns? -The first

Yuan Shao was defeated at the Battle of Guandu, which led to a gradual decline of the Yuan family. Of Yuan Shao and his three sons [Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang], which of them died of illness? -Yuan Shao

Cao Cao assumed custody of the Emperor in order to wield even greater influence for himself. When Cao Cao moved the capital to Xuchang, who was the Emperor he had under his protection? -Emperor Xian

Who was the ruler that insisted that he and all of his bodyguards ride upon white horses? -Gongsun Zan

In the most common version of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" novel, the overall story is divided up into how many chapters in total? -120

Who did Dian Wei serve before joining Cao Cao? -Zhang Miao

How many lords agreed to join the alliance against Dong Zhuo due to Cao Cao's written appeal? -17

Xun Yu recommended numerous officers to Cao Cao. Of the following people, who did not join Cao Cao due to Xun Yu's recommendation? -Jia Xu

When Liu Bei was made King of Hanzhong, he appointed Zhuge Liang as Strategist General to look after military affairs. Who was made the Prefect of Hanzhong? -Wei Yan

Zhang Lu ruled his land using a religion originally known as the Five Pecks of Rice Sect. The religion continues to be practiced today under a different name. What is its name? -Zhengyi Dao

Cao Cao was posthumously awarded the title Emperor Wu of Wei, but who also was given the title Emperor Wu? -Sima Yan

Of the following people, who was not a child of Wang Yuanji? -Sima Zhong

Of the following people, who was Sima Shi's brother-in-law? -Yang Hu

When Fan Castle was surrounded by Guan Yu, who was it that noticed Guan Yu's exposed arm and gave orders to his archers to hit Guan Yu in the elbow with a poisoned arrow? -Cao Ren

Who was the daughter of Sun Jian and went on to become Liu Bei's wife? -Sun Shang Xiang [/spoil]

Cấp độ Hard [spoil]who is the officer who carried out the stratagem "Inflict injury on oneself to win the enemy's trust" at the Battle of Chibi and faked a betrayal? -Huang Gai

Which one of these people are from the same home region as Zhuge Liang? -Yu Ji

Who did Liu Bei not know prior to the "Oath of the Peach Garden"? -Kong Rong

Who was the Eastern Han official who was thrown into prison [and later died there] for crying and clinging to Dong Zhuo's corpse? -Cai Yong

According to historical records, Lu Bu is known as the "Flying General". This is the same nickname given to another famous officer during the Western Han Period. Who is the other officer known as the "Flying General"? -Li Guang

Cao Cao captured Guan Yu and made him a guest general. What was the of the estate Guan Yu was given during this time of service? -The Spring and Autumn Palace

Which of the following positions did Liu Bei not hold? -Captain who Sets an Example for the Army

Cao Cao's grave has recently been excavated. What is inscribed on the base of his tombstone? -King Wu of Wei

Since ancient times, "The Three Excellencies" has referred to the top three Chinese government officials. During the Eastern Han Period their specific titles were: Grand Commandant, Minister of Works, and ____. Fill in the blank. -Minister of Education

The eight officers that joined Ma Chao and Han Sui's rebellion against Cao Cao were called the "Eight Flag-bearers of Xiliang." which of the following officers was not a part of this rebellion? -Ma Tie

In the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" novel, the Ten Eunuchs consist of ten members. However, in the "Book of the Later Han," there are more than ten. How many eunuchs appear in the "Book of the Later Han"? -12

Which officer served Yuan Shang and was Lu Kuang's younger brother? -Lu Xiang

Which one of these individuals was related to Yuan Shao? -Gao Gan

Dong Cheng was ordered by Emperor Xian to assassinate Cao Cao. However, the plan was revealed by one of Dong Cheng's attendants and everyone involved was punished. Who was the attendant in question? -Qin Qingtong

Who executed Yuan Shao's sons [Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang] and sent their heads to Cao Cao? -Gongsun Kang

The Yellow Turbans were led by the three Zhang brothers. Zhang Jiao, the eldest, was the "General of Heaven." The middle brother, Zhang Bao, was the "General of the Land." What title was given to Zhang Liang, the youngest brother? -General of the People

Cao Cao was so impressed by the skills of Yang Feng's officer Xu Huang when he saw him fight Xu Zhu that he wanted to recruit him. who did Cao Cao ask to convince Xu Huang? -Man Chong

What is the name of the siege weapon Zhuge Liang invented that had a foldable ladder placed on a cart? -Siege Ramp

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. There is one work that was added to this list in the 18th century, replacing an older work. What was its title? -Dream of the Red Chamber

During his attack against Zhang Xiu, Cao Cao tried to perform a feint-attack and fool the enemy. However, Zhang Xiu's strategist saw this coming and planned a counter attack using a feint-attack of his own. Who was this strategist? -Jia Xu

Who of the following had one of Cao Cao's daughters as a daughter-in-law? -Xun Yu

Yi Province was abundant with many experienced people. Which one of these individuals was not from Yi Province? -Jiang Wan

In 280 AD, Wu was destroyed by Jin [Western Jin], ending the Three Kingdoms period. How many years later did Jin [Western Jin] fall? -36 years

Sima Yi is said to have been able to turn his head around 180 degrees. What animal was he referred to as when he did this? -Wolf

Which of these characters had the latest first appearance in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? -Huang Zhong

Which one of the following officers played the longest active role in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? -Jiang Wei

Who is the 3rd Emperor of Wu who killed the tyrannical Sun Chen? -Sun Xiu

Which of the following people was a son of Zhang Zhao, the Wu officer? -Zhang Cheng

Who was Lu Xun's nephew who, as Chancellor, repeatedly admonished Sun Hao? -Lu Kai

Which one of Pang Tong's relatives served Wei and enjoyed a successful career? -Younger brother

Who did not receive treatment from the physician Hua Tuo? -Cao Chun

Whose wife was given permission to adopt a son and claim the Cao surname from Sima Yi? -Cao Wenshu

Which officer from the Sun family married Cao Ren's daughter? -Sun Kuang

Zhuge Zhan and his son died fighting against Wei at Chengdu. What was his son's name? -Zhuge Shang

Sima Zhong, the second Jin Emperor, was too feeble-minded to handle politics so the Yang clan [his mother's side] handled all affairs. Sima Zhong's wife, Jia Hou, plotted to expel the Yang clan and planted the seeds of a rebellion that would eventually lead to Jin's demise. What was the name of this rebellion? -The War of the Eight Princes

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were both born on the same day and year. Who also shares their birthday? -Yang Xiu

Who is Zhou Yu's eldest son? -Zhou Xun

Cao Cao once said, "If you are going to have sons, pray that they are like Sun Quan's." He also described Liu Biao's sons, likening them to certain animals. What animals were they? -Dogs and pigs

King of Nanman, Meng Huo, had a younger brother named Meng You, and was married to Zhu Rong. What was Zhu Rong's younger brother's name? -Dailai Dongzhu

Sensing that his death was near, Zhuge Liang began a ritual at the Wuzhang Plains to extend his life. The ritual was interrupted and was ultimately unsuccessful. If the ritual had succeeded, how many more years would he have extended his life? -12 years

Who was the Wu officer that went to Jing Province, lied that Sun Quan was ill, and tried to take Sun Shang Xiang back after her marriage to Liu Bei? -Zhou Shan

Who acted as the go-between for Sun Quan at the wedding of Liu Bei and Sun Shang Xiang? -Lu Fan

The legendary Zuo Ci appeared in front of Cao Cao and began preparing various dishes for him. Which of the following dishes did he not serve? -Bird's nest soup

Who did Sima Shi appoint as emperor after deposing Cao Fang? -Cao Huan

Who suggested to Sun Quan that he kidnap Liu Shan and Sun Shang Xiang and trade them for Jing Province? -Zhang Zhao

Guan Yu and Du Yu were avid readers of what book? -Zuo Zhuan

Sima Yi had many brother, all of whom possessed special talents. Which one of these individuals was not his brother? -Sima Ye

What was the name of Sun Quan's cousin whom Lu Meng told, "Having an officer who bears the same name as our lord will only cause discord among the men" on the eve of the Wu invasion of Jing Province? -Sun Jiao

Zhuge Liang presented a document called the "Chu Shi Biao" to the emperor prior to the Northern Campaigns. Of the following individuals, whose name did not appear in the document? -Jiang Wan

Yang Hu was a Jin officer. Who was his father-in-law? -Xiahou Ba

Where was Zhuge Liang brried after he died of illness at the Wuzhang Plains? -Mt. Dingjun

Who was Yang Hu's maternal grandfather? -Cai Yong

What is Lu Xun's real name? -Lu Yi

Li Yi of Wu was known to wield a great axe. What kind of plating did this weapon have? -Gold-plating

Zhuge Liang angrily responded "Are you trying to get me killed?" to a request made by a certain person. Who made this request? -Xu Shu

Which one of the following officers who served Sun Jian died first? -Zu Mao

Who opposed Lu Xun's appointment as Chief Commander by Sun Quan while they were besieged by Liu Bei? -Gu Yong

All of the following names refer to two different people who happened to share the same first and last name. But which pair also shared the same style name? -Liu Dai

Liu Bei conquered Mt. Dingjun shortly after taking Yi Province as well as Hanzhong. A petition was formed to appoint Liu Bei King of Hanzhong. Whose name appeared at the top of the list? -Ma Chao

Sima Yi's eldest son, Sima Shi, has been described as follows: "He has a round face with large ears, and ____ with several black hairs growing out if it." What had several black hairs growing out of it? -A lump

In his search for Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei stopped by a local tavern. Which drunken man did he mistake for Zhuge Liang? -Shi Guangyuan

Many documents were procured from Wu when they surrendered to Jin. According to confiscated Wu documents, how many soldiers did they have? -230,000

Which one of these women was Ma Chao's wife? -Lady Yang

Zhao Yun's deeds at the Battle of Changban are well known. During this battle he rescued Liu Bei's wife. What was her name? -Lady Gan

In "Romance of the Three Kingomd," Ma Dai is introduced as Ma Chao's younger brother. However, Ma Dai was not really Ma Teng's son. Ma Dai was actually which of the following? -Ma Teng's elder brother

The Shu forces commanded by Ma Su were defeated at Jieting. During their retreat, Zhuge Liang managed to fool Sima Yi into thinking that the empty castle had hidden troops preparing for an ambush. What was the name of this castle? -Xi Castle

Which member of the Sima family came running to Cao Huan saying, "My loyalties lie with Wei forever" as he was being relocated after abdicating the throne to Sima Yan? -Sima Fu

Liu Bei first met Zhang Fei when troops were being raised to fight against the Yellow Turbans. Who put up the calling for troops? -Liu Yan

Wen Qin raised troops along with Guanqiu Jian in response to Sima Shi's tyrannical rule. He led his two sons in battle. The older son's name was Wen Yang. What was his younger son's name? -Wen Hu

Upon seeing Xun Yu in action, Cao Cao proclaimed "He is like our very own Zhang Liang" [a famous officer during the Western Han Period]. Sima Zhao has also made a similar comment regarding another officer. Who did Sima Zhao hold in such high regard? -Zhong Hui

Who of the following was Guo Huai's brother-in-law? -Wang Ling

Sima Zhao heard that Zhuge Dan was plotting a rebellion in Yang Province and ordered him to relocate to Luoyang. What role was Zhuge Dan given? -Minister of Works

Sima Yi heard that Cao Shuang had sent Li Sheng to check up on him, and so he decided to play a small trick on him. What did he do? -Acted deaf

The kingdom of Jin, establish by Sima Yan, changed names after the capital was moved. What was Jin called immediately after being established, before the capital was relocated? -Western Jin

Who was the emperor of Jin when Wu collapsed? -Sima Yan

In Zhuge Liang's document "Chu Shi Biao" that he submitted to Liu Shan before the Northern Campaigns, he described Shu as being in what state? -Crisis

Which officer serving Zhuge Liang during the Northern Campaigns was punished for failing to deliver supplies on time and eventually defected to Wei, plotting revenge? -Gou An

Zhao Tong and his younger brother went to inform Zhuge Liang that their father, Zhao Yun, was dead. What was the name of the younger brother? -Zhao Guang

Meng Huo's wife, Zhu Rong, was known for being as strong as her husband. Which officer fought and was defeated by her? -Zhang Yi

At the Battle of Changban, after seeing Zhao Yun gather only his immediate followers and head back into the enemy lines, an officer reported to Liu Bei that, "Zhao Yun has betrayed us." Who made this report to Liu Bei? -Mi Fang

It is said that a certain officer was so afraid of being assassinated in his sleep that he claimed he could kill people even while dreaming. Who was he? -Cao Cao

Cao Cao was defeated by Lu Bu's Army at the Battle of Puyang. During the confusion, Cao Cao was isolated from his men and accosted by Lu Bu himself, who did not recognize Cao Cao and asked, "Where is Cao Cao?" In response Cao Cao said, "Cao Cao is the one riding the ____-colored horse." What goes in the blank? -Yellow

During the Battle of Chibi, who was the officer who was sent to advise his old friend Zhou Yu to surrender, but instead fell for Zhou Yu's plot which got Cai Mao and another officer killed by Cao Cao? -Jiang Gan

Cao Zhang was widely considered to be the fiercest warrior out of all of Cao Cao's sons. Who did Cao Zhang consider to be the ideal officer? -Huo Qubing

At the Battle of Mt. Dingjun, prisoners were exchanged between Shu and Wei. The prisoner held by Shu was Chen Shi. Who was Wei's prisoner? -Xiahou Shang

Cheng Yu's name was not originally Cheng Yu. What was his original name? -Cheng Li

There is an English expression "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Chinese has a similar saying: "Speak of ____ and ____ will appear." What name goes in the blank? -Cao Cao

At the Battle of Weishui, Yu Jin attempted to shoot a fleeing Ma Chao with an arrow, but hit one of his allies instead. Who was the allied officer that Yu Jin killed? -Li Kan

When Cao Pi was on his deathbed, he asked a trusted attendant to look after his affairs. Of the following people, who did he not ask to be made an adviser for his son Cao Rui? -Wang Lang

The ceremony held upon the completion of the Tongquetal palace included an archery contest. Of the following officers, who did not participate in this test of skill? -Yu Jin [/spoil]

Cấp độ Chaos [spoil]What was the name of Sun Quan's eldest daughter, who was also Quan Zong's wife? -Sun Luban

Which one of the following people married one of Sun Ce's daughters? -All three

Which one of Sun Quan's wives became ill while caring for him and was strangled to death by the servant woman? -Lady Fan

Liu Bei sensed something ominous coming and fled after his wedding banquet. Alarmed, Sun Quan ordered his pursuit. Which one of these people did not pursue Liu Bei as he fled from his wedding reception? -Ling Tong

What was Zhou Yu's style name? -Gongjin

Which of these following was not one of Shu's Five Tiger Generals? -Liu Bei

The historical account of the Three Kingdoms consists of three parts: "The Book of Wei," "The Book of Shu," and the "The Book of Wu." How many volumes are there total? -65

During the Edo period, Tokugawa Yoshimune's grandson, Matsudaira Sadanobu, is said to have been moved after reading about a certain character in the "Book of the Later Han." Who did he read about? -Chen Fan

How many children were born between Lian Shi and Sun Quan? -Two

Diao Chan is said to have been so beautiful that she put something to shame to the point where it hid behind something else. What did she put to shame? -The moon

The strategy Cao Ren used when attacking Liu Bei at Xinye was called the "Eight Gates Formation." As its name suggests, the enemy's position had eight "gates." Which of the following was not one of the gates? -The Central Gate

Who is the officer that faked illness to avoid attending the meeting before the Battle of Chibi? -Cheng Pu

Lu Bu's forces captured an officer and demanded a ransom instead of exchanging him for one of their own captured officers. Who did he demand a ransom for? -Xiahou Dun

What was Sima Yi's final position? -Grand Tutor

Xiahou Ba fled soon after Sima Yi took control, as heard there would be a purge. However, he left his children behind. What happened to Xiahou Ba's children? -They were exiled

"We seek not to be born on the same day, we merely hope to die on the same day" are the famous words spoken in the "Oath of the Peach Garden." Who has the same birth year as Liu Bei? -Lu Dai

An officer once said to Liu Bei, "I cannot allow you to accompany me, my lord. For it is bad luck for you to fight alongside someone who has lost so many battles." Which officer said this? -Wen Chou

The Wei Emperor, Cao Mao, detested Sima Zhao's tyrannical rule and wrote a poem entitled "Hidden Dragon" to express his feelings. The dragon in the poem is based on himself. What animal does he use to describe Sima Zhao? -Loaches and eels

Before the Battle of Chibi, Zhuge Liang had to convince Sun Quan to go to war. He engaged in several debates with Wu ministers who opposed the battle, and won them all. Which one of these individuals did not challenge Zhuge Liang? -Zhang Wen

"Shu will have the dragon, Wu will have the tiger and Wei will have the dog." Which member of the Zhuge family served Wei? -Zhuge Dan

Zhuge Liang defeated Zhang He during the Northern Campaigns and remarked, "I was hoping to shoot a horse" [referring to Sima Yi]. What animal did he use to refer to Zhang He? -A slug

Zhuge Dan started a rebellion and was attacked by Sima Zhao, only to die after a protracted battle. What was the name of the castle where Zhuge Dan was defeated by Wei? -Shouchun Castle

To test his students' concentration, it is said that Liu Bei's teacher used to have his female attendants sit next to each of them during lectures. What was the name of Liu Bei's teacher? -Ma Rong

Zheng Xuan was one of Liu Bei's teachers. Who also studied under Zheng Xuan and later went on to serve Liu Bei? -Sun Qian

Deng Ai was praised for destroying Shu, but was also framed as a traitor. Who tried to convince Sima Yan of Deng Ai's innocence after his death? -Duan Zhuo

Liu Feng was Liu Bei's adopted son. The name "Liu Feng" was given to him when he was adopted. What was his real name? -Kou Feng

When Wei forces led by Deng Ai approached Chengdu, Liu Shan surrendered without a fight. Outraged by this, all of Jiang Wei's men began to hack away at something with their swords? What did they take their frustrations out on? -Rocks

Zhuge Liang once reported to Liu Shan that a certain officer was dead, though in truth he was still alive. Who was the officer in question? -Zhao Yun

Sima Yan, who took over after Sima Zhao's death, forced Emperor Yuan of Wei to abdicate the throne, thus ending the Wei dynasty. How many years after Sima Zhao's death was the new dynasty established? -Established the same year

Zhuge Liang cried while he put Ma Su to death at the Battle of Jieting. Who instructed Ma Su not to make camp at the summit of the mountain and took the liberty of informing Zhuge Liang when Ma Su ignored his advice? -Wang Ping

When Ma Teng was tricked and defeated by Cao Cao, Ma Dai was able to escape unharmed because he dressed himself up as something. What did he disguise himself as? -A merchant

Liu Bei became emperor and Zhuge Liang became Chancellor when Shu was established. Who became Minister of Education? -Xu Jing

Many emperors lost their titles by getting killed or simply being stripped of them somehow. Which one of these individuals did not lose his position? -Liu Shan

Guan Yu had a strange dream where a beast was biting his leg just before he set out to attack Fan Castle. What beast was biting his leg? -A black pig

Bao Sanniang is said to be a fictional character. However, there is a grave that is believed to be hers. Where is this grave located? -Sichuan

When Sima Yan became emperor, he wanted the world to see his ancestors' greatness and erected seven shrines in their name. Who of the following did not get a shrine erected in his honor? -Sima Lang

Deng Ai was a firm believer in developing water technology and applying it for various purposes. He compiled his techniques into a book. What is the name of his writings? -Jihe Lun

News of which officer's death made Zhuge Liang cry profusely and cough up blood? -Zhang Bao

Which of the following texts is believed to have been written by Zhong Hui? -Dao Lun

Following Sima Yi's proposal to invade Shu from five directions at once, who was the king of the Xianbei tribe that attacked Xiping Gate with 100,000 troops, but lost the will to fight and fled when he learned that the enemy was led by Ma Chao? -Ke Bineng

All of the following are sons of Cao Cao, but which was born to a different mother than the others? -Cao Chong

When Cao Cao took Emperor Xian under his protection, the capital city of Luoyang was in ruins. Who was it that recommended Cao Cao move the capital to Xuchang? -Dong Zhao

Which of the following texts is believed to have been written by Zhuge Liang? -Zhengyi

Who was the last person Liu Bei spoke to on his deathbed? -Zhao Yun

Following Cao Cao's death, Cao Pi ascended to the Wei throne. There were a total of 40 officials who, on Cao Pi's orders, stormed the palace's inner sanctum and demanded that Emperor Xian abdicate the throne. Of the following people, who was not included among the 40 officials? -Chen Qun

Who was the Xianbei leader who caused a rebellion in 270 AD, taking control of Liang Province and killing Wen Yang of Jin? -Tufa Shujineng

Which of the following individuals did not serve under Zhang Lu? -Yang Huai

Almost all members of the Sima clan have a story about them chronicled in the "Book of Jin," but which member of the Sima family has a story written about him in the "Book of Wei"? -Sima Lang

Following the death of Cao Cao, it was feared that people would deface his tomb. As a way to prevent this, it was recommended that a number of similar tombs be made. How many were there? -72

Lu Meng was praised by Sun Quan for his academic enthusiasm. Who else praised along with him? -Jiang Qin

Which of these women was Lu Bu's official wife? -Lady Yan

Who did Cai Wenji marry after Cao Cao brought her back from captivity at the hands of the Xiongnu? -Dong Ji

Which of the following indviduals was not one of Cao Pi's Four Friends? -Xun Yu

Zhuge Liang used the Wooden Ox and Flowing Horse devices during the Northern Campaigns to transport supplies. It is believed that these were invented by his wife, Yue Ying. What document contains the story of their invention? -Guihai Yuheng Zhi

Yue Ying's father, Huang Chengyuan, was married to the older sister of an officer who served Liu Biao. Who was the officer in question? -Cai Mao [/spoil]

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Chỉ số và thuộc tính của vũ khí là cố định không thể thay đổi được

  1. Cách lấy vũ khí

Có 36 loại vũ khí và mỗi loại vũ khí lại có 10 hoặc 11 dạng khác nhau tuỳ loại trong đó 3 dạng 7, 10 và 11 là vũ khí hiếm và cần những điều kiện để có thể lấy được nó

Các loại vũ khí thường thì có 2 cách sau để lấy:

  • Mua từ shop vũ khí
  • Đánh tướng rớt ra [Lưu ý: nếu bạn hạ được tên tướng trong vòng 40s từ khi bạn gặp và tướng đó cầm vũ khí mà bạn chưa có thì tướng đó sẽ rơi vũ khí, quá 40s thì tướng đó sẽ rơi đồ tăng trạng thái. Cái này không quan trọng lắm vì bạn có thể mua từ shop cũng được] Cách lấy vũ khí 7

Bạn chơi các màn rare weapon trong Conquest Mode để lấy, sau khi hoàn thành màn chơi bạn sẽ lấy được nó. Quá đơn giản

Cách lấy vũ khí 10

Cũng giống như các vũ khí thường, vũ khí 10 cũng mua từ shop nhưng nhân vật cần có skill Smithing mới có thể mua được. Sau đây là 3 nhân vật có skill này: Zhuge Liang, Lu Meng, Guo Huai

Cách lấy vũ khí 11

Có 3 loại vũ khí có vũ khí thứ 11 là Spear, Sword và Twin Swords và mỗi loại có một cách lấy riêng:

  • Spear Silver Stallion: chiếm được hết các thành trì trong Conquest Mode
  • Sword Quilin Blade: hoàn tất hết các màn trong Conquest Mode [Lưu ý: khi chiếm được thành nào trong Conquest Mode dù cho thành đó đã sáng lên, bạn vẫn phải cho nhân vật ghé thăm thành đó mới tính là đã hoàn thành màn, nhiều bạn sau khi chiếm được thành đã không cho nhân vật ghé vào thành nên khi tất cả các màn trong Conquest Mode sáng lên nhưng vẫn không lấy được vũ khí này]
  • Twin Swords Silver Swallow: hoàn thành 100% câu hỏi của học giả. Sau đó trả lời đúng 4 hoặc 5 câu ở lần tiếp theo để lấy cây vũ khí này
  • Vũ khí power và speed và độ tương thích

Trong bản này vũ khí chia làm 2 nhóm là: power và speed. Khi đạt được độ tương thích 3 sao thì mỗi nhóm vũ khí sẽ có thêm tính năng đặc biệt.

  • Với vũ khi dạng speed: khả năng nhẩy 2 bậc và cancel atk bất kì lúc nào, cực kì hữu dụng khi đi cấp độ chaos
  • Với vũ khí dạng power: khả năng đánh ra gió lốc giúp tăng lực sát thương và combo, rất có lợi khi cần luyện điểm trạng thái cho các tướng
  • Các thuộc tính vũ khí

Sét [Lightning]: Làm cho kẻ địch bị choáng, gây ra mức độ sát thương phụ thuộc vào lượng hp của địch

Băng [Ice]: Làm đóng băng kẻ địch, khiến chúng bất động

Lửa [Fire]: Nhấn chìm kẻ địch trong ngọn lửa, và tiếp tục rút hp địch khi đang lơ lửng trong không trung

Gió [Wind]: Những đòn tấn công trở nên không thể chống đỡ được, gây ra mức độ sát thương phụ thuộc vào lượng hp của địch

Chết [Slash]: Gây ra mức độ sát thương phụ thuộc vào lượng hp của địch, đôi khi tiêu diệt kẻ địch yếu chỉ trong 1 chiêu

D.Các seal và công dụng

Seal cũng như Item của các bản 3, 4, 5 dùng để trang bị tăng chỉ số cho nhân vật. Seal được lắp vào các slot của vũ khí và muốn sử dụng seal bạn cần phải luyện seal trước. Mỗi vũ khí sẽ mang theo 1 seal, khi bạn luyện max thanh seal thì bạn có thể trang bị nó. Có 2 cách để luyện seal:

  • Sử dụng vũ khí cần luyện seal trong các trận chiến
  • Đưa vũ khí cần luyện seal cho thợ rèn trong thành. Cách này tốn tiền và seal luyện lên cũng rất chậm nên theo mình các bạn cứ đem vào trận bem cho lẹ

    Lưu ý: các seal mà vũ khí mang theo chỉ có một công dụng duy nhất là dùng để luyện, nó không hề có tác dụng tăng chỉ số cho các nhân vật

Có những seal có thể kết hợp với chính nó. Nên bạn có thể gắn 2 seal giống nhau ở cả 2 vũ khí, có những seal không thể kết hợp thì bạn chỉ nên gắn ở 1 vũ khí thôi vì có gắn 2 seal tác dụng cũng chỉ như 1

  • Ví dụ: Musou + 1 có tác dụng tăng thêm 1 thanh musou. Nếu bạn gắn ở cả 2 vũ khí thì bạn sẽ được tăng thêm 2 thanh musou. Double elements thì không có tính năng kết hợp nên gắn 1 là được rồi

Ngoài ra trong bảng skill của các nhân vật cũng có những seal có thể kết hợp hoặc không nên trước khi trang bị seal các bạn nên xem và lắp seal cho phù hợp. Sau đây là các seal và công dụng

Musou + 1: Tăng thêm 1 thanh Musou [kết hợp được]

Max Health Up: Tăng máu thêm 1 lượng nhỏ [kết hợp được]

Max Health Up +: Tăng máu thêm 1 lượng trung bình [kết hợp được]

Max Health Up ++ :Tăng máu thêm 1 lượng lớn [kết hợp được]

Max Health Up +++: Tăng máu thêm 1 lượng rất lớn [kết hợp được]

Attack Up: Tăng chỉ số Atk lên 1 lượng nhỏ [kết hợp được]

Attack Up +: Tăng chỉ số Atk lên 1 lượng trung bình [kết hợp được]

Attack Up ++: Tăng chỉ số Atk lên 1 lượng lớn [kết hợp được].

Attack Up +++: Tăng chỉ số Atk lên 1 lượng rất lớn [kết hợp được].

Defense Up: Tăng chỉ số def lên 1 lượng nhỏ [kết hợp được]

Defense Up +: Tăng chỉ số Def lên 1 lượng trung bình [kết hợp được]

Defense Up ++: Tăng chỉ số Def lên 1 lượng lớn [kết hợp được]

Defense Up +++: Tăng chỉ số Def lên 1 lượng rất lớn [kết hợp được]

Master: Giúp đạt độ tương thích 3 sao với

Skill Points Up: Nhận thêm 2 skill point khi hạ được tướng địch [kết hợp được]

Combat Resistance: Khi đang tấn công không bị gián đoạn khi kẻ địch tấn công [nói cho dễ hiểu thì bạn đang đánh A thì B đánh lén bạn nhưng bạn vẫn có thể tiếp tục đòn combo vào A mà không bị khựng lại ]

Projectile Resistance: Tăng khả năng chống cung và shock wave [kết hợp được]

Officer Assassin :Tăng chỉ số Atk và Def khi đấu với tướng địch [kết hợp được]

Elemental Attack Up: Tăng thêm độ sát thương của thuộc tính vũ khí [kết hợp được]

Elemental Invulnerability: Vô hiệu hoá đòn tấn công bằng thuộc tính của tướng địch

Horsemanship: Khó bị đánh rớt ngựa hơn

Attack Range Up: Tăng phạm vi sát thương của vũ khí [kết hợp được]

Double Elements: Nếu dùng 2 vũ khí có thuộc tính khác nhau, có thể sử dụng đồng thời cả 2 thuộc tính trong mỗi đòn tấn công

Synergy: Tăng chỉ số tấn công khi cả 2 vũ khí có cùng một thuộc tính [kết hợp được]

Musou Regen Up: Thanh Musou tự đông tăng lên nhưng chỉ số Def giảm

Health Regen Up :Thanh Health hồi phục từ từ nhưng chỉ số Def giảm.

Seal Master :Luyện seal nhanh hơn [kết hợp được]

Congeniality: Điểm Bond với các tướng tăng nhanh hơn [kết hợp được].

Walking Speed Up: Tăng tốc độ di chuyển [kết hợp được]

  1. Danh sách và hình dáng các vũ khí EX của các nhân vật
  1. 26
  1. Một vài thủ thuật trong Dynasty Warriors 7
  2. Cách đặt hình random các tướng làm wallpaper trong quá trình load game

Vào gallery -> chọn mục wallpaper ->nhấn ô vuông ---> chọn Yes

  1. Cách kiếm tiền nhanh

Chọn cấp độ dễ nhất, màn lấy vũ khí 7 của Zhang He, lao thẳng đến chỗ tướng chính và kết thúc màn chơi. Bạn sẽ kiếm được 13000 gold trong vòng chưa tới 1 phút [check Conquest Map để biết vị trí màn]

  1. Cách luyện điểm skill và điểm bond

Chọn cấp độ dễ nhất, màn Mass Battle Xu Chang. Trang bị cho vũ khí của bạn những seal sau : Skill Points Up x2, Congeniality x2, Officer Assassin x2 và bất kì seal nào bạn cảm thấy có thể đẩy nhanh tốc độ giết tướng.

Vào màn bạn cứ chạy thẳng vào thành và giết tướng địch đồng thời giúp đỡ các tướng phe mình khi có yêu cầu. Bạn có thể bỏ qua 2 tướng tiếp viện của địch sẽ xuất hiện lúc sau bên ngoài thành để tiết kiệm thời gian. Kết thúc màn bạn sẽ nhận được kha khá điểm skill và điểm bond sẽ tăng với 3 tướng gồm: tướng chính phe bạn, tướng bạn mang theo và tướng yêu cầu bạn giúp đỡ, ngoài ra sau mỗi 3 lần chơi thương gia sẽ xuất hiện trở lại, bạn có thể ghé thăm các thành để thuê tướng giúp đỡ. Như vậy là sau 3 màn chơi có 3 tướng, sau đó sẽ là có 4 tướng tăng điểm bond với bạn.[Check Conquest Map để biết vị trí màn]

  1. Cách luyện trạng thái cho tướng nhanh

Ở bản này, bạn có thể nâng cấp đồ của tướng rơi ra từ + 1 thành + 2 hay từ +2 thành + 4 và từ + 4 thành + 8 bằng cách đánh combo tướng địch. Có 3 trường hợp có thể nâng cấp:

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