Hướng dẫn session array in php - mảng phiên trong php

(Php 4> = 4.1.0, Php 5, Php 7, Php 8)

$ _Session - Biến phiên — Session variablesSession variables

Sự mô tả

Một mảng kết hợp chứa các biến phiên có sẵn cho tập lệnh hiện tại.Xem tài liệu chức năng phiên để biết thêm thông tin về cách sử dụng điều này.

Ghi chú

Ghi chú:: :

Đây là một 'Superglobal', hoặc biến toàn cầu, tự động.Điều này đơn giản có nghĩa là nó có sẵn trong tất cả các phạm vi trong suốt một kịch bản.Không cần phải thực hiện biến $ toàn cầu;để truy cập nó trong các chức năng hoặc phương pháp.global $variable; to access it within functions or methods. global $variable; to access it within functions or methods.

Tàu kéo ¶

7 năm trước

Creating New Session
/*session is started if you don't write this line can't use $_Session  global variable*/
Getting Session
/*session is started if you don't write this line can't use $_Session  global variable*/
/*session created*/
echo $_SESSION["newsession"];
/*session was getting*/
Updating Session
/*session is started if you don't write this line can't use $_Session  global variable*/
/*it is my new session*/
/*session updated*/
Deleting Session
/*session is started if you don't write this line can't use $_Session  global variable*/
/*session deleted. if you try using this you've got an error*/

opajaap tại opajaap dot nl ¶ ¶

9 năm trước

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.

global $wppa;
$wppa = array( 'elm1' => 'value1', 'elm2' => 'value2', ....etc...);

if ( !

session_id() ) @ session_start();
if ( ! isset(
$_SESSION['wppa']) $_SESSION['wppa'] = array();

if ( ! isset(

$_SESSION['wppa']['album']) ) $_SESSION['wppa']['album'] = array();
$_SESSION['wppa']['album'][1234] = 1;$wppa['elm1'] = 'newvalue1';print_r($_SESSION);
This will most likely display Array ( [wppa] => Array ( [album] => Array ( [1234] => 1 ) [elm1] => 'newvalue1' [elm2] => 'value2' ... etc ...
But setting $wppa['elm1'] to another value or referring to it gives unpredictable results, maybe 'value1', or 'newvalue1'.

The most strange behaviour is that not all elements of $wppa[xx] show up as $_SESSION['wppa'][xx].

Bohwaz ¶ ¶

14 năm trước

Please note that if you have register_globals to On, global variables associated to $_SESSION variables are references, so this may lead to some weird situations.


();$_SESSION['test'] = 42;
$test = 43;

Load the page, OK it displays 42, reload the page... it displays 43.

The solution is to do this after each time you do a session_start() :

if (ini_get('register_globals'))
    foreach (
$_SESSION as $key=>$value)
        if (isset(

Jererry tại NetCourrier Dot Com ¶ ¶

14 năm trước

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.0

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.1

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.2

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.3

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.4

Jererry tại NetCourrier Dot Com ¶ ¶

9 năm trước

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.5

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.6

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.7

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.8

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.9

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.0

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.1

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.2

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.3

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.1

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.5

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.6

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.7

The following example leads to unpredictable behaviour of the $wppa array elements, some are updated by normal code, some not, it is totally unpredictable what happens.8

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.4

Bohwaz ¶ ¶

9 năm trước

global $wppa;
$wppa = array( 'elm1' => 'value1', 'elm2' => 'value2', ....etc...);

global $wppa;
$wppa = array( 'elm1' => 'value1', 'elm2' => 'value2', ....etc...);

global $wppa;
$wppa = array( 'elm1' => 'value1', 'elm2' => 'value2', ....etc...);

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.4

Bohwaz ¶ ¶

14 năm trước

global $wppa;
$wppa = array( 'elm1' => 'value1', 'elm2' => 'value2', ....etc...);

global $wppa;
$wppa = array( 'elm1' => 'value1', 'elm2' => 'value2', ....etc...);

Be carefull with $_SESSION array elements when you have the same name as a normal global.4