Phpmyadmin XAMPP Mac

Xampp is a useful Apache distribution installer that will let you install phpMyAdmin, MySQL, as well as FileZilla and Apache

What is MySQL?

MySQL is one of the most popular SQL relational database management systems (RDBMS)

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What is phpMyAdmin?

PhpMyAdmin is a software written in PHP used for the administration of MySQL

How to Install MySQL and PHPMyAdmin

1. Install Xampp on your PC

2. In your Xampp Control Panel, Start Apache and MySQL

Phpmyadmin XAMPP Mac

3. Open your browser and enter http. //localhost/phpmyadmin

Phpmyadmin XAMPP Mac

Install Xampp on Mac OSX

Open Terminal

Install Homebrew

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Xampp

$ brew install --cask xampp

Good to Know

TechWhat it isXAMPPApache installerphpMyAdminSQL tables management toolMySQLSQL rdbmsFileZillaFTP management

Kế tiếp

Now that you have installed MySQL and PHPMyAdmin with Xampp, we are going to create a MySQL database using Python

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Phpmyadmin XAMPP Mac

Jean-Christophe Chouinard

SEO Strategist at Tripadvisor, ex- Seek (Melbourne, Australia). Specialized in technical SEO. In a quest to programmatic SEO for large organizations through the use of Python, R and machine learning

PhpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool for the administration of MySQL and MariaDB. As a portable web application written in PHP, it has become one of the most popular administration tool for MySQL

In this tutorial, we will learn the steps involved in the installation of phpMyAdmin on MacOS


  • Hệ điều hành Mac
  • Login as an administrator on terminal
  • Homebrew must be installed on the system
  • PHP5. x or greater


Installation of phpMyAdmin includes following steps

1) Download the file

To install the file on MacOS, we need to download a compressed file from the official website of phpMyAdmin https. // các tập tin. phpmyadmin. net/phpMyAdmin/4. 7. 6/phpMyAdmin-4. 7. 6-all-languages. hắc ín. gz

2) Extract the file

3) Start the development server

To access phpMyAdmin from localhost, we need to start the development server. First, we need to change our working directory by typing the following command

Development server will be started having the root server in the phpmyadmin directory. Now, type localhost. 8080 to access phpmyadmin on localhost. It will appear like this

Phpmyadmin XAMPP Mac

Window will prompt us to fill our MySQL username and password. Fill the required details and press GO

This time it took us a little longer, but now the waiting has come to an end. Yesterday, we released the a new (so called) final version of XAMPP for Mac OS X

Updated in this version of XAMPP. MySQL (5. 1. 44), PHP (5. 3. 1), phpMyAdmin (3. 2. 4), Apache (2. 2. 14), Perl (5. 10. 1), and ProFTPD (1. 3. 3)

You find the download at XAMPP's Mac OS X page

How to use phpMyAdmin on Mac with XAMPP?

If you open the XAMPP control panel, click start for both Apache and MySQL. There should a button labelled “admin” to the right of MySQL and if you click that it should open phpMyAdmin . Highly active question. Earn 10 reputation (not counting the association bonus) in order to answer this question.

Can I use phpMyAdmin on Mac?

PhpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool for the administration of MySQL and MariaDB . As a portable web application written in PHP, it has become one of the most popular administration tool for MySQL. In this tutorial, we will learn the steps involved in the installation of phpMyAdmin on MacOS.

How to run XAMPP localhost on Mac?

Stepwise Procedure for installing XAMPP on Mac OS. .
Bước 1. Firstly, you must open the download link provided below
Bước 2. Then, select a suitable version of XAMPP. .
Bước 3. Now, you must double-click the downloaded file
Bước 4. Then double click on XAMPP
Bước 5. Give permission to open the XAMPP by clicking on 'Open

How to setup phpMyAdmin on XAMPP?

Today I going to show on how to access MySQL and phpMyAdmin using XAMPP. .
Bước 1. Start the MySQL. .
Bước 2. Open the phpMyAdmin. .
Bước 3. Set the password of your MySQL. .
Bước 4. Set the password in config. .
Bước 5. Create a new user. .
Bước 6. Test the connection