Remove n from bytes python

I have a string of the form


I would like to strip it of the \r\n and the the starting b. I tried using .rstrip("\n") but it crashes the system.

asked Apr 8, 2014 at 13:43


According to the Python docs, the b prefix means that your string is a byte string. Specifically:

A prefix of 'b' or 'B' is ignored in Python 2; it indicates that the literal should become a bytes literal in Python 3 (e.g. when code is automatically converted with 2to3). A 'u' or 'b' prefix may be followed by an 'r' prefix.

To convert this to a string without trailing newline and return, and to remove the byte prefix, you would use:


answered Apr 8, 2014 at 13:54

Remove n from bytes python

Try this:

b'helloworld\r\n'.strip() // leading + trailing


b'helloworld\r\n'.rstrip() // trailing only

answered Apr 8, 2014 at 13:44

Remove n from bytes python


22.1k30 gold badges99 silver badges189 bronze badges

you can also decode the b-string (bytes-string), using .decode() and then print() it:

>>> yourBytesString = b'helloWorld\r\nnextLine\n'
>>> print(yourBytesString)
>>> yourBytesString.decode()
>>> print(yourBytesString.decode())

(adapted from this post.)

answered Oct 22, 2020 at 12:50

Remove n from bytes python


5922 gold badges6 silver badges14 bronze badges

There shouldn't be any problem. Just do:


rstrip() without any parameters strips whitespaces, newlines and carriage returns.


>>> s = 'helloworld\r\n'
>>> print s.rstrip()

>>> s = 'helloworld             \r\n'
>>> print s.rstrip()

answered Apr 8, 2014 at 13:43


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Here we will learn 8 different ways to remove a newline character from a list in python? In Python, there are many built-in functions are available to remove a newline character from the list. We tried to cover all the possible methods here. This article is going to be very interesting and helpful to learn.

Newline character is specified using a special character “\n”. It is useful to generate a new line. Whenever we are using a character \n, it will automatically generate a new line. The following methods are available to remove a newline are:

  1. slice operator
  2. replace() method
  3. re.sub() function
  4. strip function
  5. rstrip() function
  6. map function with lambda
  7. map function without lambda
  8. enumerate

These are the methods available to remove the newline characters from the list.

  • Method 1 : Using slicing operator to remove newline in python
    • Syntax
    • Parameter
    • Return
    • Code
  • Method 2 : Using replace method to remove newline in python
    • Syntax
    • Parameters
    • Returns
    • Code
  • Method 3: Using re.sub() function to remove newline in python
    • Syntax
    • Parameters
    • Returns
    • Code
  • Method 4 : Using strip() function to remove newline in python
    • Syntax
    • Parameter
    • Returns
    • Code
  • Method 5 : Using rstrip function to remove newline in python
    • Syntax
    • Parameter
    • Return
    • Code
  • Method 6 : Using map function with the lambda
    • Syntax
    • Parameter
    • Code
  • Method 7 : Using map function without lambda
  • Method 8 : Using enumerate to remove a newline from a list
    • Syntax
    • Parameter
    • Return
    • Code
  • Frequently asked questions related to remove newline from list
  • Conclusion
  • Trending Python Articles

Method 1 : Using slicing operator to remove newline in python

The slice operator is useful to represent the index of the character. Slicing has two methods positive indexing and negative indexing. Positive indexing starts with position value [0] and negative indexing starts with [-1]. Slicing is useful to specify where to start or end the list.


list[initial : end : jump value]


  • initial – initial value of the list
  • end – final value of the list
  • jump value – increment values


sliced value


new_lst = [x[:-1] for x in lst]

A variable lst holds the list to remove a new line character. Using negative slicing to remove the \n character. Here the new line character is at the end, so we are using negative indexing. For loop is useful to iterate till the end of the list.


['This', 'is', 'Python', 'Pool']

Recommended Reading | Python Print Without Newline [How to, Examples, Tutorial]

Method 2 : Using replace method to remove newline in python

This replace() method is useful to replace the specified character with a given character. It is a built-in function in python. So we need not install this function separately.


list.replace(old value, new value, count)


  • old value – original value in a list or string
  • new value – the list to be replaced
  • count – specifying how many times the list is to be replaced, optional.


replaced list


rep = []
for x in lst:
    rep.append(x.replace("\n", ""))

A variable lst holds the list to remove a new line character. Declaring an empty list in a name of rep(). Creating for loop to iterate till the end of the list. After removing the newline character it will store in a rep variable. For that, we are using the append() function to add at the end of the list.


['This', 'is', 'Python', 'Pool']

Method 3: Using re.sub() function to remove newline in python

This function is also similar replace() function. re.sub() is also useful to replace the specified character with a given character. It is a built-in function in python. So we need not install this function separately.




  • pattern
  • repl
  • string


replaced list


import re
rep = []
for x in lst:
    rep.append(x.replace("\n", ""))

Importing re module. A variable lst holds the list to remove a new line character. Declaring an empty list in a name of rep(). Creating for loop to iterate till the end of the list. After removing the newline character it will store in a rep variable. For that, we are using the append() function to add at the end of the list.


 ['This', 'is', 'Python', 'Pool'] 

Recommended Reading | Multiple Ways To Print Blank Line in Python

Method 4 : Using strip() function to remove newline in python

strip() function is useful to remove white spaces or any special characters. It is a built-in function in python.




characters – optional


list without any special characters


for i in lst:

A variable lst holds the list to remove a new line character. Declaring an empty list in a name of new_lst. Creating for loop to iterate till the end of the list. After removing the newline character it will store in a new_lst variable. For that, we are using the append() function to add at the end of the list. Using strip function to remove the newline character.


['This', 'is', 'Python', 'Pool'] 

Method 5 : Using rstrip function to remove newline in python

This function is also similar strip() function. rstrip() function is useful to remove white spaces or any special characters. It is a built-in function in python.






A string


for i in lst:

A variable lst holds the list to remove a new line character. Declaring an empty list in a name of new_lst. Creating for loop to iterate till the end of the list. After removing the newline character it will store in a new_lst variable. For that, we are using the append()function to add at the end of the list. Using the rstrip function to remove the newline character.


['This', 'is', 'Python', 'Pool'] 

Method 6 : Using map function with the lambda

map function is a built-in function. It is useful to process and transform all the items in an iterable. The map() function takes a function and a list as an argument.


lambda arguments: expression




lst =['This\n','is\n','Python\n','Pool\n']
print(list(map(lambda x:x.strip(),lst)))

A variable lst holds the list to remove a new line character. Using map function with lambda to remove the newline character. Here strip() function is also useful to perform the task.


['This', 'is', 'Python', 'Pool'] 

Method 7 : Using map function without lambda

lst= ['This\n','is\n','Python\n','Pool\n']

A variable lst holds the list to remove a new line character. Using map function without lambda to remove the newline character. Here strip() function is also useful to perform the task.


['This', 'is', 'Python', 'Pool'] 

Method 8 : Using enumerate to remove a newline from a list

It is a built-in function that takes a collection and returns an enumerated object.


enumerate(iterable, start)


  • iterable
  • start


enumerated object


lst =['This\n','is\n','Python\n','Pool\n']
for i,n in enumerate(lst):
    lst[i] = n.strip()

A variable lst holds the list. Creating for loop to iterate till the end of the loop. Using strip() to remove the new line character.


 ['This', 'is', 'Python', 'Pool']  

1. What is the character for newline in python?

“\n” is the newline character in python.

2. What is the strip() function in python?

strip() function is useful to remove the spaces at the beginning and the end of the string.


Here we have learned 8 ways to remove a newline from the list in python. “\n” is a newline character in python. We hope this article is easy to understand. The list is enclosed within a square bracket and separated by commas.

How do you get rid of N in Python?

Method 2: Use the strip() Function to Remove a Newline Character From the String in Python. The strip() method in-built function of Python is used to remove all the leading and trailing spaces from a string. Our task can be performed using strip function() in which we check for “\n” as a string in a string.

How do you strip bytes in Python?

To strip the whitespace from a bytes object:.
Use the bytes. decode() method to convert the bytes object to a string..
Use the str. strip() method to remove all leading and trailing whitespace from the string..
Use the str. encode() method to convert the string to a bytes object..

Does Python strip remove newline?

Using strip() method to remove the newline character from a string. The strip() method will remove both trailing and leading newlines from the string. It also removes any whitespaces on both sides of a string.

How do you remove N and R from a string in Python?

Use the str. rstrip() method to remove \r\n from a string in Python, e.g. result = my_str. rstrip() .