Review bha paulas choice sheis năm 2024

Not all of the best beauty products are crafted with Instagram grids in mind. Gilded packaging, weighty compacts and glass jars are all appealing, sure, but sometimes the most treasured beauty formulas are destined not for the curated vanity top, but for the gloomy shelf beneath the bathroom sink.

Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Exfoliating Toner is one such product. It’s not big and it’s not sexy – but boy is it an efficient skin saviour. Whisper the words ‘Paula’s Choice BHA’ into a room full of beauty editors, experts or facialists, and you’ll be met with approving nods across the board. Everyone loves it – and the adoration has absolutely nothing to do with the utilitarian, strangely 1980s grey and white bottle.

Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Gel Exfoliant

Review bha paulas choice sheis năm 2024

Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Gel Exfoliant

Now 52% Off

The success of this truly cult clarifying toner is solely down to its no-frills effectiveness. The brand, which is a firm favourite of the ‘skintellectual’ community, doesn’t call on A-listers to bolster its appeal, and clearly has little interest in courting the aesthetically minded social-media crowd. But this salicylic acid infused toner is known as the one used by people who really know what they’re doing. There's a lot of those people: one sells every seven seconds worldwide.

Ok, so ‘BHA Liquid Exfoliant’ may make sense to the aforementioned 'skintellectuals', but it’s ok to be a bit baffled at this point. Essentially, this unassuming bottle is an amped-up skin toner, infused with a high percentage of salicylic acid: a beta-hydroxy-acid that slips into your pores and clears them of any congestion, excess oil and grime. Regular use means cleaner pores, and cleaner pores means less blackheads.

‘BHA (beta hydroxy acid, aka salicylic acid) is such an effective skincare ingredient, particularly for those of us with acne-prone skin,’ says brand founder and famously straight-talking skincare oracle, Paula Begoun. ‘It's an effective exfoliant, which works by loosening the bonds of dead skin cells stuck to the surface, so that skin can shed as it should. As a result, the newer, plumper, softer layer of skin underneath is revealed.’

‘Salicylic acid is oil-soluble, which allows it to penetrate inside the pore to remove excess oil, dead skin and debris (all the things that are breeding grounds for blackheads, white bumps, and acne-causing bacteria). These qualities make it one of the fastest-acting ingredients in skincare, with almost immediate results.’

There are now plenty of other BHA toners on the market, yet the original Paula’s Choice formula – which has remained unchanged for 22 years – still reigns supreme. Begoun credits the unshakeable success down to the strength. ‘Compared to similar products on the market, the specific formula we made has the advantage of being completely fragrance and alcohol-free, which is one of the staples in our formulation philosophy and ensures the product is as gentle and irritant-free as possible.'

‘The pH is another crucial factor—salicylic acid works best at a pH between 3 and 4. Formulas outside of this pH range will be less effective or could significantly disrupt the skin’s barrier,' she adds.

Indeed, it’s this fine balance that makes Begoun’s BHA exfoliant the one beauty experts never stray from. Others on the market are amped up with a supporting cast of alpha-hydroxy-acids, doubling down on the exfoliating powers yet ultimately leading to skin-barrier carnage, while others are loaded with fragrance that increases the sensory appeal, but can hamper effectivity in sensitive types.

‘By creating an irritant-free, gentle, pH-appropriate formula, we could effectively yield the benefits of this amazing bio-active ingredient for skin, while keeping the sensitisation rate under control: even with daily usage,’ says Begoun – and if 22 years of repeat purchases say anything, it’s that she’s probably right.

How to use Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant

If you're new to exfoliating toners, it's important to start small to ensure your skin doesn't get over-excited. Products this active are undoubtedly satisfying, but restraint and consistency are crucial to success.

Cleanse using a simple hydrating milk or gel (don't be tempted to double-down with an acid-based face wash) then swipe the toner over your face using a cotton pad. Do not rinse, and follow up with a good moisturiser – make sure it's an SPF formula by day.

Is it safe to use Paula's Choice 2% BHA every day?

Good question: while there’s no suits-all rule for how long you should use a liquid exfoliant, the advice is always to approach with caution.

Paula recommends applying your 2% Liquid Exfoliant once every other day to begin with, as this allows you to monitor your skin's response and ensure you aren’t going too hard, too fast. She recommends gradually building up your usage to twice daily – although we don't believe everyone needs to apply this often. For many, a few evenings per week will be all you need to keep your skin clearer and calmer.

One more thing: always, always use an SPF when you’re using any kind of acid product, as your skin will be more sensitive to the sun (and you don’t want to damage all those lovely fresh skin cells).

Does Paula's Choice 2% BHA cause breakouts?

If you’ve spend any amount of time in the depths of a skincare Reddit thread, you’ve likely heard of ‘skin purging’. In short, this term refers to the way in which certain products can seem to worsen your congestion before it gets better: it's the process of the skin eliminating all the excess oil and grime settled deep within the pores.

Skin purging can indeed be sparked by an exfoliating product, such as 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant, but you shouldn't let that put you off. Essentially, you’re pressing fast-forward on your skin’s regeneration processes, meaning oil and grime are forced from the pores, leading to a bout of breakouts before you see that smooth, clear surface.

If the exfoliant feels sticky on application, it's likely you're using too much: remember, less is more. While its blackhead-banishing powers may be impressively swift, stick with it and you'll reap additional rewards too: think tighter pores, smoother texture, and an overall reduction in breakouts. If that doesn't please you, nothing will.

ELLE Edit: The Spot Busters That Really Work

Review bha paulas choice sheis năm 2024

COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch

The original (and still the best,) these Korean hydrocolloid patches soak up pimples overnight. Plus, they work out at 25p a go.

Review bha paulas choice sheis năm 2024

Dr Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Universal Daily Peel

These game-changing peel pads likely need no introduction. Steeped in AHAs and BHAs, they're here to exfoliate and clarify.

Do dermatologists recommend Paula's Choice?

Paula's Choice is dermatologist approved, being recommended for many years by skin experts and beauty editors alike. The effective, science-backed ingredients used in Paula's Choice products have helped create a reputable, positive view of the brand.

Is Paula's Choice Liquid exfoliant worth it?

This product is great, definitely felt sensitivity when first using it but if you follow the instructions and gradually introduce it it's fine. Skin was super smooth after.

How long does it take to see results from Paula's BHA?

Depending on the products you were using before, you may see overnight improvement. Enhanced results will occur within 2–8 weeks and will increase and be maintained over time.

Can I use Paula's Choice BHA exfoliant daily?

How often should I use Paula's Choice BHA exfoliant? You can use Paula's Choice BHA every day— exfoliating once either in the morning or evening (pick whichever is most convenient for you). Many people with stubborn clogged pores have great results using a Paula's Choice BHA exfoliant twice per day.