a cameron là gì - Nghĩa của từ a cameron

a cameron có nghĩa là

Cameron is the silliest guy you'll meet. He loves inappropriate jokes and has a few close friends. His girlfriend is treated like a queen, and he can be lovey-dovey at times, but serious at others.


"My boyfriend is so sweet. He's such a Cameron." "You're so lucky to have a Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

a cameron có nghĩa là

Cameron is one of the few people who will make your heart melt. He is the world's most perfect boyfriends. He is not a go getter. Camerons are usually very shy but once they get into their confort zone, you will have the time of your lives. If you meet a Cameron never let him go. He usually has dark brown eyes that will draw any girl in. His smile makes your heart melt and he is extremely romantic and true to his girlfriend. If you meet a Cameron NEVER let him go. He is the one who will be with you through thick and thin, and he really does care. He really can never hold a grudge. Best guy to be romantically invovled with if you scramble the letters in the name Cameron it spells, Romance.


I am so happy to be dating Cameron
God, I wish I had a Cameron
Cameron is Perfect
I love Cameron

a cameron có nghĩa là

Cameron’s are the best men to have in your life. They usually have dark hair and brown eyes, some would say they hold the stars in them. A Cameron is an amazing friend, but an even better lover. A Cameron is a gamer, a meme lover, and just an all around chad. Once you get a Cameron never let them go, for they not only hold the stars in their eyes, but they can give you the world as long as you love them true. Cameron’s are sweet, and to hear the laughter of a Cameron is like music to anyone’s ears. A Cameron is like a marshmallow; sweet, soft, and can give toasty hugs.


I love Cameron, he’s the greatest.
That Cameron is an absolute chad.
I want to spend the rest of my life with Cameron.

a cameron có nghĩa là

He’s been hurt, he has a past, but he’s probably the best guy you’ll ever meet. Don’t break him, because he’s already been broken. He loves jokes, and he treats his girlfriend like a queen. He will give you everything he has, and then some. He always knows more than he is letting on, and can hide his emotions very well. If he needs to talk, please listen to him. He loves love, and he loves giving love, he just wants to be loved in return. If you ever get a Cameron in your life, don’t let him go.


I love him, he’s my Cameron.

a cameron có nghĩa là

Cameron is a very very silly person. He likes talking and likes inappropriate jokes. He also likes to prank people. He is also very smart in his math. He is the smartest and funniest person. People would laugh at this really funny Cameron.


Cameron: Why do I don't wear clothes?
Emma:Cameron's jokes are very hilarious Samantha:Yes he's such funny and acts like a Cameron
Colin:Yeah, his jokes are the best. I'm glad he's my friend.

a cameron có nghĩa là

An albino ghost


Dude, we lost Cameron in the Antarctic!

a cameron có nghĩa là

A Cameron is the most handsome man that you will ever come across. Even Brad Pitt could never compare to this Cameron - not even when he was in “Legends of the Fall” (very true). This Cameron is beyond brilliant not only because he was blessed with the ability to learn but also with the desire to be brilliant, to be the best that he can be in all that he does. This Cameron is the most thoughtful, considerate man that you will ever meet. He says that he’s living his life for his happiness now but goes completely out of his way to ensure that you are happy in his presence. This Cameron has the sexiest voice you will ever hear. Even general conversation coming from this man’s mouth is sexy so you can only imagine how incredible it sounds when he’s pressing his cheek against yours whispering “special moments” in your ear. You’ve been given an amazing gift if you’ve ever been lucky enough to hear any of those words. And then there’s that smile - oh that smile… I’ve known of this Cameron for a very long time, been in his presence for a few brief moments but he has left an imprint on my soul that will remain always.


You're beyond lucky to know this Cameron.

a cameron có nghĩa là

To rape a unsuspected ass hole while while holding a wooden banana and balancing an egg on your nose.


Did you hear he pulled a cameron later night.

a cameron có nghĩa là

The awesomest and coolest guy ever but he has a bit of a temper. Once you piss him off, your screwed! But there is only one and he is my best friend so he won't mess with me even if someone payed him millions and millions of dollars to hurt me in any way... he wouldn't. But if you screw with me... your over with.


"Run for your life!! Its the Cameronator!"
"Don't mess with her, thats the Cameronator's best friend."

a cameron có nghĩa là

The act of testing the battery life of any battery-powered device by using it to insane extremes and depleting said battery in a record time. Also, the art of abusing a battery-powered device to the point of energy exhaustion, also in a record time.


- He depleted his phone's battery in 4 hours! That's impossible!
- That dude is cameronning hard.