book it là gì - Nghĩa của từ book it

book it có nghĩa là

to travel at high speed or hurry the fuck up

Ví dụ

Omar: "What are you doing?"
Gary: "Oh not too much, just trying to defuse this bomb before it blows up and kills thousands of people. You know."
Omar: "Well you'd better book it. There are only 30 seconds left on the timer."
Gary: "What? Oh yeah, I guess you're right. Well I'd better hurry the fuck up then."

book it có nghĩa là

to run very fast aka get the hell outta there

Ví dụ

Omar: "What are you doing?"

book it có nghĩa là

Gary: "Oh not too much, just trying to defuse this bomb before it blows up and kills thousands of people. You know."

Ví dụ

Omar: "What are you doing?"

book it có nghĩa là

Gary: "Oh not too much, just trying to defuse this bomb before it blows up and kills thousands of people. You know."

Ví dụ

Omar: "What are you doing?"
Gary: "Oh not too much, just trying to defuse this bomb before it blows up and kills thousands of people. You know."
Omar: "Well you'd better book it. There are only 30 seconds left on the timer."
Gary: "What? Oh yeah, I guess you're right. Well I'd better hurry the fuck up then." to run very fast aka get the hell outta there i saw the cops and started bookin it

book it có nghĩa là

to leave very quickly, vacate as fast as possible.

Ví dụ

when i saw the cops i just booked it

book it có nghĩa là

To go somewhere very fast, to sprint.

Ví dụ

" you see joe run"
" hell yah, he booked it"

" As soon as the cops came everyone just booked it"

book it có nghĩa là

" fuck, my parents it! "

Ví dụ

to leave at once The cops are coming, lets book it! to move quickly from one place to another, usually with some kind of favorable intentions for the one who suggests "booking it" in the first place.

book it có nghĩa là

Anna: Lets book it to next period!

Ví dụ

Grace: Ugh, why?

book it có nghĩa là

Anna: 'Cause I REALLY want to have enough time to see Josh before class!

Ví dụ

The phrase that defines streamer xQcOW's slot machine gambling addiction. -*Mindlessly has xQcOW's stream on 3rd monitor*

book it có nghĩa là

-"BOOK BOOK BOOK!" suddenly screams through your headphones as xQcOW sees a second book appear in the slots, just before he is inevitably disappointed when a third book doesn't appear.

Ví dụ

-*Ears ring from the tinnitus you now have*

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