Bucket list for 40 year old woman

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The internet is buzzing with bucket lists for the under thirtiescrew. But what about us late bloomers? TheXennials(not quite Millennials, not quite Gen X-ers) that ferreted away our twenties studying and working on our careers. Trying to get a foot on the property ladder, or maybe starting a family. Back then, quitting your job to travel the world was a far-flung dream, not a daily affirmation.

Growing up in New Zealand, travelling the world was something you did once to get out of your system. Typically, you finished university, worked for a couple of years to save some cash, then left on your big OE (or Overseas Experience for the uninitiated).

Most people would go to theUK whereyoud workin an office and live in a flat full of other Kiwis andAussies having thesameexperience.

Cultural immersion this was not.

And unless you hit the jackpot of havinganEnglishgrandparent (so you could get your hands on a coveted burgundy passport) or getting sponsored by your employer, most of us had to return home at the end of our 1-2 year working visa.

Which is what I had to do.

In 2008 I stuffed what I could of my new London life into my backpack, gave the rest to the Salvos, and returned home with my tail between my legs. I was so not done with travel, but going home was the only option I had left.

Fast forward a marriage, a kid, two dogs, countless moves and a new career later, and Ive finally found myself back in Europe. This time with a stronger sense of who I am, where I want to go and how Im going to get there (hello 30s confidence!).

So without further ado, here are 40 travel experiences and life goals Id love to conquer before Im forty-something.

40 Before 40Bucket list

I realise this is an ambitious list, but youve only got one life right? In all honesty, I dont mind if I tick these off before Im 40 or 100. Its all about having fun and chasing dreams. After all, the definition of a bucket list reads as a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman

#1 Go on Safari in Tanzania

An African Safari has been at the top of my bucket list forever. I imagine theres nothing much more humbling in life than seeing elephants, giraffes and hippos, happy in their own environment. Time to make this dream a reality!

#2 Climb Mt Kilimanjaro

I was a bit nervous about writing this one down. But Ive always been in awe of people who can conquer a mountain. I want to be that person. And as Africas highest mountain, climbing Mt Kilimanjaro seems a good place to start.

#3 Learn How to Dive

Its so enthralling seeing dolphins, whales, seals, or pretty muchany marine mammal,in thewild. Getting out on the water is something I try to do in every country I visit (where practical) and Id love to get a different perspective. Bonus points if I can get PADI certified in the Maldives, or somewhere equally as exotic!

#4 See the Northern Lights

Enough said really. This one Id love to share with my son as hes obsessed with the magical green lights. Im not too fussed about where or when we see them, but Iceland seems like a good choice!

#5 Exploring the Algarve in Portugal

Or more specifically, the caves of the Algarve. Preferably by private boat so we can jump off and discover hidden beaches at our leisure.Agirl can dream, right?

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman

#6 Do a Road Trip in Australia

Despite living in New Zealand most of my life, I havent seen a lot of Australia. Ive driven a section of the Great Ocean Road, ventured into Tamborine Mountain, and tentatively explored the neighbouring regions of Melbourne. But they are like pinpricks in this vast landscape.

In my dreams, Id buy a cheap car, hit the road, and spend months driving from Cairns to Melbourne, discovering the coastlines, natural attractions and local vibe of the towns along the way. And then jump on a ferry to Tasmania to start all over again!

#7 Go Hot Air Ballooning in Cappadocia

This was going to just be go hot air ballooning. But if youre going to do something, why not do it in the most epic way possible? Gliding above the mystical landscape ofCappadocia in a hot air balloon sounds magical. And Cappadocia in winter looks even more fascinating! Ideally, Id stay a few days and get to know Cappadocia better.

#8 Make a Difference

Ive always been passionate about animal welfare, environmental concerns and ethical travel. But havent yet found a way to give back, or to help educate others. I feel like I can, and should, be doing more.

#9 Stay in an Overwater Bungalow in Bora Bora

When we were planning our honeymoon, it was a close tie between an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora or a caldera view in Santorini. Santorini won (largely because we could extend our holiday elsewhere in Europe), but Im still holding a flame for the former.

#10 Learn How to Pilot a Drone

A drone is #1 on my things I really want but dont have the money for wish list! Maybe its all the dreamy photos on Instagram, or because every travel blogger and their dog seems to have one now, but I really want to get my hands on a drone and learn how to take stunning photos and videos with it. Imagine how amazing Provence would look from above!

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman

#11 Try Stand-Up Paddle Boarding

SUP looks like a lot of fun and a cool way to stay fit. Its not something I could really do regularly unless we move closer to the water, but Id like to give it a try!

#12 Island Hop in Greece Off the Tourist Trail

Santorini was a stunning place to spend a few days. Mykonos was lovely. And I absolutely adored Crete away from the main tourist hubs. But Id love to travel slow in Greece. Discover the lesser-known islands, such as Milos, stay as long as wed like, and then jump on the ferry to the next island oasis.

#13 Go Back to Rome

Ive come to realise that Im not a city girl. I thought I was in New Zealand because I chose to live most of my adult life in Auckland, and as far as cities go its incredible! Surrounded by miles of beautiful coastline, its home to some amazing beaches and if you get too bogged down in city life you just jump on a ferry to a nearby island.

Cities in Europe are a different breed. I adore going to London or Paris for work or a short break, but after a few days, Im craving the quiet of my country haven in Provence. This is all to say that as far as capital cities go, they have to be pretty special to keep me mesmerized and make me want to return.

Rome was this for me. Its walkable, its alluring, the history isawe-inspiring, and as a bonus, its super vegan-friendly. Id love to take my son Arthur next time, as Ive heard there are loads of family-friendly activities in Rome too!

#14 Go to a Yoga Retreat in Bali

Ive been to a wonderfulretreat in France, and soon Im going to another in Italy. But if theres one country that knows how to put on a dreamy yoga retreat, its Bali. Sign me up!

#15 Do a Road Trip Through Canada

Canada was my first overseas trip. I was 18 and my brother was getting married, so I was travelling with family. The country left a huge impression on me. And it wasnt just because of the epic fries (drop into the chip truck in Kenora if youre ever in the area)!

But forget just popping over for a week or so. No. If I go back, I want to do it properly and spend a month or two road-tripping (maybe camping) our way through Canada.

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman

#16 Hiking the Torres del Paine in Patagonia

Ive got to admit, I dont know a whole lot about Chile. But I got talking to aChilean when I was in the Falklands, and he totally sold his home country!

Ever since, Ive been slightly obsessed wondering why it took me so long to click on to this amazing destination. And the Torres del Paine National Park looks like an incredible place to spend time in nature.

#17 Conquer French

I finally, finally, feel like Im making a little headway with this. It has taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears (ok, maybe not so much blood) to get here. I can make myself understood in most situations just not eloquently yet. Id love to be able to have some personality in French and not talk like a toddler.

#18 Munching in Mexico

Hidden beaches, ancient ruins, epic festivals and an intriguing underwater world thats just perfect for snorkelling; there are many reasons to visit Mexico, but the top of my list is the food!

#19 Spend Time With Mountain Gorillas inUganda

There are less than 900 mountain gorillas left in the wild and around half of them live in theBwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. It must be such an incredibly rewarding experience to finally lay eyes (and lens!) on a mountain gorilla after tracking them through the unforgiving jungle terrain.

#20 Explore More of France

Weve been very lucky to have experienced living in three different regions of France so far. We found our feet inAquitaine, bought a house in Poitou-Charentes, and then moved to Provence 6 months later! If anything, its shown me how incredibly diverse this country is, and I cant wait to get to know more of it.

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman
The Calanques are undoubtedly one of my favourite places in Provence!

#21 Take a Family Holiday to the VLT in Chile

ou may think a barren desert is an odd choice for a family holiday, but ChilesAtacama Desert is home to the biggest, most powerful telescope on the planet the Very Large Telescope (VLT). Add in a space-mad 5-year-old, a husband who loves James Bond films (Quantum of Solace was filmed there), and the fact I love anything thats a bit different and unusual youve got the perfect recipe!

#22 Hike Table Mountain

You can take the cable car up Table Mountain in South Africa, but Id bet the views are that much more enjoyable after a strenuous hike!

#23 Learn How to Take Better Wildlife Photos

In my dream life, Id travel around the planet taking photos of wildlife in their natural habitat,à la Shannon Wild. But Ill settle for being a decent wildlife photographer as a side hustle. Anything to spend more time with animals!

#24 Swim in the Dead Sea

OK, so swimming in the Dead Sea might be a bit of a stretch. The water is incredibly dense due to its unusually high salt content its 10 times as salty as the ocean meaningyou can only bob around on the surface. And if the pictures are anything to go by, reading a copy of the local paper is a must while doing so!

#25 Visit Giraffe Manor in Kenya

Although it kind of annoys me that Giraffe Manor has turned into one of those places people go to get the perfect Instagram shot (see example below), theres no denying the good work they do, in conjunction with theGiraffe Centre, to protect the species. Plus it looks like a whole lot of fun! This is another experience Id absolutely love to share with my son.

#26 See the Grand Canyon

Its just one of those iconic places that have to be seen to be believed right? The otherworldly landscape of the Grand Canyon fascinates me, even more so after walking the Ochre Trail and ColoradoProvençal here in Provence, which are said to be tiny versions of the US spectacle!

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman

#27 Milford Sound, New Zealand

I lived in New Zealand for over thirty years and one place that has eluded me duringall of that time is Milford Sound. Im determined to change that in the next few years, either by cruising the sound or hiking the renowned Milford track.

#28 Sample Sicily

Weve taken the ferry to Corsica and Sardinia, next up is Mallorca in May, and after that, I have my sights set on Sicily! I love everything about Italy, and this sun-soaked Mediterranean Island is sure to be no exception.

#29 Listen to More Live Music

Its been way too long since Ive listened to live music. And Im not talking about big concerts. I much prefer small, intimate settings with local musicians performing. Part of this is not having a babysitter since we arrived in France. And its partly just laziness for not making it happen. My husband and I both love music though, so we need to make this a priority.

#30 Madagascar

Madagascar has always seemed like such a magical place. Maybe because I was first introduced to it through the animated movie of the same name. But theres more the to worlds fourth-largest island than bushy tailed lemurs and the lush jungle landscape.

Madagascar has a unique ecology that supports a large variety of flora and fauna found only in this part of the world. Id love to discover some of the countrys unique parks such as Tsingy de Bemaraha, which is known for its towering limestone pinnacles, andIsalo National Park, which offers aJurassic-like experience and where you can see ring-tailed lemurs scurrying between the trees.

And lets not forget the famousAvenue of the Baobabs (pictured below) this protected stretch of soil offers yet another reason to add Madagascar to your bucket list!

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman

#31 Have an all-day Spa Experience

I cant quite believe Ive reached the ripe age of 36 without ticking this one off my list. I came close on a recent girls weekend to Auckland, but we missed out due to our lack of planning in advance!

#32 Cruise the Canals of France

After following Dianes trip through the canals of France, Ive been hooked on this unique holiday idea! Not only is it a great way to travel slowly through the French countryside and discover some new places along the way, I think itd be such a fun way to spend time together as a family. Im not sure our two Heffalump dogs would look quite so cute as Dagny behind the wheel though!

#33 Start Running, Properly

I went on a run this week. My first intentional (other than while playing sports) run of my life. Its just not my thing. And Ive always had bad knees. But Ive come to the conclusion that if I wait for an amazing gym with Les Mills worthy classes (at convenient times) to magically appear in my neighbourhood before I consistently exercise again (Im not sure the occasional at-home yoga practice and walking the dogs count) Well, the result wouldnt be pretty. So, running it is.

#34 New York at Christmas

I blame Hollywood for this one. Movies such asSerendipity and The Family Man have a lot to answer for.

#35 Exploring the Rainforests of Costa Rica

Costa Rica landed on my radar when I was researching it for a work project back in NZ, and it hasnt left my mind since. Again, its the kind of place I dont want to just visit for a week, Id like to stay awhile, get to know it, and maybe volunteer at this awesome organisation. Also, did someone say sloths?

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Sloth in Costa Rica. Photo by Javier Mazzeo on Unsplash


As the Lonely Planet puts it, Jamaica is the best Caribbean island for spicy food, spicy music and stunning scenery. Nevermind what else you can experience in this Caribbean island paradise, they had me at spicy.

#37 Own a Mini Cooper

Ah yes, I cant seem to shake this one. Truth is, apart from one dumb decision in my early 20s, Ive always bought cheap, as-reliable-as-they-can-be-for-the-price cars that werent a whole lot of fun. Well maybe with the exception of Daisy who I bought off some backpackers who had painted bright flowers all over her!

Anyway, my point is, Id love to drive a fun & stylish car for a change. Now I just have to work out how Id keep it clean between the kid-crumbs and the dog fur

#38 Take a Helicopter Ride in Chamonix

While this mountainous region in France is best known for skiing and snowboarding, Id like to see the incredible landscapes of Chamonix from another angle!

A helicopter tour over Chamonix promises to show you the best scenery, from the foreboding glaciers to the ragged ridges and rises on either side of the Chamonix Valley.

#39 Japan

I struck Japan off my travel wish list for years after learning about the dolphin hunt that takes place in Taiji every year. But to be fair, if I was to follow the same moral compass for every destination there would be far fewer countries left on this list!

So instead of boycotting these countries, a more effective method might be to continue to support sustainable and ethical activities while travelling. By doing so, Im helping another aspect of the economy to thrive, and if everyone did the same, perhaps in the future the people of the country will be less dependant on other methods of financial gain.

For example, some of the Gorilla trackers in Uganda used to be poachers, but now tourism has taken over as a primary industry, allowing these guides to make a living in a more ethical way.

My wish is that one day youll be able to take dolphin safaris in Taiji to see these beautiful creatures, and captive marine mammals will be a thing of the past. In the meantime, Im happy to see the cherry blossoms, bamboo forests, temples and shrines of this interesting country.

#40 Experience the Ancient City of Petra

If youre not sure why this made the list, Ill just leave this here

Well, that turned into a whopper of a post. Originally I just wanted to jot down some ideas and inspirations! Id love to know if youve had any of these experiences yourself. Or maybe you have your own 40 things to do before 40 bucket list youd like to share?

Pin this for later!

Bucket list for 40 year old woman
Bucket list for 40 year old woman
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