Chiều ngang của sân khấu scratch kích thước bao nhiêu

Chiều ngang của sân khấu scratch kích thước bao nhiêu

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The Sketch Engine is a corpus query system based on grammatical relations of a language. This system has been widely used in lexicography, particularly for building dictionaries of different languages such as English, Japanese, Chinese etc. This paper presents an approach to applying the Sketch Engine to Vietnamese in which a method for building corpus and fundamental grammatical relations for Vietnamese has been proposed.

Era globalisasi saat ini memiliki beragam masalah yang semkin berkembang. Individu menghadapi permasalahan dengan dirinya sendiri, orang lain, maupun lingkungannya. Berkembangnya berbagai macam masalah diikuti pula solusi atau cara penyelesaian permasalahan tersebut, salah satunya dengan Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP merupakan program latihan yang memanfaatkan diri sendiri untuk menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan dengan melihat proses munculnya permasalahan tersebut. Hal ini sebagaimana fungsi konseling itu sendiri, yaitu memberikan perlakuan agar dapat berpikir rasional dan memiliki perasaan yang sesuai sehingga dapat merencanakan serta melaksanakan suatu tindakan yang produktif dan nomatif. Oleh karena itu, dengan proses NLP dalam konseling dapat memudahkan individu dalam berpikir rasional dan memiliki perasaan yang tepat.

Kreativitas merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang dikembangkan pada pembelajaran matematika dalam kurikulum 2013. Kompetensi ini sangat dibutuhkan dalam pembelajaran matematika, namun kenyataannya masih jarang dilakukan pembelajaran yang dirancang untuk mengembangkan kreativitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kreativitas siswa SMP dalam aktivitas pengajuan masalah matematika berdasarkan Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Deskripsi tersebut didasarkan pada hasil analisis Tugas Pengajuan Masalah Matemaika (TPMM). Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu SMP Negeri di Kota Malang. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 9 siswa SMP Kelas IX yang dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kategori, yaitu kategori 1(skor IQ 110 – 119), kategori 2 (skor IQ 100 – 109), dan kategori 3 (skor IQ 90 – 99). Alat pengumpul data pada penelitian ini berupa TPMM. Hasil TPMM dianalisis berdasarkan indikator kreativitas yaitu kelancaran ( fluency), keluwesan ( flexibility) dan kebaruan ( novelty) . Subjek pada kategori 1 ...

The purpose of this study is to describe the students&

39; creative thinking skills in social studies learning using the Problem Posing model. The subjects in this study were 28 eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Tulangan academic year 2019. Researchers used primary data and data collection techniques, namely tests. Tests were carried out before and after learning. The results showed that the test results of independent sample t-test posttest creative thinking abilities of learners shows that there are differences in the ability of creative thinking between the experimental class and class control after being given treatment. Based on the analysis of the t-test, it was concluded that the problem posing learning model influenced students&

39; creative thinking abilities. This research is useful for teachers, that is, they can develop teacher insights to be more innovative and creative in creating fun learning activities in the classroom and increasing students&

39; knowledge compe...

ABSTRACTThis research aims to produce learning instrument based models eligible 7E Learning Cycle is used to increase the activity and critical thinking skills of the fourth grade students of elementary school. Learning instrument are developed, namely: RPP, LKS, BAS, LPAS, and TKBK. Design of a test using one group pretest-posttest design are exercised is limited to 10 fourth grade students of SDN 1 Karangsalam then tested on a test implementation of the 21 fourth grade students of SDN Piasa Wetan academic year 2015/2016. The results showed: (1) the validity of the learning instrument that includes RPP, LKS, BAS, LPAS, and TKBK valid category; (2) learning instrument that have been developed practically used as indicated by 100% and the category of practically is excellent category by 3.63, the result of a positive student response and legibility BAS and LKS within easy categories; and (3) the effectiveness of the learning instrument shown by an increase in activity and critical th...

This study aims to train the Science Process skills to students on learning Acid, Base, and Salt using the Virtual Lab. The research was conducted on the students of SMA Negeri Cerme Gresik in the year 2017/2018. During the student learning using the virtual lab and guided by Student Worksheet, during the learning process conducted an observation of student activity, after learning conducted test of learning result, and questionnaire of student response to the use of the virtual laboratory. The result of the research shows that during the active learning of the students, the learning result reaches completeness, and the students give positive responses to the use of virtual laboratory as the learning medium of acid, base and salt.

Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pendekatan RME berbantuan media manipulative rainbow block beserta langkah-langkahnya pada pembelajaran matematika materi pecahan di sekolah dasar. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan RME berbantuan media manipulatif terdiri dari: (1) memahami masalah kontektual, (2) menyelesaikan masalah kontekstual dengan bantuan media manipulative rainbow blocks, (3) mendiskusikan dan membandingkan jawaban, dan (4) Menyimpulkan. Penggunaan pendekatan RME dalam pembelajaran dapat membuat pembelajaran lebih bermakna karena proses membangun konsep dihubungkan dengan konteks dunia nyata siswa. Untuk membantu menghubungkan konteks dunia nyata siswa digunakan media manipulatif sebagai alat bantu belajar untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran matematika.

Tâm của sân khấu có tọa độ bao nhiêu?

- Sân khấu là một hệ trục tọa độ hai chiều, có trục x và trục y. Điểm chính giữa của sân khấu có tọa độ (x=0, y=0) gọi là gốc tọa độ. Với hệ trục tọa độ thì có phần âm và phần dương. 2/ Backdrop - Ảnh nền/ Phông nền của sân khấu.

Sân khấu trong môi trường Scratch là gì?

Sân khấu là cửa sổ thể hiện chính của phần mềm Scratch. Sân khấu là nơi biểu diễn của các đối tượng, hiển thị các loại ảnh nền khác nhau, hiển thị các hiệu ứng đồ họa, ... Sân khấu là nơi người dùng sẽ tương tác với sản phẩm do chúng ta tạo ra.

Khu vực chứa các hình nền của sân khấu trong Scratch có tên là gì?

5- Backdrop/Background - Ảnh nền, phông nền Scratch Backdrop là khu vực quản lý, chỉnh sửa, thêm mới các ảnh nền hiển thị trên sân khấu (stage). Lưu ý: Đối với Backdrop chúng ta cũng có thể xây dựng những kịch bản riêng cho nó.

Khu vực kịch bản trên giao diện làm việc của Scratch để làm gì?

Khung điều khiển của Scratch Lệnh (Code): Đó là nơi chứa danh mục các lệnh để lập trình nên các đối tượng trong Scratch. Thiết kế (Costumes): Là nơi chứa các thiết kế và các giao diện khác nhau của đối tượng. Âm thanh (Sounds): Nơi có chứa âm thanh khác nhau của đối tượng.