Convert Collection of List to List in Java

  1. Java
  2. Collections Data Structure
  3. Link List

Convert Collection to ArrayList

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList(); linkedList.push("A"); linkedList.push("B"); linkedList.push("C"); linkedList.push("D"); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(linkedList); for (String s : arrayList) { System.out.println("s = " + s); } } }

1.Use for each loop to go through elements in a linkedlist
2.Use addFirst method to add value to the first position in a linked list
3.To insert an object into a specific position into the list, specify the index in the add method
4.Updating LinkedList Items
5.Convert LinkedList to Array with zero length array
6.Convert LinkedList to Array with full length array
7.Checking what item is first in line without removing it: element
8.Removing the first item from the queue: poll
9.Convert a LinkedList to ArrayList
10.Add elements at beginning and end of LinkedList Java example
11.Check if a particular element exists in LinkedList Java example
12.Create an object array from elements of LinkedList Java example
13.Get elements from LinkedList Java example
14.Get first and last elements from LinkedList Java example
15.Get SubList from LinkedList Java example
16.Iterate through elements of Java LinkedList using Iterator example
17.Remove all elements or clear LinkedList Java example
18.Iterate through elements of Java LinkedList using ListIterator example
19.Remove first and last elements of LinkedList Java example
20.Remove range of elements from LinkedList Java example
21.Remove specified element from LinkedList Java example
22.Replace an Element of LinkedList Java example
23.Search elements of LinkedList Java example
24.Add or insert an element to ArrayList using Java ListIterator Example
25.Finding an Element in a Sorted List
26.Create a list with an ordered list of strings
27.Search for a non-existent element
28.Use an Iterator to cycle through a collection in the forward direction.
29.Implementing a Queue with LinkedList
30.Implementing a Stack
31.Using a LinkedList in multi-thread
32.Wrap queue to synchronize the methods
33.Making a stack from a LinkedList
Convert Collection of List to List in Java
34.Single linked list
35.Double LinkedList
36.Doubly Linked list
Convert Collection of List to List in Java
37.A class for you to extend when you want object to maintain a doubly linked list
38.A simple Doubly Linked list class, designed to avoid O(n) behaviour on insert and delete.
39.A List helper class that attempts to avoid unneccessary List creation.
40.This program demonstrates operations on linked lists
41.Simple linked list class which uses a Comparator to sort the nodes.
42.This implementation of LinkedList that is optimized for element removal.