Hướng dẫn checkout php


B1. Tạo database (CSDL)
- create database BT2290

create table products (
	id int primary key auto_increment,
	title varchar(250) not null,
	thumbnail varchar(500),
	content longtext,
	price float,
	created_at datetime,
	updated_at datetime

create table orders (
	id int primary key auto_increment,
	fullname varchar(100),
	phone_number varchar(20),
	email varchar(200),
	address varchar(200),
	order_date datetime

create table order_details (
	id int primary key auto_increment,
	order_id int references orders (id),
	product_id int references products (id),
	num int,
	price float

B2. Fake data -> DONE
B3. Xay khung du an
	- db:
		- config.php
		- dbhelper.php
	- utils
		- utility.php
B4. Phát triển các chức năng của dự án
1) products.php
2) detail.php
3) cart.php
	Yeu cau: add to cart -> cart -> quan ly dc san pham + so luong trong cart do la nhu the nao
	Giai phap: Session
		$_SESSION['cart'] => [
				object product,
				'num' => ???
				object product,
				'num' => ???
	Phuong phap lam nhu the nao???
4) checkout.php
5) complete.php -> sau khi hoàn thành thanh toán.


'; } ?>
No Thumbnail Title Price Num Total
'.(++$count).' '.$item['title'].' '.number_format($item['price'], 0, '', '.').' VND '.$item['num'].' '.number_format($item['num'] * $item['price'], 0, '', '.').' VND



Complete Checkout


'; } ?>
No Thumbnail Title Price Num Total
'.(++$count).' '.$item['title'].' '.number_format($item['price'], 0, '', '.').' VND '.$item['num'].' '.number_format($item['num'] * $item['price'], 0, '', '.').' VND






'.number_format($item['price'], 0, '', '.').' VND

'; } ?>




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