Hướng dẫn how do i print the last 2 digits in python? - làm cách nào để in 2 chữ số cuối trong python?

With my code, I want to get the last two digits of an integer. But when I make x a positive number, it will take the first x digits, if it is a negative number, it will remove the first x digits.


number_of_numbers = 1
num = 9
while number_of_numbers <= 100:
  done = False
  num = num*10
  num = num+1
  while done == False:
    num_last = int(repr(num)[x])
    if num_last%14 == 0:
      number_of_numbers = number_of_numbers + 1
      done = True
      num = num + 1

asked Jan 15, 2017 at 18:37


Why don't you extract the absolute value of the number modulus 100? That is, use

 abs(num) % 100 

to extract the last two digits?

In terms of performance and clarity, this method is hard to beat.

answered Jan 15, 2017 at 18:42

Hướng dẫn how do i print the last 2 digits in python? - làm cách nào để in 2 chữ số cuối trong python?


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To get the last 2 digits of

 abs(num) % 100 
0 I would use a 1 line simple hack:


This would give a string. To get an int, just wrap with int:


answered Jan 15, 2017 at 19:13

Hướng dẫn how do i print the last 2 digits in python? - làm cách nào để in 2 chữ số cuối trong python?

Israel UntermanIsrael Unterman

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Simpler way to extract last two digits of the number (less efficient) is to convert the number to

 abs(num) % 100 
1 and slice the last two digits of the number. For example:

# sample function
def get_last_digits(num, last_digits_count=2):
    return int(str(num)[-last_digits_count:])
    #       ^ convert the number back to `int`

OR, you may achieve it via using modulo

 abs(num) % 100 
2 operator (more efficient), (to know more, check How does % work in Python?) as:

def get_last_digits(num, last_digits_count=2):
    return abs(num) % (10**last_digits_count)
    #       ^ perform `%` on absolute value to cover `-`ive numbers

Sample run:

>>> get_last_digits(95432)
>>> get_last_digits(2)
>>> get_last_digits(34644, last_digits_count=4)

answered Jan 15, 2017 at 18:40

Hướng dẫn how do i print the last 2 digits in python? - làm cách nào để in 2 chữ số cuối trong python?

Moinuddin QuadriMoinuddin Quadri

44.9k12 gold badges93 silver badges119 bronze badges


to get the last 2 digits of an integer.

a = int(input())
print(a % 100)

answered Oct 11, 2019 at 7:36

You can try this:


answered Jan 7, 2021 at 22:38

  • Python code to extract and display the last two digits of a number.
    • Python code implementation without user defined functions & classes
    • Python code implementation using function
    • Python code implementation using Classes


Python code implementation without user defined functions & classes

# Python code to extract last two digits of a number a = 23457 a_string = str(a) a_length = len(a_string) c = int(a_string[a_length - 2: a_length]) print("The last two digit for the number: ", a, " is: ", c)