invader zim là gì - Nghĩa của từ invader zim

invader zim có nghĩa là

an animated tv show created by jhonen vasquez in 2001. the show aired on nickelodeon for about a year, and was then cancelled. due to the show's popularity with the older nick-viewing audience, thousands of people petitioned online to have the show remain on the air, but their efforts failed. they then took matters into their own hands, recording all 38 episodes of the show, putting them in AVI and MPEG video formats, and uploading them to the internet for anyone to get their hands on. the show continued to air for about another year, and was eventually taken off.
the show is about an alien from the planet irk named zim. at the beginning of the series, irk had begun "operation impending doom II", a mission to conquer every planet in the universe. zim was an irken who wished to participate, and was reluctantly allowed to do so by the almighty tallest, the leaders of irk. zim has a robotic servant named GIR, and zim's archnemesis is dib, a boy who knows the identity of zim but is ridiculed by his peers.


invader zim owns all other nick shows.

invader zim có nghĩa là

1.The best TV show ever. Cancelled by Nickelodeon.
2. A very small Irken invader, sent to Earth to wreak dooooom down upon the filthy heads of his doomed enemies.


"Invader's blood flows through my veins like giant, radioactive rubber pants! The pants command me!"

invader zim có nghĩa là

A television show that was on Nickelodeon for a breif period. Created by cult comic book writer; Jhonen Vasquez, the show revolved around an alien from the planet Irk bent on world domination named Zim, and his adventures in conquering all of humanity, while a young human named Dib tries to stop him. It was cancelled for doing poorly in Nickelodeon's target audience, as it was more popular with older veiwers.


Did you see that epidsode of Invader Zim where Zim accidentally turned himself and Dib into balognia?

invader zim có nghĩa là

The only cartoon ever made that didn't absolutly suck.


Nice work Nick. The minute you cancelled Invader Zim aws the minute you bagan your slow, hopfully painful, agonizing, terrible, haunting, decent.

I can't wait for that wonderful day when I am Looking for something to watch. I turn to Nick and see taht justice was servered and there is another channel taking up the place where Nickalodion used to be. Then i will turn to the news and see a story proclaiming that Nick Studios has burned to the ground.

You deserve it

invader zim có nghĩa là

The best show on the planet that was cancelled due to Nickelodon being the most pussy network ever with no idea how great they had become. (they then proceeded to cancell all other good shows like kennan and kel, and the original cast of All That, and instead started showing Spongebob)
IZ has made words like "moose, pig, cow, taco, taquito, and doom" the best words on the planet.
The show has sprouted a huge fanbase that has produced many merchendise years after its cancellation.
Invader Zim was the best thing that ever happened to the cartooning world, and we should all worship Jhonen Vasquez.
Gir and Minimoose are the coolest, cutest things ever!


Man, i was watching disc 6 of Invader Zim and then turned on Nickelodeon, they were playing Spongebob. I then proceeded to bash the T.V. screen in with a hammer... I love Invader Zim...
I need tacos! i need them or ill explode, that happens to me sometimes...
my... my... my taquitoes... TAQUITOES!!!!!
Lets rain some DOOM upon the DOOMED inhabitants of this DOOMED planet
IM GONNA SING THE DOOM SONG NOW! doom doom doom doom doom doom doom...
Lets go to my room pig!

invader zim có nghĩa là

The greatest show ever to air on Nickelodeon. It had many mentions of pigs, moose's, the word "doom", and many other things. It was not, however, Nickelodeon's entire fault that the show was cancelled. Jhonen Vasquez himself was getting rather frustrated and pressured by his creation, and agreed to pull the plug on his brilliant masterpeice. Some of you people should really do your research before you say things about Nickelodeon, which has a lot of good shows, INCLUDING Spongebob. And no, I'm not like, 7.


Invader ZiM is perhaps the greatest cartoon that will ever appear on television.

invader zim có nghĩa là

One of the best(including Futurama and Robot Chicken) cartoon shows ever created. It's pure insanity and random-ness made it so great.... until it was cancelled by Nickelodeon.( i'm gonna rape Nickelodeon....) But if you have directv you can find it on channel 302 at 9:30 and can also find episodes on and you can watch them on


(From:Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars, the best of INVADER ZIM)
GIR: I made mashed poe-tay-toes!(he pronounced it that way)
ZIM: Yes, and muffins....

invader zim có nghĩa là

An extreamly awesome and funny little green alien that used to air on nick until some faggots took him off.


Invader zim is an aweome little dude. All who hates him has no life.

invader zim có nghĩa là

A show first aired on Nickelodeon, which was actually much better off before they canceled it after a couple of years or so.

It's about a green alien from a planet called Irk, sent on a fraud mission to take over the planet Earth. Problem's that he's arrogant and foolish plus such little controversy stops him, so he never exactly reaches his goal.


"Do not question me!" - Invader Zim

invader zim có nghĩa là

A dark styled cartoon original aired on Nickolodeon staring Zim, a loud wreckless alien on a mission to conquer/destroy earth, Dib, a human boy with the mindset to stop Zim, Gir, Zim's disfunctional SIR unit, and Gaz, Dib's dark brooding sister who only cares to be left alone.
Invader Zim is considered by many people the "Jesus Christ" of Cartoons. Created by comic book writer Jhonen Vasques, author of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee, and Filler Bunner, Invader Zim became the prophet of his dark concepts. Revolutionary in many ways, it challenged the way its viewers looked at the world around them. The show was cancelled for its unpopularity amoung younger audiences and high production costs. The show grew a major cult following after its "crucifixion".
Throughout 2006 the show had an apparent "resurrection" where episodes never before seen on tv were aired, though they were available on DVD releases before-hand.
Even though Invader Zim is gone, he lives on in our hearts.


Invader Zim: My Tallest! Why have you forsaken me?
Dib: It is done...