no metal là gì - Nghĩa của từ no metal

no metal có nghĩa là

A type of music characterized by it's cacophonous wall of sound and accelerated tempo which is achieved through distorted electric guitars playing fast-paced riffs, with the driving drumbeat often utilizing hypersonic double bass rhythms and emphasizing the continuous pumping action, the bass guitar is often playing similar to the guitar, but more with the drums, so as to add to the overall heavyness and depth. It can manifest in many different forms and the spectrum of intensity is usually quite varied. From slow and heavy melodic grooves, to complex and precise blinding rhythms, odd time changes, and sheer brutality.. metal comes in many shapes and sizes. One common trait of metal is to have vocals dealing with dark subject matter, often sung with anger, aggression, and conviction in the form of screaming. Melodic smooth vocals are also accepted. Solos are an integral part of metal music, as the icing on the cake to complement the heavy intensity of the songs and add more depth and individuality. Real metal has a solo in every song, usually scales and arpeggios played with some changes often in 8th, 16th, or 32nd notes..if only a few quick licks. Metal is progressive and dynamic, and usually provokes feelings that are therapeutic to the listener. Metal is rock music that has evolved.


Opeth, Death, Slayer, Pantera, Iced Earth, In Flames, Testament

no metal có nghĩa là

A misunderstood type of music that can not easily be appreciated if you haven't heard much of it. It may take a long time for you to warm up to it, but as soon as you do, there's no turning back. Contrary to belief, metalheads are not stupid or angsty - that's just throwing around labels.


1. Metal music is judged too easily.
2. People's minds need to be more open.

no metal có nghĩa là

A heavier form of rock and roll music, that is definately not for everybody. However, if you like music that is violent, heavy, and generally badass, I recommend going to your nearest record store and buying a Priest or Maiden album. If you like rock music, but wish it was heavier, you won't regret it, trust me. There are many different types of metal. I'll list a few examples of each genre:


Heavy Metal: Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Tank, Accept, Motorhead, Armored Saint, Saxon. Thrash Metal: SSSSLLLLAAAAYYYYEEEERRRR!!!!(the yelling is necessary, trust me), Kreator, Sodom, Testament, Overkill, Exodus. Death Metal: Death, Morbid Angel, Possessed, Bolt Thrower, Monstrosity, Deicide, Vader. Power Metal: Sabaton, Hammerfall, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Helloween. Black Metal: (a.k.a. the gods rock and roll of which you need to lay down your soul to) Bathory (old), Celtic Frost, Burzum, Dark Throne, Emperor, Mayhem. Viking Metal: Bathory (new), Ensiferum, Tyr, Korpiklaani, Enslaved. Doom Metal: Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, My Dying Bride (not an emo band, surprisingly), Electric Wizard. And that's just a few. Also, don't think that metal is all a bunch of shouting about Satan. It's not. Trust me, I listen to it, and it's not.

no metal có nghĩa là

Gods gift to the world.


Types: Viking, Thrash, Speed, Hardcore, Death, Black, Nu-metal and more. Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Manowar, Slipknot,

no metal có nghĩa là

Pertaining to something that is deemed cool by listeners and followers of the metal genre. A replacement for the word "cool" by metal heads.
When something isn't metal it is considered Lame.


Dude, your clothes are totally metal.
Dude, don't cry, that's totally not metal.

no metal có nghĩa là

A music genre that can never be destroyed.


Tenacious D- "You can't kill the metal. The metal will live on. Punk rock tried to kill the metal, but they failed, as they were SMASHED to the ground!"

no metal có nghĩa là

A genre of music, heavier than rock. Metal bands include, but are not limited to, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Anthrax, Pantera, Megadeth, Down, Black Label Society, Slayer, Danzig, and Iron Maiden just to name a few. There are too many subgenres, like thrash metal , death metal, metalcore, power metal, doom metal, and black metal, again just to name a few. The image of metal has been tainted by whiny emo bands who try to classify themselves as metal, giving metal heads the image of suicidal, stupid, junkies who aren't going anywhere in life. This is a stereotype and definitly doesn't describe even half the people who listen to metal


It's all about pure fuckin metal

no metal có nghĩa là

Something you see that is shiny and metallic, but is WAAAAAY cooler than 'metallic'. You can only pull this word off if you are cool and ghetto.


Guy#1: woah dude, that's so metallic!
Guy #2: Naah man, it's METALLICAL.

no metal có nghĩa là

A strict rule adopted by old people in the 80's and modern day fags.


Jeff: I guess Tom said there's a no metal rule.
Randy: Who gives a fuck. I know Tom and he's a total faggot.

no metal có nghĩa là

Any good music festival has a clear "no metal" guideline preventing badly dressed, long haired freaks who wear a 1998 Metallica shirt and black leather pants to come to the festival.


Jake: Hey Tom, how was the Sziget festival this year?
Tom: Awesome, they had cheap beer and no metal.