What is form validation in php?

This and the next chapters show how to use PHP to validate form data.

PHP Form Validation

Think SECURITY when processing PHP forms!

These pages will show how to process PHP forms with security in mind. Proper validation of form data is important to protect your form from hackers and spammers!

The HTML form we will be working at in these chapters, contains various input fields: required and optional text fields, radio buttons, and a submit button:

The validation rules for the form above are as follows:

FieldValidation Rules
Name Required. + Must only contain letters and whitespace
E-mail Required. + Must contain a valid email address (with @ and .)
Website Optional. If present, it must contain a valid URL
Comment Optional. Multi-line input field (textarea)
Gender Required. Must select one

First we will look at the plain HTML code for the form:

Text Fields

The name, email, and website fields are text input elements, and the comment field is a textarea. The HTML code looks like this:


Radio Buttons

The gender fields are radio buttons and the HTML code looks like this:


The Form Element

The HTML code of the form looks like this:


When the form is submitted, the form data is sent with method="post".

What is the $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] variable?

The $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] is a super global variable that returns the filename of the currently executing script.

So, the $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] sends the submitted form data to the page itself, instead of jumping to a different page. This way, the user will get error messages on the same page as the form.

What is the htmlspecialchars() function?

The htmlspecialchars() function converts special characters to HTML entities. This means that it will replace HTML characters like < and > with < and >. This prevents attackers from exploiting the code by injecting HTML or Javascript code (Cross-site Scripting attacks) in forms.

Big Note on PHP Form Security

The $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] variable can be used by hackers!

If PHP_SELF is used in your page then a user can enter a slash (/) and then some Cross Site Scripting (XSS) commands to execute.

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users.

Assume we have the following form in a page named "test_form.php":


Now, if a user enters the normal URL in the address bar like "http://www.example.com/test_form.php", the above code will be translated to:

So far, so good.

However, consider that a user enters the following URL in the address bar:


In this case, the above code will be translated to:

This code adds a script tag and an alert command. And when the page loads, the JavaScript code will be executed (the user will see an alert box). This is just a simple and harmless example how the PHP_SELF variable can be exploited.

Be aware of that any JavaScript code can be added inside the

When we use the htmlspecialchars() function; then if a user tries to submit the following in a text field:

- this would not be executed, because it would be saved as HTML escaped code, like this:


The code is now safe to be displayed on a page or inside an e-mail.

We will also do two more things when the user submits the form:

  1. Strip unnecessary characters (extra space, tab, newline) from the user input data (with the PHP trim() function)
  2. Remove backslashes (\) from the user input data (with the PHP stripslashes() function)

The next step is to create a function that will do all the checking for us (which is much more convenient than writing the same code over and over again).

We will name the function test_input().

Now, we can check each $_POST variable with the test_input() function, and the script looks like this:


// define variables and set to empty values
$name = $email = $gender = $comment = $website = "";

  $name = test_input($_POST["name"]);
  $email = test_input($_POST["email"]);
  $website = test_input($_POST["website"]);
  $comment = test_input($_POST["comment"]);
  $gender = test_input($_POST["gender"]);

function test_input($data) {
  $data = trim($data);
  $data = stripslashes($data);
  $data = htmlspecialchars($data);
  return $data;

Run Example »

Notice that at the start of the script, we check whether the form has been submitted using $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]. If the REQUEST_METHOD is POST, then the form has been submitted - and it should be validated. If it has not been submitted, skip the validation and display a blank form.

However, in the example above, all input fields are optional. The script works fine even if the user does not enter any data.

The next step is to make input fields required and create error messages if needed.

What is meant by form validation?

Form validation is a “technical process where a web-form checks if the information provided by a user is correct.” The form will either alert the user that they messed up and need to fix something to proceed, or the form will be validated and the user will be able to continue with their registration process.

What is form validation explain with suitable example in PHP?

Assume we have the following form in a page named "test_form.php": "> So far, so good. ... Your Input:.

What is form validation and its types?

Form validation is useful when you need a user to input information that is expected to meet certain requirements. There are two validation standards: server side validation and client side validation. There are several ways to achieve accurate form validation for each of these standards.

What is the importance of validation in PHP?

Importance of PHP Form Validation Validates data as float, & translates to float on success. Validates data as integer, & translates to integer on success.