Which of the following tools can be used to manage Azure resources on a Google Chromebook?

This is the ninth blog in the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Series(AZ-900) of Topic 2: Core Azure Cloud Services.

You can also read the previous topic2.4 Microsoft Azure Solutions to understand IoT, Big Data Analysis, ML & Serverless in a better way.

We also have full list of blogs on Azure Fundamentals series.

In this blog post, we will be covering topic 2.5 Azure Management Tools which includes Azure Cloud Portal, Powershell, Cloudshell & Cloud Advisor.

Built-in Azure management and governance tools help your system administrators and developers to keep your resources secure and compliant, both on-premises and in the cloud.

Azure Cloud Portal

  1. The Portal is a web-based console that provides a graphical user interface and is the most common way for interactions with the cloud.
  2. You can build, manage, and monitor things such as simple web apps, subscriptions, billings, and even complex cloud deployments.
  3. The Azure portal is designed for resiliency, low access latency, and high availability as it is present in every datacenter.
  4. It is kept continuously updated hence it does not suffer any downtime.

Which of the following tools can be used to manage Azure resources on a Google Chromebook?

Also read: All you need to know about Azure Resource Group

Azure Cloud Powershell

  1. Azure Powershell is an extension of windows PowerShell that has its modules and cmdlets.
  2. Through these same cmdlets a user can perform powerful common tasks on the Azure cloud bypassing the need of the Azure Portal.
  3. Users can create automation scripts using PowerShell for repetitive tasks on the cloud resulting in a drastic decrease in Administrative overhead.

Which of the following tools can be used to manage Azure resources on a Google Chromebook?

Also check: Microsoft Free Certification in Microsoft Ignite 2020

Azure Cloud Shell

  1. The Cloud shell grants access to a browser-based command-line experience that has been built keeping Azure management tasks in mind.
  2. As it is browser-based, it provides more flexibility than PowerShell as it remains machine and OS independent.
  3. It further differentiated itself from Azure PowerShell by offering a choice between Bash and PowerShell itself inside the browser.
  4. Microsoft manages Cloud Shell themselves, hence it comes with updated command-line tool and language support.
  5. Cloud Shell is also automated to securely authenticate and provide you with instant access to your resources.

Which of the following tools can be used to manage Azure resources on a Google Chromebook?

Also check: Azure DeVops Certifcation Path to know more about the certifications to be a Microsoft Certified DevOps Engineer.

Azure Cloud Advisor

  1. The Azure Advisor is a personalized cloud consultant that provides you guidance and helps you to follow best practices to optimize your Azure cloud deployments for cost-effectiveness, performance, high availability, and security.
  2. It analyzes your resource configurations and usage telemetry to give you recommendations that are proactive, actionable, and personalized.

Which of the following tools can be used to manage Azure resources on a Google Chromebook?

Sample Question

Here is a sample question from the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam[AZ-900] that you should be able to solve after reading this blog.

Q1. You need to manage the settings of a web app from an iPhone. What is the Azure management tool that you can use?

  1. The Azure portal.
  2. Azure Cloud Shell.
  3. Windows PowerShell.
  4. Azure Storage Explorer.

Correct Answer:  B

Explanation: The Azure Cloud shell is platform and OS independent and requires no configuration on the device it is being used.

Q2. An Azure administrator plans to run a PowerShell script that creates Azure resources. You need to recommend which computer configuration to use to run the script.

Solution: Run the script from a computer that runs macOS and has PowerShell Core 6.0 installed.
Does this meet the goal?
A. Yes
B. No
Correct Answer: A

Explanation: Irrespective of OS, PowerShell is the main tool here. Hence, Answer A

  1. [AZ-900] Microsoft Azure Certification Fundamental Exam: Everything You Must Know
  2. Learn how to create a Free Microsoft Azure Trial Account
  3. [AZ-900] Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Topic 1.1 Overview & Benefits
  4. [AZ-900] Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Topic 1.2  CapEx vs OpEx Model
  5. Topic 1.3 [Video]Cloud Service Model: SaaS | PaaS | IaaS
  6. Topic 1.4 Cloud Deployment Models: Public, Private & Hybrid 
  7. Topic 2.1 Azure Architecture: Region, Availability Zone & Geography
  8. Topic 2.2 Azure Resource Groups, ARM &  ARM Template
  9. Topic 2.3 Azure Core Services: Compute, Network, Storage & Database
  10. Topic 2.4 Microsoft Azure Solutions: IoT, Big Data Analysis, ML & Serverless

Next Task For You

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Which tool can be used to manage Azure resources on a Google Chromebook?

Which of the following tools can be used to manage Azure resources on a Google Chromebook? Azure portal.

What tools can you use to manage resources on Azure?

Azure Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure. It provides a management layer that enables you to create, update, and delete resources in your Azure account. You use management features, like access control, locks, and tags, to secure and organize your resources after deployment.

Can you use Azure on Chromebook?

You can access Azure Virtual Desktop resources from your Android device with our downloadable client. You can also use the Android client on Chromebook devices that support the Google Play Store.

Which of the following are Azure Management Tool?

This course provides an introduction to the four key Azure management tools: the Azure portal, the Azure CLI, PowerShell, and JSON templates.