Arithmetic operators in javascript program

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators perform arithmetic on numbers (literals or variables).

+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
** Exponentiation (ES2016)
/ Division
% Modulus (Remainder)
++ Increment
-- Decrement

Arithmetic Operations

A typical arithmetic operation operates on two numbers.

The two numbers can be literals:

or variables:

or expressions:

Operators and Operands

The numbers (in an arithmetic operation) are called operands.

The operation (to be performed between the two operands) is defined by an operator.

100 + 50


The addition operator (+) adds numbers:


The subtraction operator (-) subtracts numbers.


The multiplication operator (*) multiplies numbers.


The division operator (/) divides numbers.


The modulus operator (%) returns the division remainder.

In arithmetic, the division of two integers produces a quotient and a remainder.

In mathematics, the result of a modulo operation is the remainder of an arithmetic division.


The increment operator (++) increments numbers.


The decrement operator (--) decrements numbers.


The exponentiation operator (**) raises the first operand to the power of the second operand.

x ** y produces the same result as Math.pow(x,y):

Operator Precedence

Operator precedence describes the order in which operations are performed in an arithmetic expression.

Is the result of example above the same as 150 * 3, or is it the same as 100 + 150?

Is the addition or the multiplication done first?

As in traditional school mathematics, the multiplication is done first.

Multiplication (*) and division (/) have higher precedence than addition (+) and subtraction (-).

And (as in school mathematics) the precedence can be changed by using parentheses:

When using parentheses, the operations inside the parentheses are computed first.

When many operations have the same precedence (like addition and subtraction), they are computed from left to right:

JavaScript Operator Precedence Values

Pale red entries indicates ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) or higher.

21 ( ) Expression grouping (3 + 4)
20 . Member
20 [] Member person["name"]
20 () Function call myFunction()
20 new Create new Date()
18 ++ Postfix Increment i++
18 -- Postfix Decrement i--
17 ++ Prefix Increment ++i
17 -- Prefix Decrement --i
17 ! Logical not !(x==y)
17 typeof Type typeof x
16 ** Exponentiation (ES2016) 10 ** 2
15 * Multiplication 10 * 5
15 / Division 10 / 5
15 % Division Remainder 10 % 5
14 + Addition 10 + 5
14 - Subtraction 10 - 5
13 << Shift left x << 2
13 >> Shift right x >> 2
13 >>> Shift right (unsigned) x >>> 2
12 < Less than x < y 
12 <= Less than or equal x <= y
12 > Greater than x > y
12 >= Greater than or equal x >= y
12 in Property in Object "PI" in Math
12 instanceof Instance of Object instanceof Array
11 == Equal x == y
11 === Strict equal x === y
11 != Unequal x != y
11 !== Strict unequal x !== y
10 & Bitwise AND x & y
9 ^ Bitwise XOR x ^ y
8 | Bitwise OR x | y
7 && Logical AND x && y
6 || Logical OR x || y
5 ?? Nullish Coalescing x ?? y
4 ? : Condition ? "Yes" : "No"
3 += Assignment x += y
3 /= Assignment x /= y
3 -= Assignment x -= y
3 *= Assignment x *= y
3 %= Assignment x %= y
3 <<= Assignment x <<= y
3 >>= Assignment x >>= y
3 >>>= Assignment x >>>= y
3 &= Assignment x &= y
3 ^= Assignment x ^= y
3 |= Assignment x |= y
2 yield Pause Function yield x
1 , Comma 5 , 6

Expressions in parentheses are fully computed before the value is used in the rest of the expression.

Test Yourself With Exercises

What are the arithmetic operators used in JavaScript?

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators.

What is arithmetic expression in JavaScript?

This section covers the operators that perform arithmetic or other numerical manipulations on their operands. The multiplication, division, and subtraction operators are straightforward and are covered first.

What are the 4 types of JavaScript operators?

JavaScript includes operators that perform some operation on single or multiple operands (data value) and produce a result. JavaScript includes various categories of operators: Arithmetic operators, Comparison operators, Logical operators, Assignment operators, Conditional operators.

What are the 7 most common JavaScript operators?

JavaScript provides the following arithmetic operators:.
Bitwise AND Operator (&) ... .
Bitwise OR Operator (|) ... .
Bitwise XOR Operator (^) ... .
Bitwise NOT Operator (~) ... .
Left Shift Operator (<<) ... .
Right Shift Operator (>>) ... .
Ternary Operator. ... .
Typeof Operator. The typeof operator is used to find the data type of a value or variable..