Bug war guild xử lý

Today I received 2000 less points in GW (red day) - different armies for all days, 5 battles, 5 wins and only 7450 points, because in the first battle there were only 1250 points instead of 3250.

Some of my guildmates have the same problem - no 2000 bonus points for 4 different troops.

Credit is not given for vanquishing Joko's Domain while this quest is active, even if the party defeats the last foe before triggering the cinematic.

A Favor Returned

If you run to the three students before the initial dialogue is complete, the quest will not trigger properly. You must run about halfway back to him and re-approach the cave.

A Fool's Luck

If a player with at least 5talking to Ruthless Sevad selects the "Thief! Here's your five platinum..." option but hasn't clicked the following "Here's the money..." option, the player can drop all of their gold on the ground, click the "Here's the money..." option, and pick their gold back up to skip to the reward objective without actually paying the 5.

A Formal Introduction

Sometimes Master Togo will get stuck on Water Buffalo, and you will need to restart the quest from Shing Jea Monastery. A workaround for this is to activate a point blank area of effect damage skill, such as Ancestors' Rage, while standing next to the buffalo, which causes the buffalo to move.

Also, sometimes Master Togo will exhibit extremely faulty scripting, and pause some distance away from the guard, refusing to move further. You will need to restart.

A Gate Too Far

On the second floor, if you do not take Raven blessing, sometimes you will encounter the default mobs instead of Destroyers. On the third floor, the Destroyers sometimes do not spawn until you reach the final area that has the Asura Gate.

If the rest of your party wipes and Ogden and/or Vekk are in the party, they will resurrect where they died, as soon as the final dialogue begins (as you enter the last room).

A Gift of Griffons

If any Forest Griffon dies after the quest is completed, your party still will be defeated (even if you have done all other quests).

A Humbling Gift

Unlike other quests, this quest is not indicated with a "(Completed)" beside the quest name in the Quest Log after the objective is completed.

You cannot accept the quest reward while your character's inventory is full and the inventory holds another Frozen Accessory Token in it, even though Frozen Accessory Tokens are stackable.

A Little Help From Above

In Russian, Italian, Spanish and French translations, the number of groups remaining is not posted.

A Little Recon

Some Heroes and Henchmen do not attack when Koss's Elixir is done in the same run, but Jagged Horrors are able to inflict damage and Bleeding Condition when they replace Shambling Horrors.

Occasionally, a nearby group of plants will patrol by the Kournan soldiers. If the Kournan soldiers do not become hostile (if you stay out of range of that quest trigger) the Kournans will peacefully stand by while the plants kill them. The quest can be completed in this fashion with little combat. The Plants will not attack the Kournan Captain.

A Show of Force

As with other triggered spawns, one or more of the shrine-based monoliths will sometimes appear without being able to aggro or respond to attacks. Likewise, heroes will not attack them until the player initiates combat. While in this inactive state, they appear in their fully assembled form.

A Tasty Morsel

If, during your current visit, you have passed near the resurrection shrine where Jirath is, Charen will head directly there (instead of staying with you) and will often get stuck on the way, preventing completion of the quest. If rezoning does not work, you can try abandoning the quest: afterward, return to the Ruptured Heart to pick up the quest again and this time, avoid the shrine until after you speak to Charen.

A Time for Heroes

While A Time for Heroes is in your quest log, you will keep receiving an announcement each time you go the Central Transfer Chamber, "Quest Added: A Time For Heroes". This continues until you complete the quest.

A Very Grentchie Wintersday

Sometimes in Watchtower Coast, when you are picking up the garlic, Necromancer Skorzena is already dead upon arrival. It would seem the Elite Guards protecting her don't react if a group of bog skale next to her attacks before you arrive, thus leaving her helpless. In this case, you simply need to re-zone.

Sometimes a Daltain Guard will run up and attack her, and her Elite Guards will not react, leaving her helpless.

If War in Kryta is active, White Mantle near Necromancer Skorzena can attack and kill her.

Against the Charr

If you enter this mission while riding a Siege Devourer you will not earn credit for completing it.

An Unwelcome Guest

Corrupted Zunraa does not appear sometimes.

Animal companion

If a pet in Heel mode is changed to Attack mode, it will actually go back to Guard mode after its target is killed, despite the pet control panel displaying Heel mode

Sometimes when a pet evolves, its name will not update until it is reset with the /petname (or /namepet) command.

Striders might be bugged so that they do not evolve into aggressive/dire as of 2014 and stay unevolved, even when death-leveled.


The Quest Log says the quest is given in Lion's Arch, instead of Embark Beach.

Annihilator 2: Searing Day

The Quest Log says the quest is given in Lion's Arch, instead of Embark Beach.

The Bandit Firestarters are hostile to each other.

Anything You Can Do

Defeating Remnant of Antiquities may, but does not always, count as defeating Fragment of Antiquities.

Armored Transport

Sometimes the corsairs that run at you while on the plains will run away as soon as they reach your aggro radius, making you run after them until they stop. Then you can kill them. (Example)

After killing the corsairs, Dengo sometimes will not move, forcing you to restart the quest.

Army Life

Old Mac might repeat his dialogue as you approach the portal.

Assault on Beknur Harbor

If you let one of the first few waves inside, the quest will not progress, although the monsters will still come. After you go back and defeat the wave inside, groups of 4 or so creature waves follow for the remainder of the quest.

Attack at the Kodash

Sometimes even after killing all groups that have spawned you still won't complete the quest. This might be caused by one of the Vabbian Commoners being stuck behind a Vabbian Chest.

Attack the Kurzicks!

Even if you already completed this quest, when you re-enter Maishang Hills without accepting the reward, the quest log resets and you will have to complete it again.

Augury Rock (Zaishen quest)

The mission doesn't need to be a success. Defeating the Doppelganger is enough to complete the quest; however, the first bonus is not satisfied if you die before the Doppelganger.

Auspicious Beginnings

Sometimes Gwen endlessly repeats the last dialogue in the Hall of Monuments.

If you fail the mission by swapping out Keiran's Bow too soon, the game incorrectly states you must equip Togo's Staff to play the mission.

Battle in the Sewers

A group of Afflicted Warriors and Assassins (that spawn due to this quest) on the way to Commander Jafai won't move or attack, and use no skills except Endure Pain (used by the Afflicted Warriors).

Sometimes the allied Royal Guards won't spawn when you enter Shenzun Tunnels. Rezoning seems to fix this.

Be Very, Very Quiet...

If Torch Harrowkeeper dies and is resurrected, he will drop a second Charr Intelligence.

It is possible for a chest to spawn in the Sacnoth Valley portal, preventing the Grawl from attending the meeting.

Bear Club for Women

On rare occasions the quest can glitch making the bear un-killable even when the Bear club is equipped the entire fight.

Better You Than Me

Unlike other quests, this quest is not indicated with a "(Completed)" beside the quest name in the Quest Log after the objective is completed.

You cannot accept the quest reward while your character's inventory is full and the inventory holds another Ghoulish Accessory Token in it, even though Ghoulish Accessory Tokens are stackable.

Big News, Small Package

Tahlkora will heal and enchant foes while this quest is active.

Blacktide Den

It is possible to pass through some of the Kournan Guard barriers before speaking to Captain Besuz. There is no benefit in doing so and requires more time than finishing the mission normally.

Occasionally, General Kahyet and her group will appear, but fail to turn hostile. There is no work-around; you must restart the mission.

Bukdek Byway (Zaishen vanquish)

Can still get credit for vanquish if killing less than 25 foes. See Bukdek Byway for details on 0-kill or low-count vanquishes.

Despite the objective description, killing only 25 foes does not complete the quest. A full vanquish is required.

Cantha Courier Crisis

Beyond the square where you encounter Jade Brotherhood mobs appearing in waves, there's a chance that if you trigger hidden mobs when Falken is knocked out, he may stand there and no longer move. If this happens, you are forced to restart the quest.

Capturing the Orrian Tome

Although this is supposed to be a conversation between two bandits, only one of them does any talking. Because of this, it is possible to kill the non-speaking one and continue the quest. However, the quest log will state that the quest fails.

Caravan in Trouble

If NPCs are aggroed, Mhenlo may say his second line before the Caravan Guard's answer.

The initial dialogue plays even for non-Tyrian characters, who cannot accept the quest.


Sometimes after making a PvE character and then logging out to the character selection menu, the character will not appear, although when you try to make a new one, it will come up with an error message. Logging out or playing on a different character will fix this error.

If you re-create a character with the same name as the predeceasing which had unspent attribute points and not clicked the message to spend them, a new message informing you have unspent attribute points will pop up although the new character cannot have any.

Charr at the Gate

Charr can occasionally spawn behind the gate.

Charr-broiled Plans

Sometimes the Charr Demolishers are not accompanied by pets.

Choose Your Secondary Profession (Nightfall quest)

You can abandon this quest after choosing your secondary and before accepting the quest reward and will get a new choice to choose your secondary. However, this will have no effect — your secondary profession has already been locked.

Cleansing Shenzun Tunnels

If Zei Ri fails to resurrect after a death, you will be unable to complete the quest; you must rezone and start over.

The final wave of Afflicted can spawn even if there are foes remaining from previous waves. If this happens, you need only defeat the final group to receive credit for quest completion.

Cleansing the Shrine

Sometimes Brother Sitai will not be hexed from the start, and you will have to re-zone and do it again.

Holy Veil can not be used to remove the hex for some reason, you will have to re-zone and bring a different hex removal

Closer to the Stars

If you kill the Jade Brothers too fast, the quest will not update and thus not be able to be finished.

Coffer of Joko

It has been reported that if the Scriptures of Abaddon is in your inventory, leaving this area before completing the quest will cause the quest objectives to reset in the quest log. The quest can still be completed from where you left off when you re-enter the area.

Command Training

If Area Two and Area Three are captured before capturing Area One, the quest can be finished by capturing Area One last, without the Razorback Skales spawning.

Scared Razorback Skales glitch. If the Razorback Skales enters the player's earshot range, they will attempt to run up and attack. Failing to reach, they then run away and the hero nor the Skales will initiate combat. If the hero leaves the area that the bugged Skales belong to, they will run back to it.

The quest can still be finished if the player teleports down before completing all objectives.

Although it says "Use your hero to capture area one" Mercenary Heroes do not count and will result in failing the quest.

Crossing the Desolation

Palawa Joko sometimes fails to appear when the monument is activated; however, the quest still updates (even though there is no dialogue after Kormir leaves).

Crystal Method

On very rare occasions, the Spectral Crystal does not drop, forcing you to return to the dungeon.

Curse of the Nornbear

Sometimes Volfen Bloodlust will not work and you will be unable to see the location of Svanir.

Sometimes the Nornbear doesn't flee when it's supposed to. In these cases whenever its health reaches 0, it instantly goes back to 25%. To break this bug, flag your heroes/henchmen well away from it.

Deactivating P.O.X.

Sometimes after P.O.X. goes haywire you cannot interact because whenever you click it automatically makes you use your first skill.

Deactivating R.O.X.

During the fight with R.O.X., he will sometimes get caught on a wall, and stop attacking.

Sometimes the statue of Dwayna fails to load, and acolytes sent there will provide no blessing.

Death with Honor

It is possible to complete both Death with Honor and The Rite of Valor by entering the area with another player who has not completed either quest.

Defending the Breach

The quest log could update itself as "Completed" after killing the waves of Destroyers but not the Plague of Destruction.

Defense Against Hexes

Lo Sha claims the skills are provided by him, when they are provided by Instructer Ng.

Destruction's Depths

The Vanguard Warriors and monks will often turn hostile when they take damage, in the same way charmable animals do. See the screenshot at right.

When you skip the introduction cinematic, your party may be attacked by a Fire Storm and Incendiary Bonds.


After defeating Dhuum, King Frozenwind sometimes fails to teleport you into his chamber, which prevents you from getting the Underworld chest.

Dissonance (PvP)

This spirit will interrupt even when the target is using a skill like Mantra of Resolve (PvP)[verification requested].

Don't Fear the Reapers

In the German translation, all words are capitalized.

In the French translation, Reaper of the Labyrinth's dialogue does not make sense, speaking about the first step of the quest (using a Transmogrifier Tonic and speaking to the Voice of Grenth).

The door to the inside of the Hall of Judgment is visible but does not collide with other objects. You can walk through it to see the inside. This is useful if you are interested in seeing Dhuum's lair but cannot be bothered with the illimitable prerequisites.

Double Your Pleasure and RUN!

Unlike other quests, this quest is not indicated with a "(Completed)" beside the quest name in the Quest Log after the objective is completed.

You cannot accept the quest reward while your character's inventory is full and the inventory holds another Ghoulish Accessory Token in it, even though Ghoulish Accessory Tokens are stackable.

Dual Strike

Dragon Festival quests have been known to interfere with the completion of this quest.

Duel of the Houses

The duel won't start if you kill Lord Brauer too fast. The duel may start afterwards.

Rarely, the enemy team won't spawn at all and the reward can immediately be collected.

Ebon Vanguard Allies

Sometimes after listening to a dialogue in the Hall of Monuments, only the party leader's quest log is updated for the Ebon Vanguard Allies quest. Party members might see the main quest log updated, but they might still have to return individually to the HoM and the Ice Cliff Chasms to listen to the dialogue again.

Endangered Species

This quest rewards the skill Charm Animal, but you need the skill in order to charm a Melandru's Stalker in the first place.

Escape from the Torment

Sometimes after defeating Abaddon's forces the quest is updated as failed.

Escort of Souls

On rare occasions, the Mindblades do not attack the New Souls, making far easier to complete this quest.

Ever Closer to the Edge (Hard mode)

The Quest Log doesn't display the gold or experience rewards for this quest, though gold and experience are given when the quest is turned in, and are displayed in the initial quest dialogue.

Every Bit Helps

If your character has 991or more, you will only be awarded experience and Trick-or-Treat Bags but not any gold. Usually an NPC will not give a quest reward until your character has enough space for the gold and/or items.

If you have enough filled mobstoppers in your inventory to complete this quest, but less than 3 in the first inventory slot, you will be unable to accept the reward because "your inventory is full".

Evil Residents

The minions that are not spawned by skills and Bone Horrors that are spawned from Minion Apocalypse are masterless, since Verata's Gaze only needs to be used once instead of twice to take control of one of these minions if Verata's Gaze does not fail because of the caster having 0 Death Magic; however, the masterless minions that are not spawned by skills are not hostile to the quest-related foes, while masterless Bone Horrors that are spawned from Minion Apocalypse are hostile to the quest-related foes.

Family Matters

Miyuki will become stuck on NPCs along the way, a simple fix is get her unstuck on any she does so that the quest will update when you head to the location of Natsumi.

Feeding Frenzy

If Toma dies after eating his fill, the game informs you that you have failed the quest, but your quest log indicates that the quest has been completed. It seems the log is accurate, since you can claim the reward even with Toma dead. Simply rezone and accept the reward.

Find the Stolen Presents

Pressing CTRL-Space while having a present selected will produce the following dialog from your character: "I'm using a(n)." The present does not have a title in the target display at the top of the screen either.

Fires in the North

Once the quest is completed, the compass marker will point towards Captain Arne in Ascalon City, instead of Duke Barradin in Piken Square.

Forbidden Fruit

Gharaz the Glutton will be resurrected with the other Charr in the fort even if you poisoned the food, which means that he will still be alive during the following quest if you remain in the zone.

Frontier Gate Fugitives

Footman Tate will continue to spawn in the Eastern Frontier even after you lead him back to the Frontier Gate.

Garfazz Bloodfang (quest)

Sometimes, after you accept the reward from Duke Barradin on completion of The Siege of Piken Square (the prerequisite quest for Garfazz Bloodfang), Viggo won't gain the expected green exclamation point above his head until you click on him.

Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation

Sometimes a G.O.L.E.M. spawns with unlimited health.

There is a delay between when the Bringers spawn and the task to defeat them is added to the quest. A sufficiently powerful group camped on their spawn location can kill them before the task is added, making it impossible to finish the quest.

You can accidentally prevent the game from registering the completion of the mission if you kill the Bringers of Destruction before triggering their protectors. To avoid this, refrain from killing the two bosses until the very last objective (for a total of five objectives) appears in your quest log, i.e. even after you are told to kill the Bringers of Destruction.

Giriff's War

The two amphibians fighting at the very beginning of the dungeon might not die. In order to continue with the dungeon, you may need to rezone.

On the first level, you might have to rezone numerous times because all of the amphibians are dead, thus you can't progress because the door doesn't open.

Give Peace a Chance

Sometimes Hayda will get stuck on the resurrection shrine and you will have to restart the quest.

Guide to character creation

Selecting a color for the feet armor piece in character creation can cause a visual bug where the UV Map and new color of the feet armor piece are applied to the legs armor piece instead. This is only temporary:

  • Changing the color of the legs armor will remove the wrong uv map, but the color of the feet armor will not update.
    • This may only work when selecting the new color.
  • Going Back and changing skin color will remove the wrong uv map, remove the wrong color and apply the color correctly to the feet armor. Other appearance options have no effect.
  • The created character will have the color corresponding to the color channel, not the preview.
Gwen's Flute (quest)

If you abandon this quest, Gwen will not give it again.


Despite the description, you can fulfill this quest without Xandra in your party.

Hell's Precipice

Occasionally, one of the portals does not appear. In this case, closing the other two portals does not help, but should be attempted.

On rare occasions, the seer will be dead before you can trigger the bonus, even if you stayed out of compass distance.


Though Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist, and Ritualist henchmen share their positioning priority, not all henchmen of these professions will mimic the party order on the field.

Hog Hunt

This quest will be registered as completed if the player is in a party with another player that has already completed this quest.

If doing this quest with a non-Elonian character in party, Nehdukah will not follow the party.

Holding the Line

Initially heading to the second quest point and defeating all the enemies there will cause the quest to be marked as completed. Enemies will still spawn at the first point if one then proceeds there, although the quest will still be considered complete.

Hopeless Romantic

If the Winds of Change encounter takes place in this area, Hai Len will get stuck by Canthan Peasant and Canthan Guard who discuss the news near the Jei's house. You need to re-enter the area.

Hungry Devourer

Joe sometimes becomes stuck between two small trees


The quest log lists Zudash Dejarin as quest giver.

Imprisoned Spirits

Sometimes, the spirits will not spawn at all, obliging the players to get back to the outpost.

Sometimes, a Locked Chest will spawn blocking the pathway of the Tortured Spirits which will also oblige the players to return to the outpost.

In Grenth's Defense

The Quest Log displays "Rift Warden (The Underworld)", even though this quest is not acquired in The Underworld.