Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

AD prefers to select the component on the current active layer. (active layer is the active layer tab. See bottom of the PCB screen)

In general, this applies to anything you want to select. Traces, planes,... You first have select the layer.

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

Lost contact with PCBLIB Hi, Yesterday, i sucessfully linked in the PCBLIB, and was happily putting footprints into my schem, i cant find the PCBLIB library....i know which folder its in...but i cant make Altium see you know how to do this? eg this vid is useless, as Altium cant see the library..

...Now seem to have done it....i opened the PCBLIB by "Add existing to project"...then somehow, a dialog box opened, and i searched for that PCBLIB, and somehow linked it in......i dont think i know where that dialog box came from, so i hope i remember for next time...........the "search paths" TAB thing, which was working great yesterday, suddenly was useless today.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2023, 02:07:28 pm by Faringdon »

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

Why a special topic for Altium questions? Plus it means we can see if it's a question of interest if there is not a unique subject line.

We don't need hundreds of threads for this, I explained before. Its just a general tips and questions thread.

Cant select resistor or its designator in pcb editor Hi, Altium keeps selecting the chip on the bottom layer whenever i try to select the res on the top, or its designator......Eagle has a "next" button for this....does Altium?

No but you can switch to single layer mode (shift+s) and then choose either the top or bottom layer, that might help.

Hi, PCB routing Just routing up a PCB now…plenty of google/manual searches not revealing the following… How to pick the via size when you change layer How to actually properly change layer How to set the clearances for the various net class’s

Press tab when placing a via/trace then you can edit the default values, like width or hole size, etc. Then this should be saved as default for your next placement. Change layers: Clearance:

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

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That video about those footprints you provided is utter rubbish. Did you read the manual? Did you follow the video courses I provided. No you didn't...

So here is an other one:

Try this, it works...

Altium itself provides a step by step video guide on YT. It get's you from discovering how things work to creating manufacturing data in no time. Just a couple of hours.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2023, 11:05:06 pm by temperance »

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

Polygon pour with no thermal reliefs Hi, I wish a certain polygon pour to have no thermal relief to a component pad and a via. Do you know how?

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'


Done in the design rules.

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

EDIT..pse see below.. Hi, Do you knwo how to download footprints to Altium from Ultra Librarian I have done the following ..many times, but it just crashes Altium every time....and you cant even close Altium says its "stuck on a breakpoint" You have to close Altium via Task Manager and re-open Altium. Using Altium 22.10.1 EDIT.....Ultra librarian now looks like it logged me out of the licence, but still carried on working , but in a "strange mode"...END OF EDIT

It always seems to say i am using a licence...but how do you really know you are?

« Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 06:13:00 pm by Faringdon »

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

Have you tried to run it as a script?

Not used Ultra Librarian, but for PCB Libraries, this is how things get generated into their own library. I can then copy and paste them into my own libraries.

Edit to add that the PCB Libraries generation does all the 3D models automatically, which is quite handy. Not free, though.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2023, 07:39:45 pm by jc101 »

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

Do you knwo how to download footprints to Altium from Ultra Librarian

I found it simpler and more consistent to not bother, and just create my own. The datasheet for the component will have the info you need, and you will use your in-house standardised layers (as opposed to someone elses preference which is different to yours). As an additional check, applying a 3D model shows whether the pads line up (not foolproof, but two or more people making the same mistake isn't that common).

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

Gerber and drill files: Thanks, Do you know which files in the attached are the drill files to send off with the gerbers...the Altium "camtastic " files seem to be gerbers?

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

Send off the one named 'BOTTOM PCB'.

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

« Last Edit: May 23, 2023, 09:52:10 pm by thm_w »

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

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Thanks, when you do it in Eagle, there is only one drill file to send for manufac...why not with Altium too?

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

Thanks.. Schematic shuffling When i try to compress/tidy my schematic, it doesnt let me do it Eagle it just allows you to select and stretch and move the wires and components...and when theyve been moved, it knows exactly how to leave them connected...but Altium leaves you with a tangle to do you best do it? Highlight net in schem In Eagle, you can select any net in the schem, and go right click, and click "show", and it highlights that whole net, wheresoever it may go..... how do you do this in Altium?

« Last Edit: May 27, 2023, 10:01:47 pm by Faringdon »

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

Profile -> Modify profile -> Look and Layout -> Don't show users' signatures

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

View configuration panel: Hi, How do i get the "view configuration" panel back as a panel, rather than stuck to the bottom of the window as attached?

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

Import to Eagle Hi, Does anyone know how i can import a PCB and schem into eagle, so i can design rule check it and gerber it up? Altium, i have lost the "view configuration panel"....and i cant check the layers properly. The layers are stuck to the bottom of the display, and not in their usual popup panel.

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

Did you not setup the design rules in Altium? Correctly set should be exceedingly hard to generate a design that breaks the rules. It’s all done in real time as you lay out the PCB.

The panels you can drag from memory from their header bar. The layers have always been on the bottom for me. Shift-S goes into single layer mode and again to go back to all layers.

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

Thanks, its the "view configuration" popup.....its just gone...i click "Panels", then "view configuration"...and nothing shows up...every other time it was you know why?

I actually think what I have here is a bug in Altium….because the “view configurations” popup has simply vanished…….whereas I have been getting it for the last few weeks….without problems. I have had multiple other issues with other features in Altium…eg the “direct pour” feature has been undoing itself sporadically…..i think when you are a beginner in Altium, you have irregular click sequences within it, and that this sparks off bugs…like what I am seeing now……the “view configurations” panel actually opened first thing this morning…but when I (admittedly roughly) tried multiple times, to dock it to the side bar…it then just disappeared…and I haven’t been able to get it back since. This surely is a bug, IMHO.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 11:48:32 am by Faringdon »

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

System-> Preferences-> System > View, hit reset under Desktop on the right. Should reset the positions of the panels etc.

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

The following users thanked this post: Faringdon

Hi, The Layer views at 15:50 if this video

...can you get them with an assigned shortcut key? " ALT, L", whatever? Otherwise constantly having to go off and left click on the thingy, then left click on the selection thingy, is going to get a bit long winded

Convert route from top to bottom layer altium năm 2024

'Perfection' is the enemy of 'perfectly satisfactory'

Help -> shortcut keys, have a look in there.

I hardly go into that menu post initial PCB setup, Shift-S goes into single-layer mode, and the + - on the numeric keypad skips between the layers.

How do you swap top and bottom layers in Altium?

Clicking the View Layer Order button will open the View/Change Layers Order dialog, from where you can define the order in which the layers are drawn and the direction of drawing - either from Top to Bottom or from Bottom to Top.

How do you flip to the bottom layer in Altium?

Press the L shortcut to flip the component to the bottom side of the board. Do not use the X or Y keys as this will mirror the part, but not change its layer.

How do you change the route layer in Altium?

To switch routing layer and insert a via: Press the * key on the numeric keypad to switch the next available signal layer, or. Press + and - keys on the numeric keypad, or. Use the Ctrl+Shift+Wheel Scroll shortcut combination, or.

How do you change layers while routing?

Changing Layers and adding a Via While RoutingUse the Ctrl+Shift+Wheel Scroll shortcut combination. Hold Ctrl+Shift then scroll the mouse wheel forwards to move down through the available signal layers; scroll the mouse wheel backwards to move up through the available signal layers.