Creating a list of abbreviations in word

Karl works in an occupation that uses a lot of acronyms. Their standard procedure is to define the acronym only the first time it's used within the document. In addition, they always need to create an appendix, at the end of the document, listing the acronyms in alphabetical order along with their meanings. Karl is looking for a way to perhaps "mark" the acronym in the main body and have the acronym appendix be automatically created.

There is no way to do this directly in Word. There are several types of tables you can create automatically, such as tables of contents, tables of authorities, and indexes. These last two tables [tables of authorities and indexes] could possibly be used to create the acronym list, but only if they are not already being added to your document and only if you don't mind your acronym list including page numbers.

If you want to use the table of authorities tool in order to create an acronym list, Shauna Kelly has put together a great article on how this can be done. The article specifically talks about glossaries, which essentially what an acronym list would be.


If you want to use the index tool in order to create your list, you can follow these general steps, assuming that the acronym, when defined, is followed by its meaning within parentheses:

  1. Select the acronym and its meaning. This means that you find the first instance of the acronym in your document and then select that acronym along with the parenthetical meaning that follows it.
  2. Press Alt+Shift+X to mark the selected text for the index.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other acronyms you want in your list.
  4. At the end of your document, insert your index. How to actually insert an index has been covered in other issues of WordTips.

You'll note that this approach leaves the parentheses in your index. If you don't want the parentheses, then you'll need to go to each acronym that you marked and display the field code used for the index. It will look something like this:

{ XE "abbrev [this is the definition]" }

Within the field code you can remove the parentheses so that the text appears just as you want it to appear in the acronym list. If you use the above method to mark only the first instance of the acronymwhere it is first definedthen there will be a single page number for each acronym in your list. If you like the idea of having page numbers, but want them for all instances of each acronym, then you'll need to mark each occurrence of the acronymsa much more involved task.

If you prefer not to use the either of the methods already described, you could create a macro that will aid you in creating your acronym list. The following macro essentially copies whatever text you have highlighted to the end of the document.

Sub Send_2_acronym_list[] With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks .Add Range:=Selection.Range, Name:="xxxHERExxx" .DefaultSorting = wdSortByName .ShowHidden = True End With Selection.Copy Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.PasteAndFormat [wdPasteDefault] Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="xxxHERExxx" Application.Run MacroName:="Normal.MoreNewMacros.EditGoTo" Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1 End Sub

The idea is to select your first instance of the acronym, along with its definition, and then invoke the macro. A bookmark is set at the current location, the text is copied, the end of the document is selected, and the text added there. Then the bookmark is used so that the original location can again be selected.

When you are done "marking" your acronyms in this manner, you can select the text that was copied to the end of the document and format it [or edit it] in any way desired.

If you want an approach that is even more automated, then you may be able to create a macro that will scan through your document and extract any acronyms it finds. In order for an approach like this to work, you'll need to make sure that you religiously follow a rigid structure for your acronyms and their definitions. The following macro assumes that the acronym will always be a string of uppercase letters followed by a space and then some parenthetical text.

Sub ListAcronyms[] Dim strAcronym As String Dim strDefine As String Dim strOutput As String Dim newDoc As Document Application.ScreenUpdating = False Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = False 'Loop to find all acronyms Do 'Search for acronyms using wildcards Selection.Find.ClearFormatting With Selection.Find .ClearFormatting .Text = "<[A-Z]@[A-Z]>" .Replacement.Text = "" .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindStop .Format = False .MatchCase = True .MatchWildcards = True .MatchWholeWord = True .Execute End With 'Only process if something found If Selection.Find.Found Then 'Make a string from the selection, add it to the 'output string strAcronym = Selection.Text 'Look for definition Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, _ Extend:=wdExtend strDefine = "" If Selection.Text = "[" Then While Selection <> "]" strDefine = strDefine & Selection.Text Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, _ Extend:=wdExtend Wend End If Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd If Left[strDefine, 1] = "[" Then strDefine = Mid[strDefine, 2, Len[strDefine]] End If If strDefine > "" Then 'Check if the search result is in the Output string 'if it is, ignore the search result If InStr[strOutput, strAcronym] = 0 Then strOutput = strOutput & strAcronym _ & vbTab & strDefine & vbCr End If End If End If Loop Until Not Selection.Find.Found 'Create new document and change active document Set newDoc = Documents.Add 'Insert the text Selection.TypeText Text:=strOutput 'Sort it newDoc.Content.Sort SortOrder:=wdSortOrderAscending Application.ScreenUpdating = True Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory End Sub

The macro looks through the document for anything it thinks might be an acronym. If it finds a candidate, it looks after it to see if it is followed by an opening parenthesis. If so, then everything up to the closing parenthesis is considered the definition for the acronym. Once the macro is finished going through the document, it creates a new document, adds the acronyms there, and then sorts them all.

Video liên quan

In scientific Work, often, a list of abbreviations is needed. How to create one in Word, read in this practical tip.

First you must have all the abbreviations in your Text to the Index the add.

  • Highlight a shortcut and press the key combination [Alt]+[Shift]+[X].
  • In the small window your abbreviation is now the main entry. Select "cross reference" and type in the box the full meaning of the abbreviation.
  • Click on "Set". Behind the acronym in the Text now appears in a line in curly braces, but in the printed version or in a PDF not more to see his will.
  • The Index window is still open. You can now highlight the other abbreviations and the like in steps 2 and 3, the meaning set.
  • When you have added all the abbreviations to the Index, you can finish the process with a click on "Close".

Creating a list of abbreviations in word

Word: List Of Abbreviations

Now you need to paste your shortcut index to a location in your document.

  • Move the Cursor to the location in the document where you want to insert the Index. If you want to paste it at the end of the text on a separate page, put the Cursor behind the end of the text, and then click "Insert" to "page break".
  • Now click in the menu "references" in "Index insert".
  • You can select how many columns you want your Index, and select a Format from the list.
  • Click "OK" to set the Index to insert.
  • Afterwards, you can add entries to the Index by repeating the steps in the first section.

Creating a list of abbreviations in word

Word-list of abbreviations adapt

This practice tip applies to Word 2013. In other versions, the menu can vary, the steps remain the same. In the next article you can read how they Word on the iPad.

Yes, it's possible. There are several steps involved.

  • With the cursor located somewhere in the current index, click References > Insert Index. In the dialog, clear the check box for "Right align page numbers".
  • In the same dialog, click the Modify button. In the Style dialog that appears, while Index 1 is selected, click the Modify button there. The Modify Style dialog appears.
  • Click the Format button at the bottom left, and click Tabs in the menu. In the Tabs dialog, if anything appears in the Tab stop position box, click the Clear All button. Then type a measurement in the Tab stop position box for the location where you want the definition to begin, such as 0.6" -- it must be large enough to accommodate the longest acronym you'll have, and you may have to do some trial and error to get it right. Leave the alignment as Left and the leader as None. Click the Set button to assign the value.
  • Click OK in each dialog. As you close the Insert Index dialog, Word will prompt you whether to replace the existing index; click OK.

At this point, each entry will have a period and a space following the acronym, followed immediately by the definition. Having created a tab stop as part of the Index 1 style, the next step is to replace the period and space with a tab character.

  • With the cursor in the index, press Shift+F9 to switch to the INDEX field code. It will look like

{ INDEX \c "2" \z "1033" }

(the number may be different if you aren't using the US English proofing language).

  • After the INDEX keyword, type in the additional switch  \e "→" where you press the Tab key to insert the arrow. That will result in the period and space being replaced by a tab character.
  • Press F9 to update the field. The index should now appear as you want it.


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