elfed là gì - Nghĩa của từ elfed

elfed có nghĩa là

(E.L.F) stands for every ladies fantasy.
A group of only Elitist.
Put here on earth to satisfy women in anyway necessary.
We are skilled in the art of seduction... All we do is scheme and we scheme to get what we want.
Elf is not just a group, its a life style, and we shall stand by that life style. Our goal/objective is to stand by our NAME and give every woman 100% satisfaction GUARANTEED! ELfs up!

Originated in Ruston Louisiana.


Ordinary guy 1: Dude I showed up only 30 minutes late to that party and all the girls had already went to a room, each with a different guy! There was no girls left!

Ordinary guy 2: There must've been a gang of Elfs come through here. I'm so jealous of em.

elfed có nghĩa là

Stands for EverLasting Friends, the official fanclub of the 13 membered Korean boyband, Super Junior. Established after Kyuhyun, was added as the final member, and Super Junior was finalized as a group. Also written as E.L.F. or elf. Fans wave pearl sapphire blue lightsticks or balloons at Super Junior concerts because it is the club's official color.


E.L.F: Do you know any other ELF going to the Super Show II in Singapore?

elfed có nghĩa là

1) A fair mythical creature from Germanic legend, also known as a fairy or faerie, dwelling in forests or mountains away from human civilization. Usually good-natured, yet mischievious troublemakers sometimes. Some can be evil.

The name is derived from the Indo-European root *albh-, "white"; it is a cognate of Latin albus. Other elf-like creatures in European legend are sylphs, dryads (wood elves), nymphs and leprechauns. A similar creature in Arab and Islamic lore is the djinni (genie).

2) In Tolkien's Middle Earth novels, the Elves are several groups of a human-like race with very long lifespans, speaking their own languages, the conlangs Quenya and Sindarin. The three main groups are High Elves, Grey Elves and Dark Elves. Orcs are former Elves captured by Sauron, then subjected to torture and humiliation until their spirit is broken and they become evil.

3) A person of slight build.

4) An industrious person, such as the elves who build toys for Santa Claus to be delivered on Christmas night, or the elves who save the shoemaker's business in Jakob Grimm's tale "The Elves and the Shoemaker".

5) One of the four characters in the classic video games Gauntlet and Gauntlet II (Atari, 1985 and 1986). He had the highest speed and shot speed, as well as good magic power, but low armor, fight power and shot power.

6) A penis, especially one smaller than average.


The elf had a small elf, but he was still able to please the elf girls.

elfed có nghĩa là

A fantasy creature that tends to have sex with everything natural thus creating Night Elves, Wood Elves, Frost Elves and other such creations of rampant sexually activity with the things of the world.


That elf is having sex with the air to produce a Night Elf.

Tree: Woody.
Wood Elf: Yes?
Tree: I'm pregnant.
Wood Elf: WHAT!? You stupid bitch! I thought you were on the pill!
Tree: I lied so I could get the child support.

I'm not even gonna go there with the Frost Elves. O.o

elfed có nghĩa là

A domestic terrorist group in North America. Consists of young adults who are still living with (and off) their parents and desperately need to get a life. These individuals often posed as well informed ecology buffs but are actually to stupid to become useful to society in the medical or scientific community.


Jason was having a really good time belonging to ELF, torching cars and brand-new homes until the day his trust-fund would kick in.

elfed có nghĩa là

The "forest people" they are in literature, such as Lord of the Rings, and are a tall, elegant race that is immortal.



elfed có nghĩa là

Elf-it (verb) is to bluff to someone you love that you watched their favourite Christmas movie with them. Convincing them you watched it by describing it as "Christmassy" when it clearly is not "Christmassy". This term is now used in general conversation when you have told a white lie: you elfed-it/to elf-it


Stuart was so busy eating Chinese food that he didn't watch the film that Susie had asked him to watch with her. She knew he'd elf-it and she was correct. Stuart sat on a "throne of lies".

elfed có nghĩa là

a thing that helps santa make toys a christmas


ily elf

elfed có nghĩa là

when you pass out at a party or your house (pretty much anywhere you're with people) with your shoes on, and the people awake fuck you up! they might draw all over your face, spray paint your shoes, take hilarious photos of you in embarrassing poses, all while you're passed out. the possibilities of burning you are endless.


"oh, god, I drank too many sea breezes last night and woke up with a hitler mustchace sharpied on my face. i was Elfed up good."

elfed có nghĩa là

for one to be "elfed" the person is fucked up on all levels of the spectrum. in their own little black, brown, or greyed out world. it comes from mixing excessive alcohol, marijuanna, and any other kinds of uppers or downers at the same time. though this is usually a good time it usually will only be remembered through stories and pictures of ones elfed up self.


"dude i dont remember anything from last night, i was so elfed!"