Expose sb to sth là gì

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Hi ch�o c�c bạn m�nh muốn chia sẻ với c�c bạn 1 nguồn học từ mới rất tốt.


C�c bạn xuống đăng k� ở vocabulary learning, chỉ cần nhập email v� chọn level ph� hợp. Automatic mỗi ng�y bạn sẽ nhận được 1 từ mới. C� thể c�c bạn nghĩ mỗi ng�y 1 từ th� đến l�c n�o mới c� thể tăng vốn từ mới của m�nh l�n được nhưng kh�ng hẳn như vậy, với chỉ 1 từ mỗi ng�y nhưng bạn biết được c�ch ph�t �m, một v�i c�ch d�ng, c�c cụm từ đi k�m nghĩa l� bạn đ� học rất s�u (deep learning). V� dụ: chỉ một từ cake rất đơn giản nhưng nếu bạn chỉ biết nghĩa th� bạn sẽ rất kh� d�ng trong văn n�i v� viết.

ta c� thể học th�m 1 v�i cụm danh từ nữa: a slice of cake; a piece of cake
hoặc 1 v�i động từ đi với cake: make a cake; bake a cake..

cứ như thế bạn sẽ t�ch lũy được 1 vốn từ tuy tăng kh�ng nhanh nhưng rất chắc chắn, bảo đảm cho bạn c� thể "d�ng" được(n�i v� viết) chứ kh�ng phải chỉ để hiểu. N�i th� lan man qu�, gửi c�c bạn một v� dụ từ speaking24h.com (tr�nh độ intermediate)

here is today's word of the day:FAMILIAR
Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: Are you familiar with Tennyson's poetry? I think he's a great poet.
Ex 2.: Your face seems familiar to me. Have we ever met before?

vậy ngo�i nghĩa familiar: quen thuộc, v�ng từ n�y cũng l� một từ dễ, nhưng t�i c� học th�m được từ mới g� từ từ n�y
1. Cấu tr�c: be familiar with sth
2. Đi k�m với động từ: look/taste/seem familiar to sb
3. Từ đối nghĩa: unfamiliar

Ngo�i ra bạn n�n tự đặt c�u, c� thể sẽ kh�ng qu� chuẩn nhưng �t nhất tạo cho bạn c�ch d�ng n�. Một khi bạn đ� c� thể viết ra được chắc chắn bạn cũng sẽ n�i được.

C�c bạn c� th�m � kiến g� th� g�p � nh�. M�nh dự định mỗi ng�y sẽ cập nhật 1 từ.


Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: The city parade drew crowds of people eager to take part in it.
Ex 2.: There were crowds of people at the cinema when James Bond returned to the big screen in "Quantum of Solace".

Additional Usage

. the crowd [sing.] (sometimes disapproving) ordinary people, not special or unusual in any way:
Ex: We all like to think we stand out from the crowd (= are different from and better than other people).
Shes quite happy to follow the crowd.

+ with sth

Ex: A room crowded with books


Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: The city parade drew crowds of people eager to take part in it.
Ex 2.: There were crowds of people at the cinema when James Bond returned to the big screen in "Quantum of Solace".

Additional Usage

. the crowd [sing.] (sometimes disapproving) ordinary people, not special or unusual in any way:
Ex: We all like to think we stand out from the crowd (= are different from and better than other people).
She�s quite happy to follow the crowd.

+ with sth

Ex: A room crowded with books

C�m ơn đồng ch�. cố gắng update thường xuy�n nh�, c�ng nhau học để tiến bộ. :D
Bạn cho m�nh Skype or yahoo đi, rồi c� g� m�nh chưa biết m�nh hỏi bạn. :)

VALID (adj)

Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: Your bus ticket is valid for three months starting now.
Ex 2.: I'm sorry, Sir, we must keep your car. Your driving licence is no longer valid.

Opp: invalid

Validity (noun)


Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: If you want to sell your car, you'll probably have to draw up a sales contract.
Ex 2.: I'd rather sign the employment contract as soon as possible not to be cheated and paid nothing.

to enter into/make/sign in a contract with sb
Ex: Our client made a decision to enter int a contract with X to implement piling package
win/be awarded a contract
Ex: Our company has just been awarded a contract to build a new school.
on a contract
Ex: I was on a three-year contract that expired last week
Under the term of contract
Ex: Under the term of contract, the test should be carry out immediately


contract sb to sth

Ex: I'm contracted to work for company until next year

Concern (V)

1. affect/involve (often passive)
Ex: Don't interfere what dosen't concern you.
Ex: To whom it may concerned (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sbs character and ability)
2.be about
Ex: The story concerns the prince's efforts to recuse Pamina
3. worry sb
Ex: What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change

Concern (noun)
1.worry concern (about/for/over sth/sb) concern that
Ex: There is growing concern about violence on television
Ex: Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management
Ex: The Presidents health was giving serious cause for concern

concerned (adj)
concerned (about/for sth)| concerned (that...): worried about sth
Ex: The President is deeply concerned about this issue

Concern (V)

1. affect/involve (often passive)
Ex: Don't interfere what dosen't concern you.
Ex: To whom it may concerned (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb�s character and ability)
2.be about
Ex: The story concerns the prince's efforts to recuse Pamina
3. worry sb
Ex: What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change

Concern (noun)
1.worry concern (about/for/over sth/sb) concern that
Ex: There is growing concern about violence on television
Ex: Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management
Ex: The President�s health was giving serious cause for concern

concerned (adj)
concerned (about/for sth)| concerned (that...): worried about sth
Ex: The President is deeply concerned about this issue


1. used to emphasize that you are referring to one individual person, thing or type of thing and not others
Ex: Is there any particular type of book he enjoys?
2. greater than usual, special
Ex: We must pay particular attention to this point

in particular
1. especially or particularly
Ex: He loves science fiction in particular
2. special or specific
Ex: Is there anything in particular you would like for dinner?

PARTICULAR (Noun) formal

a fact or detail especially one that is officially written down
Ex: The new contract will be the same in every particular as the old one.

1. to fasten connect one object to another attach sth to sth
Ex: Attach a recent photograph to your application form
2. to connect a document or a file to an email so that you can send them together
3. be attached to sb/sth to like someone or something very much because you have known or had them for a long time
Ex: It's easy to become attached to the children you work with

1. a part that you can put onto a machine to make it to do a particular job
Ex: The vacuum cleaner has various attachment
2. a feeling that you like or love someone or something and that you would be unhappy without them
attachment to/for. a child's attachment to his mother

a decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance of sth
decline in/of

sharp/steep/dramatic/gradual decline
cause/lead to a decline
stop/reverse a decline

1. decrease
2. Say no
3. become worse

average (adj)

1. an average amount or quantity is not unusually big or small
of average height/build/intelligence etc
Ex: He was in his late twenties and of average height
2. have qualities that are typical of most people or things
Ex: The average American has not even thought about next year's election

average (noun)

1. on average based on a calculation about how many times sth usually happens, how much money someone usually gets, etc
Ex: on average, men still earn more than woman
2. the usual level or amount for most people or things:
above/below average
Ex: The murder rate in the city has risen to four times the national average

1.to show sth that is usually hidden
Ex: He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone.
2.to tell the true facts about a person or a situation, and show them / it to be immoral, illegal, etc.:
Ex: She was exposed as a liar and a fraud
3.expose sb/sth / yourself (to sth) to put sb/sth in a place or situation where they are not protected from sth harmful or unpleasant:
Ex: Do not expose babies to strong sunlight.
4. expose sb to sth to let sb find out about sth by giving them experience of it or showing them what it is like:
Ex: We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.
5. expose yourself a man who exposes himself, shows his sexual organs in public in a way that is offensive to other people


1. attempt to do sth|attempt (at sth/at doing sth) an act of trying to do sth, especially sth difficult, often with no success
Ex: I passed my driving test at the first attempt
2. attempt (on sth) an effort to do better than sth, such as a very good performance in sport:
Ex: his attempt on the world land speed record

to make an effort or try to do sth, especially sth difficult:
Ex: I will attempt to answer all your questions

1. To make a formal request, usually written, for sth such as a job, a place at university, or permission to do sth
apply for
EX: We need to apply for construction certificate to build a house
2. to have an effect on or to concern a particular person, group, or situation
apply to
Ex: Do the same rules apply to newcomers?
3. to use sth such as a method idea or law in a particular situation, activity or process
Ex: These ideas are often difficult to apply in practice
4. to put or spread sth such as paint, liquid or medicine onto a surface:
Ex: Apply the cream evenly over the skin

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