Forecast đề thi ielts quý 2 2022

Hôm nay HA Centre xin gửi tặng các bạn đang ôn luyện IELTS bộ tài liệu dự đoán bộ đề thi IELTS Speaking quý 2 năm 2022. Đây là tài liệu IELTS không thể bỏ qua với các bạn có ý định thi IELTS trong năm nay, cùng tham khảo và đặt kế hoạch học tập ngay từ bây giờ nhé!

Forecast đề thi ielts quý 2 2022

Bộ đề Speaking Forecast quý 2/2022

Bộ đề Speaking Forecast mới nhất trong quý II năm 2022 dưới đây chỉ là bộ đề do HA Centre nghiên cứu và tạo nên nhằm giúp học viên có thể làm quen với bài thi IELTS Speaking. Bộ tài liệu không phải là đề thi chính thức của IDP hay BC, độ khó chỉ tương đương và không thể chính xác hoàn toàn. Các bạn nên lưu ý và tránh nhầm lẫn nhé!

Bộ đề gồm các topic và các câu hỏi cho cả 3 Part trong IELTS Speaking, giúp cho các bạn làm quen được với các dạng câu thường gặp trong bài thi, tránh tình trạng bỡ ngỡ trước ban giám khảo.

4 𝗯𝘂̛𝗼̛́𝗰 𝗴𝗶𝘂́𝗽 𝗯𝗮̣𝗻 𝘀𝘂̛̉ 𝗱𝘂̣𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗼̣̂ đ𝗲̂̀ 𝗵𝗶𝗲̣̂𝘂 𝗾𝘂𝗮̉:

  • Đọc kỹ các chủ đề và phần câu hỏi có trong bộ đề
  • Tìm kiếm trên Internet các từ vựng liên quan, tham khảo bài mẫu cùng bổ sung các cấu trúc câu cần thiết (ghi chép lại vào notebook nếu cần)
  • Tự luyện Speaking qua gương hoặc luyện Speaking với bạn bè
  • Ghi hình lại quá trình nói để rút kinh nghiệm


Việc dự đoán bộ đề Speaking không hề dư thừa, nhờ đó mà bạn hiểu và khai thác giá trị của bộ đề để đạt IELTS cao nhất. Để lại thông tin để HA Centre biết dự đoán đề thi của mình khớp bao nhiêu phần trăm. Và tiếp tục dự đoán đề thi IELTS quý 3 2022 mới nhất, hỗ trợ các bạn học viên để có điểm thi cao nhất. Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng liên hệ ngay với HA Centre qua FORM bên dưới hoặc LINK TƯ VẤN miễn phí hoặc số điện thoại: Mr. Hà: 0963 07 2486 – HOTLINE 1: 032 796 3868 – HOTLINE 2: 032 976 3868 để được tư vấn kỹ hơn nhé!

Có thể nói, kỹ năng Speaking là kỹ năng khá “đòi hỏi”. Từ vốn từ vựng, ngữ pháp, cho đến sử dụng linh hoạt các cấu trúc câu.

Vì vậy, bài viết này IELTS Vietop gửi đến bạn bộ dự đoán đề IELTS Speaking tháng 1 – 4/2022 đang được nhiều người mong chờ nhất. Xem ngay bạn nhé.


Topic: Home/ accommodation

  1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?
  2. Who do you live with?
  3. How long have you lived there?
  4. What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?
  5. Do you plan to live there for a long time?


Tham khảo: Top 60 chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 thông dụng nhất

Topic: Study

  1. Describe your education
  2. What is your area of specialization?
  3. Why did you choose to study that major?
  4. Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)
  5. What kind of school did you go to as a child?


Topic: Work

  1. What do you do?
  2. What are your responsibilities?
  3. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?
  4. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
  5. Describe the company or organization you work for


Topic: Weekend

  1. What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?
  2. What will you do next weekend?
  3. Did you do anything special last weekend?
  4. What do you usually do on weekends?

Topic: Mirrors

  1. Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? How often?
  2. Have you ever bought mirrors?
  3. Do you usually take a mirror with you?
  4. Would you use mirrors to decorate your room?

Topic: Email

  1. Do you think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future?
  2. How often do you write an email or a letter?
  3. What kinds of email (or letter) you received that make you feel happy?

Topic: Drawing and Art galleries

  1. Do you like drawing?
  2. Do you like to go to the gallery?
  3. Do you want to learn artistic things?

Topic: Taking photos

  1. Do you like taking photos?
  2. Do you take a mirror with you?
  3. Do you want to improve your picture taking skills?

Topic: Daily Routine

  1. Do you have study routines?
  2. What’s your routine like in your everyday study?
  3. Do you want to change your daily routines in the future?

Topic: Dreams

  1. Do you often remember your dreams?
  2. Do you want to make your dreams come true?
  3. Do you share your dreams with others? Or are you interested in others’ dreams?
  4. Do you think dreams have special meanings?

Topic: Websites

  1. What kinds of websites do you usually use?
  2. What changes compared to the past?
  3. Why do you like it?

Topic: Cinemas

  1. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?
  2. Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?
  3. Do you still like watching the movie which you liked when you were a kid?

Topic: Sweets & Cakes

  1. Do you like to eat sweets?
  2. Do you like sweets more or less now compared to when you were a child?
  3. Is there any sweet food in your country?
  4. Do you eat cakes or sweets after a meal?

Xem thêm: Mách bạn chiến lược làm bài Speaking Part 1 hiệu quả


Topic: Describe your favourite famous person

Part 2

You should say:

  • Who this person is.
  • How you know about this person.
  • What this person is famous for.

And explain why you are interested in this person.

Part 3

  1. Would you like to be a famous person?
  2. What are the hardships of a celebrity?
  3. What should celebrities do to protect their privacy?

Topic: Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member

Part 2

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who the person is
  • What the person did

And explain why you felt proud of him/her

Part 3

  1. When would parents feel proud of their children?
  2. Should parents reward children? Why and how?
  3. Is it good to reward children too often? Why?
  4. On what occasions would adults be proud of themselves?

Topic: Describe a time when you gave some helpful advice to someone

Part 2

You should say: 

  • Who you gave advice to
  • What the advice was
  • Why you gave the advice

And explain how you felt about the advice

Part 3

  1. What kind of advice do parents give to their children?
  2. How do experts give advice to others? (e.g a doctor gives advice to patients)
  3. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?
  4. Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?

Topic: Describe a historical event from your country

Part 2

You should say:

  • What event it is
  • When it happened
  • Who or what was involved in it

And explain why you think it is an important historical event

Part 3

  1. Do your parents think learning history is important? 
  2. What are the benefits of museums?
  3. Are museums in your country free of charge? 
  4. Which way is better for learning history?
  5. Through reading books or visiting museums? 
  6. Do major cities in your country all have museums?

Topic: Describe a place in the countryside that you visited

Part 2

You should say:

  • Where it is
  • When you visited this place
  • What you did there

And explain how you feel about this place

Part 3

  1. Is there anything special about the countryside in Vietnam?
  2. What do people usually do when going to the countryside?
  3. Do you think people will live in the countryside in the future?

Topic: Describe a situation when something in your house was broken or stopped working

Part 2

You should say:

  • What it was
  • What happened
  • When it broke/stopped working

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

  1. What are the common home appliances that people use these days?
  2. Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?
  3. What can people do to protect their equipment from technical problems?
  4. When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?
  5. Are you good at handling problems on your own?

Topic: Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event

Part 2

You should say:

  • What the event was
  • Where you had it
  • Who helped you to organize it

And how you feel about it

Part 3

  1. How can parents help children to get organized?
  2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?

Topic: Describe an interesting discussion that you had with friends

Part 2

You should say:

  • Who you spoke to
  • Where you were
  • What the conversation was about

And explain why you think it was interesting

Part 3

  1. When do children normally form their own views?
  2. Do children have strong opinions?
  3. Should parents request their kids to obey them?
  4. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?

Có thể bạn quan tâm: Top 52 Chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 thường gặp nhất trong bài thi

Topic: Describe a lesson that you remember well

Part 2

You should say:

  • What the course was about
  • Where you had it
  • Why you remember it

And explain why it impressed you a lot

Part 3

  1. Which can help you remember things better, words or photos?
  2. Why do some people have better memory?
  3. Why can some people remember some little things in life?

Topic: Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you

Part 2

You should say:

  • What the clothing was
  • Who gave it to you
  • When you got it

And explain why this person gave you the clothing

Part 3

  1. Have you ever given clothes to others?
  2. Why do people dress casually everyday but dress formally at work?
  3. Why do people from different countries wear different clothing?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work and school?

Topic: Describe about a selfie which you catch in your mobile phone on your favourite occasion

Part 2

You should say:

  • When you took it 
  • What type of camera you used 
  • Why you took the photo 

And explain whether you liked this photo or not.

Part 3

  1. Do Vietnamese people like to take photos of themselves?
  2. What kinds of devices do people like to use for taking photos these days?
  3. How often do young people take photos when travelling?

Topic: Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

Part 2

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • What gift it was
  • Who you gave it to

And explain why you chose that gift

Part 3

  1. When do people normally send gifts to others?
  2. Do people give gifts or red packets on traditional festivals?
  3. Is it easy to choose clothes as gifts?
  4. Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?

Topic: Describe a special cake you received from others

Part 2

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Where it happened
  • Who you got the cake from

And explain why it’s a special cake

Part 3

  1. What are the differences between the special food in Vietnam and foreign countries?
  2. Do people usually cook special food in Vietnam?
  3. Should special food be easily available?

Topic: Describe a thing you cannot live without (not cell phone or computer)

Part 2

You should say:

  • What it is
  • Why you can’t manage without it
  • How long you have had it for

And explain how you felt when you were without it

Part 3

  1. Why do you think teenagers always want to have the latest devices such as the iPhone?
  2. Why do they often buy a new one even though they already have one?
  3. What do they do with the old one after buying a new one?
  4. How hard is it for parents to convince their children not to buy an expensive phone?

Và còn vô số đề topic HOT trong bộ đề này, bạn có thể download bên dưới nhé!

Trên đây là bộ đề thi dự đoán IELTS Speaking mà IELTS Vietop muốn gửi đến bạn. Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm về phương pháp học cũng như lộ trình luyện thi IELTS thì có thể liên hiện cho Vietop qua Fanpage IELTS Vietop tại đây để được tư vấn và giải đáp thắc mắc nhé. Chúc bạn đạt được band điểm mong muốn trong kì thi IELTS sắp tới.

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