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Tôi hiện đang học HTML. Tôi đang cố tạo danh sách lệnh hiển thị bằng bảng. Máy chủ tốc hành của tôi không hiển thị đường viền cho toàn bộ bảng. Có vẻ như đó là một đoạn thông thường

Đây là mã mà tôi có


Here's the list of Xeno commands. This one contains more than 110 commands in 8 categories!

Contents of the table

Name: The name of the command
Description: A brief explanation of the purpose of the command
Usage: The arguments/options that the command takes in parameters
Cooldown: The time that must elapse between each command so that it can be executed again by the user

General (25 commands)

Name Description Usage Cooldown
api-token Send your token back to use the Xeno API! apitoken (regenerate) 1 seconds
calc A calculator capable of solving complex operations and converting units! calc [calculation] 1 seconds
fortnite Displays a player's Fortnite stats! fortnite [psn/xbl/pc] [pseudo] 1 seconds
fortniteshop Displays the fortnite items shop! fortniteshop 1 seconds
github Displays the information from the Xeno github! github 5 seconds
hastebin Upload your text on hastebin ! hastebin [text] 5 seconds
help Displays the help of commands or the help of a particular command help (command) 5 seconds
invitations Displays the number of people you have invited to the server! invitations (@member) 3 seconds
invite Displays the links of Xeno! invite (copy) 5 seconds
minecraft Displays information about the Minecraft server! minecraft [ip] 3 seconds
partners Displays Atlanta partners partners 1 seconds
permissions Displays the member's permissions in the channel permissions (@member) 1 seconds
ping Displays bot latency ping 1 seconds
quote Quote a message in the channel! quote [messageID] [channel] 5 seconds
remindme Define a reminder! remindme [reason] 3 seconds
report Send your report to the channel defined for this! report [@user] [reason] 5 seconds
serverinfo Displays information about the server! serverinfo [ID/Name] 3 seconds
setafk Become an AFK (members who mention you will receive a message) setafk [reason] 3 seconds
shorturl Shorten your link! shorturl [url] 5 seconds
someone Pick a random member on the server! someone 1 seconds
staff Displays the list of server staff members! staff 3 seconds
stats Display the stats of the bot! stats 3 seconds
suggest Send your suggestion to the channel defined for this! suggest [message] 5 seconds
translate I'm translating your text! translate [language] [message] 8 seconds
userinfo Displays user information! userinfo (@user/userID) 5 seconds

Administration (19 commands)

Name Description Usage Cooldown
addcommand Add a custom command to the server! addcommand [name] [answer] 3 seconds
addemote Add an emoji to the server! addemote [URL] [name] 5 seconds
automod Enables or disables automatic deletion of discord invitations automod [on/off] (#channel) 5 seconds
autorole Enable or disable the autorole on the server! autorole [on/off] (role) 5 seconds
backup Manage your server backups in an ergonomic and efficient way! backup [create/load/infos] 30 seconds
configuration Displays the server configuration configuration 3 seconds
delcommand Remove a custom command from the server! delcommand [name-of-the-command] 3 seconds
deletemod Enables or disables the auto deletion of moderation commands! deletemod [on/off] 3 seconds
goodbye Send a goodbye message to a pre-defined channel! goodbye 3 seconds
ignore Disables or activates commands in the mentioned channel ignore [#channel] 3 seconds
purge Kick out inactive members! purge [days] 5 seconds
setfortniteshop Define the daily Fortnite shop channel! setfortniteshop (#channel) 5 seconds
setlang Change the server language! setlang [french/english] 3 seconds
setmodlogs Define the log channel! setmodlogs (#channel) 3 seconds
setprefix Changes the server prefix setprefix [prefix] 3 seconds
setreports Define the reports channel! setreports (#channel) 3 seconds
setsuggests Define the suggestion channel! setsuggests (#channel) 3 seconds
slowmode Define a cooldown in a channel slowmode [#channel] (time) 3 seconds
welcome Send a welcome message to a pre-defined channel! welcome 3 seconds

Images (17 commands)

Name Description Usage Cooldown
avatar Displays the avatar of the mentionned member avatar (@member) 5 seconds
captcha Generates a "triggered" image using the Nekobot API captcha (@member) 5 seconds
clyde Generates a "clyde" image using the Nekobot API clyde [text] 5 seconds
facepalm 5 seconds
fire Generates a "fire" image using the Améthyste API fire (@member) 5 seconds
jail Generates a "jail" image using the Améthyste API jail (@member) 5 seconds
love Generates a "love" image using the Nekobot API love [@user1] (@user2) 5 seconds
mission Generates a "mission" image using the Améthyste API mission (@member) 5 seconds
phcomment Generates a "phcomment" image using the Nekobot API phcomment (@member) (text) 5 seconds
qrcode Generates a QR Code with your text! qrcode [text] 3 seconds
rip Generates a "rip" image using the Améthyste API rip (@member) 5 seconds
scary Generates a "scary" image using the Améthyste API scary (@member) 5 seconds
tobecontinued Generates a "tobecontinued" image using the Améthyste API tobecontinued (@member) 5 seconds
triggered Generates a "triggered" image using the Améthyste API triggered (@member) 5 seconds
tweet Generate a tweet of a person of your choice on Twitter! tweet [@twitter] [text] 5 seconds
wanted Generates a "wanted" image using the Améthyste API wanted (@member) 5 seconds
wasted Generates a "wasted" image using the Améthyste API wasted (@member) 5 seconds

Moderation (15 commands)

Name Description Usage Cooldown
announcement Send an announcement in the current channel! announcement [text] 3 seconds
ban Banished the mentioned member! ban [@user] (reason) 3 seconds
checkinvites Check if members do not have an ad for their Discord server in their presence! checkinvites 3 seconds
clear Deletes messages very quickly! clear[number-of-messages] (@member) 3 seconds
clear-sanctions Deletes all sanctions of a member! clear-sanctions [@member] 3 seconds
giveaway Manage your giveaways simply! giveaway [create/reroll/delete/end] (time) (winners count) (prize) 5 seconds
kick Kick out the mentioned member! kick [@user] (reason) 3 seconds
mention-role Mention a role and then disable the possibility of mentioning mentionrole [name] 3 seconds
mute Prevents the member from sending messages and connecting by voice for a period of time! mute [@member] [time] 3 seconds
poll Launch a survey in the current channel! poll [question] 3 seconds
sanctions Displays the list of infractions committed by a member! sanctions [@member] 3 seconds
setwarns Define the sanctions that members will get after a certain number of warns! setwarns [kick/ban] [number/reset] 3 seconds
unban Unban the user from the server! unban [userID/user#0000] 3 seconds
unmute Unmute the mentioned member! unmute [@member] 3 seconds
warn Warn a member in private messages warn [@member] [reason] 3 seconds

Economy (15 commands)

Name Description Usage Cooldown
achievements Displays the list of all the achievements! achievements 1 seconds
birthdate Set your birthday date (which will appear on your profile) birthdate (date) 1 seconds
deposit Deposit your money at the bank deposit [amount] 1 seconds
divorce Divorce the person you are currently married to! divorce 3 seconds
leaderboard Displays users who have the most credits, levels or reputation points! leaderboard [rep/levels/credits] 5 seconds
money Displays your credits money (@member) 1 seconds
pay Pay a member with credits! pay [@user#0000] [amount] 10 seconds
profile Displays the profile of the mentioned user (or the author of the message) profile (@user#0000) 3 seconds
rep Give a member a reputation point! rep [@user#0000] 3 seconds
rob Try to rob a member! rob [@membre] [amount] 1 seconds
setbio 5 seconds
slots An equivalent to the Casino! slots [amount] 3 seconds
wedding Marry the person of your choice! wedding [@user#0000] 10 seconds
withdraw Withdraw money! withdraw [amount] 1 seconds
work Work and earn money! work 3 seconds

Fun (11 commands)

Name Description Usage Cooldown
8ball I'm telling you the truth! 8ball [question] 3 seconds
ascii Turn your text into ascii characters! ascii [text] 5 seconds
findwords Start a game of findwords, a game where you have to find words! findwords 5 seconds
flip I roll the dice for you! flip 1 seconds
fml Displays a random FML fml 3 seconds
joke Displays a joke in French joke 3 seconds
lmg Returns a link to lmgtfy.com lmg [question] 1 seconds
lovecalc How much love is there between two people? This is a fun command, not to be taken seriously lovecalc [@member1] (@member2) 1 seconds
number Find the number I chose! number 5 seconds
random Randomly pick one of the choices you give me! random [choice1/choice2/etc...] 5 seconds
tcl Display the last tweet of @thecodinglove ! tcl 3 seconds

Music (8 commands)

Name Description Usage Cooldown
lyrics Displays the lyrics of a song lyrics [song-name] 5 seconds
np Displays information about the current song! np 5 seconds
pause pause 5 seconds
play Play music! play [title] 5 seconds
queue Displays the queue queue 5 seconds
resume resume 5 seconds
skip Play the next song! skip 5 seconds
stop Stop the music in progress! stop 5 seconds

Owner (5 commands)

Name Description Usage Cooldown
eval Executes the code eval [code] 3 seconds
getconf Displays the configuration of a server getconf [server ID] 3 seconds
getinvite Generates an invitation to the server in question. Make sure you make good use of this command. getinvite [ID/Name] 3 seconds
reload Reload a bot command! reload [name-of-the-command] 3 seconds
servers-list Displays the list of the servers of the bot! servers-list 5 seconds

Mã này là từ một tệp đánh dấu. Tôi đã chuyển đổi nó thành tệp html bằng mã cập nhật cứ sau 10 phút

Tại sao JPG của tôi không hiển thị trong HTML?

Tại sao hình ảnh của tôi không hiển thị trong HTML? . Ngoài ra, hình ảnh có thể không tải vì tên tệp được chỉ định trong thẻ không khớp với tên tệp hình ảnh của bạn. its file is not located in the same folder that is indicated within your tag. Also, the image may not load because the file name specified in the tag does not match that of your image file.

Tại sao hình ảnh PNG của tôi không hiển thị trong HTML?

Tại sao PNG không hiển thị trong HTML? . Bạn cần đảm bảo rằng tên mở rộng, tên tệp, tên đường dẫn và cú pháp của HTML là chính xác . Bạn không còn phải lo lắng về các tệp PNG không mở trong Windows 10/11.