How do you convert to seconds in python?

This is how I got it.

def sec2time(sec, n_msec=3):
    ''' Convert seconds to 'D days, HH:MM:SS.FFF' '''
    if hasattr(sec,'__len__'):
        return [sec2time(s) for s in sec]
    m, s = divmod(sec, 60)
    h, m = divmod(m, 60)
    d, h = divmod(h, 24)
    if n_msec > 0:
        pattern = '%%02d:%%02d:%%0%d.%df' % (n_msec+3, n_msec)
        pattern = r'%02d:%02d:%02d'
    if d == 0:
        return pattern % (h, m, s)
    return ('%d days, ' + pattern) % (d, h, m, s)

Some examples:

$ sec2time(10, 3)
Out: '00:00:10.000'

$ sec2time(1234567.8910, 0)
Out: '14 days, 06:56:07'

$ sec2time(1234567.8910, 4)
Out: '14 days, 06:56:07.8910'

$ sec2time([12, 345678.9], 3)
Out: ['00:00:12.000', '4 days, 00:01:18.900']

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    Given an integer n (in seconds), convert it into hours, minutes and seconds. Examples:

    Input : 12345
    Output : 3:25:45
    Input : 3600
    Output : 1:00:00

    Approach #1 : Naive This approach is simply a naive approach to get the hours, minutes and seconds by simple mathematical calculations. 


    def convert(seconds):

        seconds = seconds % (24 * 3600)

        hour = seconds // 3600

        seconds %= 3600

        minutes = seconds // 60

        seconds %= 60

        return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hour, minutes, seconds)

    n = 12345


    Time Complexity: O(1)
    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

      Approach #2 : Alternate to the Naive approach By using the divmod() function, which does only a single division to produce both the quotient and the remainder, you can have the result very quickly with only two mathematical operations. 


    def convert(seconds):

        min, sec = divmod(seconds, 60)

        hour, min = divmod(min, 60)

        return '%d:%02d:%02d' % (hour, min, sec)

    n = 12345


    Time Complexity: O(1)
    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

      Approach #3 : Using timedelta (Object of datetime module) Datetime module provides timedelta object which represents a duration, the difference between two dates or times. datetime.timedelta can be used to represent seconds into hours, minutes and seconds format. 


    import datetime

    def convert(n):

        return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = n))

    n = 12345


    Time Complexity: O(1)
    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

      Approach #4 : Using time.strftime() time.strftime() gives more control over formatting. The format and time.gmtime() is passed as argument. gmtime is used to convert seconds to special tuple format that strftime() requires. 


    import time

    def convert(seconds):

        return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(n))

    n = 12345


    Time Complexity: O(1)
    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

    How do you convert time to seconds in Python?

    How to convert a time string to seconds in Python.
    time_string = "01:01:09".
    date_time = datetime. datetime. strptime(time_string, "%H:%M:%S").
    a_timedelta = date_time - datetime. datetime(1900, 1, 1).
    seconds = a_timedelta. total_seconds().

    How do you convert to seconds?

    Multiply the minutes by 60 to obtain the number of seconds, i.e., 60 minutes × 60 = 3600 seconds .

    How do you convert int to seconds in Python?

    “python datetime convert integer to seconds” Code Answer's.
    >>> def frac(n):.
    ... i = int(n).
    ... f = round((n - int(n)), 4).
    ... return (i, f).
    >>> frac(53.45).
    (53, 0.45) # A tuple..

    How do you convert time in Python?

    There are two Python time functions that you use for converting a time. struct_time object to a string: asctime().
    %d : Day of the month..
    %m : Month of the year..
    %Y : Year..