How do you print spaces in python?

First and foremost, for newlines, the simplest thing to do is have separate print statements, like this:

#the parentheses allow it to work in Python 2, or 3.

To have a line break, and still only one print statement, simply use the "\n" within, as follows:


Below, I explain spaces, instead of line breaks...

I see allot of people here using the + notation, which personally, I find ugly. Example of what I find ugly:

x=' ';

The example above is currently, as I type this the top up-voted answer. The programmer is obviously coming into Python from PHP as the ";" syntax at the end of every line, well simple isn't needed. The only reason it doesn't through an error in Python is because semicolons CAN be used in Python, really should only be used when you are trying to place two lines on one, for aesthetic reasons. You shouldn't place these at the end of every line in Python, as it only increases file-size.

Personally, I prefer to use %s notation. In Python 2.7, which I prefer, you don't need the parentheses, "(" and ")". However, you should include them anyways, so your script won't through errors, in Python 3.x, and will run in either.

Let's say you wanted your space to be 8 spaces, So what I would do would be the following in Python > 3.x

print("Hello", "World.",  sep=' '*8, end="\n")
# you don't need to specify end, if you don't want to, but I wanted you to know it was also an option
#if you wanted to have an 8 space prefix, and did not wish to use tabs for some reason, you could do the following.
print("%sHello World." % (' '*8))

The above method will work in Python 2.x as well, but you cannot add the "sep" and "end" arguments, those have to be done manually in Python < 3.

Therefore, to have an 8 space prefix, with a 4 space separator, the syntax which would work in Python 2, or 3 would be:

print("%sHello%sWorld." % (' '*8, ' '*4))

I hope this helps.

P.S. You also could do the following.

>>> prefix=' '*8
>>> sep=' '*2
>>> print("%sHello%sWorld." % (prefix, sep))
    Hello  World.

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    In this article, we will learn about how to print space or multiple spaces in the Python programming language. Spacing in Python language is quite simple than other programming language. In C languages, to print 10 spaces a loop is used while in python no loop is used to print number of spaces.

    Following are the example of the print spaces:

    Example 1: A simple way to print spaces



    print(' ')

    print(" ")

    print("Geeks  For    Geeks")


    Geeks  For    Geeks

    Example 2: Printing spaces between two values while printing in a single print statement.


    x = 1

    y = 2





    x: 1
    y: 2
    1 + 2 = 3

    Example 3: Print multiple spaces between two values.


    print("Geeks"+" "+"For"+" "+"Geeks")


    print("Geeks"+" "*3+"For"+" "*3+"Geeks")

    print("Geeks"+" "*5+"For"+" "*10+"Geeks")


    Geeks For Geeks
    Geeks For Geeks
    Geeks   For   Geeks
    Geeks     For          Geeks

    How do you show spaces in Python?

    Python isspace() method is used to check space in the string. It returna true if there are only whitespace characters in the string. Otherwise it returns false. Space, newline, and tabs etc are known as whitespace characters and are defined in the Unicode character database as Other or Separator.

    How do I add a space between prints in Python?

    Use print() to add a space between two variables Call print(variable1, variable2) to print variable1 and variable2 with a space between them.

    How do you print vertical space in Python?

    If you want to accomplish this task, just use "\n".