How do you remove n from a file in python?

Here are various optimisations and applications of proper Python style to make your code a lot neater. I've put in some optional code using the csv module, which is more desirable than parsing it manually. I've also put in a bit of namedtuple goodness, but I don't use the attributes that then provides. Names of the parts of the namedtuple are inaccurate, you'll need to correct them.

import csv
from collections import namedtuple
from time import localtime, strftime

# Method one, reading the file into lists manually (less desirable)
with open('grades.dat') as files:
    grades = [[e.strip() for e in s.split(',')] for s in files]

# Method two, using csv and namedtuple
StudentRecord = namedtuple('StudentRecord', 'id, lastname, firstname, something, homework1, homework2, homework3, homework4, homework5, homework6, homework7, exam1, exam2, exam3')
grades = map(StudentRecord._make, csv.reader(open('grades.dat')))
# Now you could have, student.lastname, etc.
# Skipping the namedtuple, you could do grades = map(tuple, csv.reader(open('grades.dat')))

request = open('requests.dat', 'w')
cont = 'y'

while cont.lower() == 'y':
    answer = raw_input('Please enter the Student I.D. of whom you are looking: ')
    for student in grades:
        if answer == student[0]:
            print '%s, %s      %s      %s' % (student[1], student[2], student[0], student[3])
            time = strftime('%a, %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime())
            print time
            print 'Exams - %s, %s, %s' % student[11:14]
            print 'Homework - %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % student[4:11]
            total = sum(int(x) for x in student[4:14])
            print 'Total points earned - %d' % total
            grade = total / 5.5
            if grade >= 90:
                letter = 'an A'
            elif grade >= 80:
                letter = 'a B'
            elif grade >= 70:
                letter = 'a C'
            elif grade >= 60:
                letter = 'a D'
                letter = 'an F'

            if letter = 'an A':
                print 'Grade: %s, that is equal to %s.' % (grade, letter)
                print 'Grade: %.2f, that is equal to %s.' % (grade, letter)

            request.write('%s %s, %s %s\n' % (student[0], student[1], student[2], time))

    cont = raw_input('Would you like to search again? ')

print 'Goodbye.'

  • Py Py
  • December 28, 2021

The '\n' character represents the new line in python programming. However, this tutorial will show you various methods to remove the newlines from a text file.

Before starting, let us see the output of our file, which we want to remove all newlines from it.

# Open the file
my_file = open('my_file.txt', 'r')

# Read my_file with newlines character
output = repr(

# Output

# Close the file


'\nHello World\nHello Python\nHello Javascript\n

Note: I've used the repr() function to print the file's output with the '\n' character.

Now, let's get started.

Method #1: Remove newlines from a file using replace()

the replace() method replaces a specified phrase with another specified phrase. Therefore, we'll use this method to replace the newline character with a non-value.


.replace('\n', '')


# Open the file
my_file = open('my_file.txt', 'r')

# File's output
o =

# Remove all new lines from file
r_newlines = o.replace('\n', '')

# Result

# Close the file


Hello WorldHello PythonHello Javascript

method #2: Remove newlines from a file using splitlines()

The splitlines() method splits a string at the newline break and returns the result as a list.

However, we will use the splitlines() to split the file's output at '\n' and the join() method to join the result.




# Open the file
my_file = open('my_file.txt', 'r')

# File's output
o =

# Remove all new lines from the file.
r_newlines = "".join(o.splitlines())

# Result

# Close the file


Hello WorldHello PythonHello Javascript

Method #3: Remove newlines from a file using Regex

We can also use the re.sub() function to remove the newlines from a text file.


re.sub('\n', '', output_file)

The sub() function works like replace() function.


import re

# Open the File
my_file = open('my_file.txt', 'r')

# File's output
o =

# Remove all new lines from the file.
r_newlines = re.sub('\n', '', o)

# Result

# Close the file


Hello WorldHello PythonHello Javascript


We've learned different methods to remove the newlines from a text file in this article. Moreover, if you want to remove the newlines from the beginning or end of the text file, you should use strip() and rstrip() methods.

How do you remove newline from text file in Python?

Python File I/O: Remove newline characters from a file.
Sample Solution:.
Python Code: def remove_newlines(fname): flist = open(fname).readlines() return [s.rstrip('\n') for s in flist] print(remove_newlines("test.txt")) ... .
Python Code Editor: ... .
Have another way to solve this solution?.

What does '\ n do in Python?

The new line character in Python is \n . It is used to indicate the end of a line of text.

Does Strip () Remove \n?

The strip() method removes whitespace by default, so there is no need to call it with parameters like '\t' or '\n'. However, strings in Python are immutable and can't be modified, i.e. the line. strip() call will not change the line object. The result is a new string which is returned by the call.

How do I get rid of the new line character in a text file?

Open TextPad and the file you want to edit. Click Search and then Replace. In the Replace window, in the Find what section, type ^\n (caret, backslash 'n') and leave the Replace with section blank, unless you want to replace a blank line with other text. Check the Regular Expression box.