How do you replace html tag from string in java?

The accepted answer of doing simply Jsoup.parse(html).text() has 2 potential issues (with JSoup 1.7.3):

  • It removes line breaks from the text
  • It converts text <script> into


int main()


  string str = "

Geeks for Geeks

  RemoveHTMLTags(str) ;

  return 0;



class GFG {

    static void RemoveHTMLTags(String str)


        str = str.replaceAll("\\<.*?\\>", "");



    public static void main(String[] args)


        String str;

        str = "

Geeks for Geeks





import re

def RemoveHTMLTags(strr):

    print(re.compile(r'<[^>]+>').sub('', strr))

if __name__=='__main__':

    strr = "

Geeks for Geeks



using System;

class GFG{

static void RemoveHTMLTags(String str)


    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rx =

    new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<[^>]*>");

    str = rx.Replace(str, "");



public static void Main(String []args)


    String str;

    str = "

Geeks for Geeks





How do you replace tags in HTML?

First of all the font tag is deprecated and should not be used..
Get an array of the tags you want to replace. var elems = document. getElementsByTagName('font');.
Go through loop and replace old HTML with new HTML for (var i = 0; i < elems. length; i++) { var target = elems[i]. innerHTML; elems[i]. innerHTML = target..

How do I convert HTML to Java?

Convert HTML to Javascript file.
ConvertHTMLToJs. java. Create a Java class to convert all the HTML code into a Javascript (. js) file. ... .
Output. js. Run the above Java program, it will convert “Test.html” to “Output.js” document. ... .
Test It. Create a HTML file and include the “Output. js” file for display..

How do I remove text tags in HTML?

Removing HTML Tags from Text.
Press Ctrl+H. ... .
Click the More button, if it is available. ... .
Make sure the Use Wildcards check box is selected..
In the Find What box, enter the following: \([!<]@)\.
In the Replace With box, enter the following: \1..
With the insertion point still in the Replace With box, press Ctrl+I once..

What is HTML tag in Java?

Description. The HTML tag specifies an applet. It is used for embedding a Java applet within an HTML document. It is not supported in HTML5.