How increase php max input variables cpanel?

How increase php max input variables cpanel?

At Name Hero we allow all customers the ability to take full control over their PHP settings right inside of cPanel.

Many WordPress themes and even WHMCS require the Max Input Variables to be increased from the default values.

To do this, you simply login to the cPanel of the website you’re wanting to edit and navigate to Select PHP Version:

How increase php max input variables cpanel?

Select PHP Version

Once inside, you can select the version of PHP you want your website to run.

We currently offer the following PHP versions on all Shared and Reseller Hosting packages:

4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, and 7.2

The default version is PHP 7.0:

How increase php max input variables cpanel?

You can leave it set at 7.0 or change the version by selecting the version you want and clicking Set as current.

Switch To PHP Options

Once you have the version of PHP set, you can click the Switch To PHP Options link to set your Max Input Vars:

How increase php max input variables cpanel?

You can then configure your settings:

How increase php max input variables cpanel?

Once finished click Save.

Check The New Settings

You can easily confirm your new settings by creating a PHP info file.

Simply login to File Manager inside of cPanel, navigate to public_html and create a new file called info.php:

How increase php max input variables cpanel?

Inside that file, add the following code:

You can then navigate to this file in your web browser (i.e. and can confirm the new settings:

How increase php max input variables cpanel?

Use A Custom php.ini File

If there are options you need to edit that aren’t available inside PHP Selector, you can easily add these to a custom phi.ini file.

Go back to cPanel -> File Manager and create a file called php.ini right above the public_html directory:

How increase php max input variables cpanel?

You can then add any settings, but remember, if you change something that’s inside the PHP Selector; these will override it!

Here’s an example of one:

max_input_vars = 10000;
date.timezone = "UTC"
suhosin.request.max_vars = 50000; = 10000;

Changes made inside here won’t take affect immediately, so please give it a few hours, or contact support to refresh the PHP settings of your account.

Personally, I don’t like using php.ini files and really ONLY recommend using them when the option is NOT listed inside of the PHP selector.

How To Set Your max_input_vars Inside PHP

I’ve filmed a video tutorial where I walk you through all of these steps for those that chose to follow-along:

Let me know if you have any questions!

Ryan Gray is the founder and CEO of NameHero, one of the fastest growing independent web hosts in the United States. Ryan has been working online since 1998 and has over two-decades experience in Internet Entrepreneurship.

How do you increase PHP max time limit and max input variables?

1 Method: edit the PHP..
Locate your PHP. ini file. ... .
If you find your existing PHP. ini, open the file and locate the following line of code (xx represents a number): max_input_vars = xx ; And set it to your desired limit. ... .
If you created your own PHP. ... .
Save your changes, and reboot your local host or your server..

How do I change the maximum number of input variables in a PHP script?

By default, the maximum number of input variables allowed for PHP scripts is set to 1000. You can change this amount by setting the max_input_vars directive in a php. ini file. To verify the current value of the max_input_vars directive and other directives, you can use the phpinfo() function.

How do you increase max input variables?

Max Input Vars can easily get increased by using a line of code. PHP max input vars is simply the number of variables your server is set to handle in each function. If you receive the error 'Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit' in WordPress, you need to add the code 'php_value max_input_vars 3000' to your .