How to get value of span tag in php

In the above span, i am getting id from .js file. eg., 45 and i want that id in php variable. eg., $cid='45';

I have already tried below code, but i am unable to get id.

'; ?>


    $items = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('span');
    $span_list = array();

    for($i = 0; $i < $items->length; $i++) {
        $item = $items->item($i);
        $span_list[$item->getAttribute('class')] = $item->nodeValue;

    echo $cid; 

How to get value of span tag in php

asked Dec 5, 2019 at 5:08

How to get value of span tag in php


try this one add span text in php code to get the span value in variable

echo $value

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 5:39

PHP GeekPHP Geek

3,8501 gold badge14 silver badges29 bronze badges

Please try the below code and check at your end you can get class value in the array.

Second time Update code



    $items = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('span');
    $span_list = '';

    for($i = 0; $i < $items->length; $i++) {
        $item = $items->item($i);

        if($item->getAttribute('class') == 'cid'){
            $span_list = $item->nodeValue;

    echo $span_list;

Code for multiple span tags and get single value from that span list array.

    45 48'; 


    $items = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('span');
    $span_list = array();

    for($i = 0; $i < $items->length; $i++) {
        $item = $items->item($i);

        if($item->getAttribute('class') == 'cid'){
            $span_list[] = $item->nodeValue;

    //get the each value for multiple span tag

    foreach ($span_list as $key => $value) {
        echo $value;
        echo '
'; } ?>

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 5:21

How to get value of span tag in php

Bhavin ThummarBhavin Thummar

1,1441 gold badge11 silver badges23 bronze badges


Add an AJAX code to pass it to PHP

    url: 'your_php_file.php',
    method: 'POST',
    data: {cid: $('.cid')[0].innerText},
    success: function(result){

And in your PHP file. You can just use strip_tags

 echo strip_tags($_POST['cid']);

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 5:36


1,3132 gold badges7 silver badges25 bronze badges


If you’re looking for how to get span tag value using PHP, there are a few ways you can do this. One way is to use the DOMDocument class to load the HTML document and then use XPath to query for the desired span tag.
Another way is to use the simple_html_dom class. This class can be used to load HTML documents and then find and extract the desired span tag values.
Finally, you can also use regular expressions to search for the span tag values. This method is less reliable but can be faster if you know what you’re looking for.

The span tag, which appears in inline containers when used in a document or text, marks an element. Similarly, it can be used to share attribute values such as lang. You can store the variable $divId in a session variable on any website, just like you would any other variable. Although the span tag is similar to the div tag, it is a class rather than a block element. In most cases, it is used to style documents by using an id or class; however, this has no meaning. val() is used to determine an attribute’s value in Php.

How to get value of span tag in php
Credit: Stack Overflow

In order to get the value of a span using PHP, you will need to use the DOMDocument class. This class allows you to load HTML and XML documents and traverse their nodes. Once you have loaded the document, you can use the getElementsByTagName method to get a list of all span elements. You can then loop through this list and print the value of each span.

The Element

A span is a dot that is used to represent a part of a document or a text. When styling inline containers, such as span, CSS employs the class or id attribute, and JavaScript employs the class or id attribute. span is a block element in the same way that div’ is a block element in the same way that span’ is a grid element. An inline element is an element that is linked to another element. There is frequently a distinction between span> and *html. In styling contexts, span> is frequently used to group elements, and it is also useful when it comes to assigning attribute values.

How Do You Find The Span Value Of A Element?

The textContent property allows you to get the text of a span element, which is const text = span. The content of this document This property returns the span’s text content as well as its descendants. When there is no element, an empty string is returned.

The Tag: Perfect For When You Want To Mark Up Text

When you want to mark up a specific amount of text, use the “span” tag. This function can be used to mark up a list of items or to indicate where the text breaks.

Can Span Tag Have Value Attribute?

span does not have value attribute

The span tag does not change anything in terms of the content because it only makes a visual change.
This function can be useful for styling a group of elements without affecting their content, or for padding content when styling a single element.
The second example shows how we use the span tag to change the style of the content.
For the content to be customized, it can be styled in a different way with the span tag in a class.
This will allow you to specify a variety of sections and styles for a group of elements in your content.
Creating classes is also a good way to organize your content.

The Value Attribute: What It Is And What It Isn’t

The value attribute is used to define the text that will appear in a span. This method is not used to adjust the span.

How To Get Html Element Value In Php Variable

In order to get an HTML element’s value in a PHP variable, you need to use the $_POST superglobal array. This array contains all the information that was sent to the server via the POST method. To access an HTML element’s value, you need to use the element’s name as the key in the $_POST array. For example, if you have an input element with the name “username”, you can access its value in a PHP variable like this:
$username = $_POST[‘username’];

How To Use The Php $$variable

$$variable, which is a special variable, is used in PHP to store a copy of another variable’s current value.

Span Tag Value

A span tag’s value is the text in between the opening and closing span tags. This value is typically used to add style or other formatting to a small section of text, such as changing the color or making the text bold.

CSS can be used to style the span> tag, while JavaScript can be used to change its appearance. The span> tag is an excellent tool for styling almost any design, whether it’s to fit a specific theme or to look perfectly balanced.

How do you find the span value?

Use the textContent property to get the text of a span element, e.g. const text = span. textContent . The textContent property will return the text content of the span and its descendants. If the element is empty, an empty string is returned.

Can span tag have value attribute?

a span doesn't have a value attribute.

How can get span id value in jquery?

Answers. var spanValue = $("#tetris-stats-lines"). html(); alert(spanValue);

Where do we use span tag in HTML?

The tag is an inline container used to mark up a part of a text, or a part of a document. The tag is easily styled by CSS or manipulated with JavaScript using the class or id attribute. The tag is much like the
element, but
is a block-level element and is an inline element.