Hướng dẫn compound assignment operators python

    This operator performs two operations in a sequence, such as -
  1. First, an add operation.
  2. Next, the assignment of the result of an add operation.

Understanding the += operator with a code -

i=2;        	#initializing i to 2
i+=2;		#equals to, i = i+2;
  • Statement i+=2 is equal to i=i+2, hence 2 will be added to the value of i, which gives us 4.
  • Finally, the result of addition, 4 is assigned back to i, updating its original value from 2 to 4.
  • A special case scenario for all the compound assigned operators

i+=2*2;		#equals to, i = i+(2*2);

In all the compound assignment operators, the expression on the right side of = is always calculated first and then the compound assignment operator will start its functioning. Hence in the last code, statement i+=2*2; is equal to i=i+(2*2), which results in i=i+4, and finally it returns 6 to i.

Example with += operator

# Example with += compound assignment operator in Python

str ="Hello";
print("Original string value : ", str)
print("Updated string value : ", str)

print("Original integer value : ", i)
i+=10 		# i = i+10 
print("Updated integer value : ", i)

print("Original float value : ", f)
f+=20		# f = f+20
print("Updated float value : ", f)
Output is
Original string value :  Hello
Updated string value :  HelloWorld!
Original integer value :  10
Updated integer value :  20
Original float value :  10.555
Updated float value :  30.555


-= operator

    This operator performs two operations in sequence -
  1. Subtraction operation.
  2. Assignment of the result of a subtract operation.

Understanding the -= operator with a code -

  • Statement i-=2 is equal to i=i-2, hence 2 will be subtracted from the value of i, which gives us 0.
  • Finally, the result of subtraction i.e. 0 is assigned back to i, updating its value to 0.
  • Example with -= operator

# Example with -= compound assignment operator in Python

print("Original integer value : ", i)
i-=10 		# i = i-10 
print("Updated integer value : ", i)

print("Original float value : ", f)
f-=20		# f = f-20
print("Updated float value : ", f)

print("Original float value : ", g)
g-=19.99		# g = g-19.99
print("Updated float value : ", g)
Output is
Original integer value :  10
Updated integer value :  0
Original float value :  10.555
Updated float value :  -9.445
Original float value :  99.99
Updated float value :  80.0

*= operator

    This operator performs two operations in sequence -
  1. Multiplication operation.
  2. Assignment of the result of a multiplication operation.

Understanding the *= operator with a code -

i=2;       #initializing i to 2
  • Statement i*=2 is equal to i=i*2, hence 2 will be multiplied with the value of i, which gives us 4.
  • Finally, the result of multiplication, 4 is assigned back to i, updating its value to 4.
  • Example with *= operator

# Example with *= operator in C++

print("Original value : ", s)
s*=5+10		# s = s*(5+10)
print("Value after *=5+10 operation : ", s)

print("Original int : ", i)
i*=10.5		# i = i*10.5; 
print("Value after *=10 operation : ", i)

print("Original int : ", l)
l*=1000 	# l = l*1000; 
print("Value after *=1000 operation : ", l)

print("Original float : ", f)
f*=20 		# f = f*20; 
print("Value after *=20 operation : ", f)

Output -

Original value :  10
Value after *=5+10 operation :  150
Original int :  10
Value after *=10 operation :  105.0
Original int :  100
Value after *=1000 operation :  100000
Original float :  10.5
Value after *=20 operation :  210.0

/= operator

    This operator performs two operations in sequence -
  1. floating-point division operation.
  2. Assignment of the result of floating-point division operation.

Understanding the /= operator with a code -

i=4;     #initializing i to 4
  • Statement i/=2 is equal to i=i/2, hence 4 will be divided by the value of i, which gives us 2.0
  • Finally, the result of division i.e. 2.0 is assigned back to i, updating its value from 4 to 2.0.
  • Example with /= operator

# Example with //= operator in Python

print( "Original value : ", s)
s//=5-2; 	# s = s//(5-2)
print( "Value after //=5-2 operation : ", s)

print( "Original value : ", i)
i//=10; 		# i = i//10; 
print( "Value after //=10 operation : ", i)

print( "Original value : ", l)
l//=2; 		# l = l//2; 
print( "Value after //=2 operation : ", l)

print("Original value : ", f)
f//=20; 		# f = f//20; 
print("Value after //=20 operation : ", f)

print("Original value : ", d)
d//=22; 		# d = d//22;
print("Value after //=22 operation : ", d)


Original value :  10
Value after /=5-2 operation :  3.3333333333333335
Original value :  10
Value after /=10 operation :  1.0
Original value :  999
Value after /=2 operation :  499.5
Original value :  80.5
Value after /=20 operation :  4.025
Original value :  44.5
Value after /=22 operation :  2.022727272727273

//= operator

    This operator performs two operations in sequence -
  1. Integer division operation, which gives us an integer quotient value after dividing two integers and it gives a floating-point quotient after dividing a floating-point number with an integer value or vice versa.
  2. Assignment of the result of an integer division operation.

Understanding the //= operator with a code -

i=4;     #initializing i to 4
  • Statement i/=2 is equal to i=i//2, hence 4 will be divided by the value of i, which gives us 2.
  • Finally, the result of division i.e. 2 is assigned back to i, updating its value from 4 to 2.
  • Example with //= operator

# Example with //= operator in C++

print( "Original value : ", s)
s//=5-2; 	# s = s//(5-2)
print( "Value after //=5-2 operation : ", s)

print( "Original value : ", i)
i//=10; 		# i = i//10; 
print( "Value after //=10 operation : ", i)

print( "Original value : ", l)
l//=2; 		# l = l//2; 
print( "Value after //=2 operation : ", l)

print("Original value : ", f)
f//=20; 		# f = f//20; 
print("Value after //=20 operation : ", f)

print("Original value : ", d)
d//=22; 		# d = d//22;
print("Value after //=22 operation : ", d)


Original value :  3
Value after //=5-2 operation :  1
Original value :  10
Value after //=10 operation :  1
Original value :  999
Value after //=2 operation :  499
Original value :  80.5
Value after //=20 operation :  4.0
Original value :  44.5
Value after //=22 operation :  2.0

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Hướng dẫn compound assignment operators python
Hướng dẫn compound assignment operators python
Hướng dẫn compound assignment operators python
Hướng dẫn compound assignment operators python
Hướng dẫn compound assignment operators python
Hướng dẫn compound assignment operators python
