Hướng dẫn how do i install php on kali linux? - làm cách nào để cài đặt php trên Linux Linux?


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun PHP cho máy chủ web Apache 2.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


  • libapache2-mod-php8.1


Gói này cung cấp thư viện /USR/lib/libphp.so có thể được sử dụng bởi các nhà phát triển ứng dụng để nhúng chức năng tập lệnh PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


  • libphp8.1-embed

Gói này cung cấp thư viện /USR/lib/libphp.so có thể được sử dụng bởi các nhà phát triển ứng dụng để nhúng chức năng tập lệnh PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


  • php8.1


Gói này cung cấp thư viện /USR/lib/libphp.so có thể được sử dụng bởi các nhà phát triển ứng dụng để nhúng chức năng tập lệnh PHP.

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


  • php8.1-dev
  • php8.1-json
  • php8.1-mbstring
  • php8.1-xml



PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc được sử dụng làm phụ thuộc xây dựng cho các gói khác để tránh các phụ thuộc được mã hóa cứng vào các gói phát triển PHP cụ thể.

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


  • php-common
  • php8.1-bcmath


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc được sử dụng làm phụ thuộc xây dựng cho các gói khác để tránh các phụ thuộc được mã hóa cứng vào các gói phát triển PHP cụ thể.

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


  • php-common
  • php8.1-bz2


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun BCMATH cho PHP.

[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


  • php8.1-cgi


Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# php-cgi.default -h
Usage: php [-q] [-h] [-s] [-v] [-i] [-f ]
       php  [args...]
  -a               Run interactively
  -b | Bind Path for external FASTCGI Server mode
  -C               Do not chdir to the script's directory
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No php.ini file will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse .  Implies `-q'
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -q               Quiet-mode.  Suppress HTTP Header output.
  -s               Display colour syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Display source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .
  -T        Measure execution time of script repeated  times.


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun BZIP2 cho PHP.

[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

Kích thước đã cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

  • php8.1-cli


Gói này cung cấp trình thông dịch CGI/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php được xây dựng để sử dụng trong Apache 2 với mod_actions hoặc bất kỳ CGI HTTPD nào khác hỗ trợ cơ chế tương tự. Lưu ý rằng hầu hết người dùng có thể muốn gói PHP-FPM cung cấp hỗ trợ FASTCGI.

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


Gói này cung cấp trình thông dịch CGI/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php được xây dựng để sử dụng trong Apache 2 với mod_actions hoặc bất kỳ CGI HTTPD nào khác hỗ trợ cơ chế tương tự. Lưu ý rằng hầu hết người dùng có thể muốn gói PHP-FPM cung cấp hỗ trợ FASTCGI.

[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun BZIP2 cho PHP.

[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)


  • Kích thước đã cài đặt:
    [email protected]:~# man phar.default
    PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)
           phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
           phar  [options] ...
           The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
           a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and
           With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.
           Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
           meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version
    add command
           Add entries to a PHAR package.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                          use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                          pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                          matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.
           Optional arguments:
           -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.
           -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
    compress command
           Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.
           Required arguments:
           -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
    delete command
           Delete entry from a PHAR archive
           Required arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
    extract command
           Extract a PHAR package to a directory.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
           ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').
    help command
           This help or help for a selected command.
           Optional arguments:
           ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.
    help-list command
           Lists available commands.
    info command
           Get information about a PHAR package.
           By using -k it is possible to return a single value.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -k index       Subscription index to work on.
    list command
           List contents of a PHAR archive.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
    meta-del command
           Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.
           If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
           given index is being deleted.
           If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
           -k index       Subscription index to work on.
    meta-get command
           Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
           from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
           used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
           the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
           dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
           does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
           -k index       Subscription index to work on.
    meta-set command
           Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
           If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
           You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
           metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
           being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
           created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
           value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
           being serialized.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).
           Optional arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
           -k index       Subscription index to work on.
    pack command
           Pack files into a PHAR archive.
           When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
           list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
           PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                          use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                          pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                          matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.
           Optional arguments:
           -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.
           -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                          #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                          line character are optional.
           -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )
           -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file
           -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                          PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                          matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                          '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                          cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                          around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                          tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                          nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                          package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.
           -s stub        Select the stub file.
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
           -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.
    sign command
           Set signature hash algorithm.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )
           Optional arguments:
           -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.
    stub-get command
           Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
           then stdout is being used.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -s stub        Select the stub file.
    stub-set command
           Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
           stdin is being used.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                          #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                          line character are optional.
           -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                          PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                          matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                          '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                          cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                          around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                          tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                          nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                          package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.
           -s stub        Select the stub file.
    tree command
           Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
    version command
           Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.
           0              No compression
           none           No compression
           auto           Automatically select compression algorithm
           gz             GZip compression
           gzip           GZip compression
           bz2            BZip2 compression
           bzip2          BZip2 compression
           md5            MD5
           sha1           SHA1
           sha256         SHA256
           sha512         SHA512
           openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1
           openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256
           openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512
           For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:
           You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:
           The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
           dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei
           Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.
           A List of active developers can be found here:
           And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
           of contributors all around the world.
           This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.
           Copyright (C) The PHP Group
           This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
           bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
           the world-wide-web at the following url:
           If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
           tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
           [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.
    The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
    2 cách cài đặt:
    [email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
    PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)
           phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
           phar  [options] ...
           The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
           a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and
           With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.
           Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
           meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version
    add command
           Add entries to a PHAR package.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                          use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                          pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                          matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.
           Optional arguments:
           -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.
           -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
    compress command
           Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.
           Required arguments:
           -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
    delete command
           Delete entry from a PHAR archive
           Required arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
    extract command
           Extract a PHAR package to a directory.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
           ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').
    help command
           This help or help for a selected command.
           Optional arguments:
           ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.
    help-list command
           Lists available commands.
    info command
           Get information about a PHAR package.
           By using -k it is possible to return a single value.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -k index       Subscription index to work on.
    list command
           List contents of a PHAR archive.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
    meta-del command
           Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.
           If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
           given index is being deleted.
           If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
           -k index       Subscription index to work on.
    meta-get command
           Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
           from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
           used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
           the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
           dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
           does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
           -k index       Subscription index to work on.
    meta-set command
           Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
           If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
           You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
           metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
           being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
           created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
           value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
           being serialized.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).
           Optional arguments:
           -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                          rectory name if any).
           -k index       Subscription index to work on.
    pack command
           Pack files into a PHAR archive.
           When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
           list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
           PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                          use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                          pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                          matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.
           Optional arguments:
           -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.
           -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                          #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                          line character are optional.
           -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )
           -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file
           -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                          PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                          matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                          '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                          cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                          around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                          tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                          nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                          package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.
           -s stub        Select the stub file.
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
           -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.
    sign command
           Set signature hash algorithm.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )
           Optional arguments:
           -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.
    stub-get command
           Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
           then stdout is being used.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -s stub        Select the stub file.
    stub-set command
           Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
           stdin is being used.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                          #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                          line character are optional.
           -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                          PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                          matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                          '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                          cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                          around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                          tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                          nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                          package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.
           -s stub        Select the stub file.
    tree command
           Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.
           Required arguments:
           -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.
           Optional arguments:
           -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.
           -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.
    version command
           Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.
           0              No compression
           none           No compression
           auto           Automatically select compression algorithm
           gz             GZip compression
           gzip           GZip compression
           bz2            BZip2 compression
           bzip2          BZip2 compression
           md5            MD5
           sha1           SHA1
           sha256         SHA256
           sha512         SHA512
           openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1
           openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256
           openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512
           For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:
           You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:
           The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
           dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei
           Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.
           A List of active developers can be found here:
           And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
           of contributors all around the world.
           This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.
           Copyright (C) The PHP Group
           This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
           bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
           the world-wide-web at the following url:
           If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
           tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
           [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.
    The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

Gói này cung cấp trình thông dịch CGI/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php được xây dựng để sử dụng trong Apache 2 với mod_actions hoặc bất kỳ CGI HTTPD nào khác hỗ trợ cơ chế tương tự. Lưu ý rằng hầu hết người dùng có thể muốn gói PHP-FPM cung cấp hỗ trợ FASTCGI.
[email protected]:~# phpdismod -h
usage: phpdismod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]

Kích thước đã cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]

Giao diện dòng lệnh PHP ‘CLI,
[email protected]:~# phpquery -h
usage: phpquery [ -d ] [ -q ] -v version_name -s sapi_name [ -m module_name ] [ -M ] [ -S ] [ -V ]

Gói này cung cấp trình thông dịch lệnh/usr/bin/php, hữu ích để kiểm tra các tập lệnh PHP từ shell hoặc thực hiện các tác vụ kịch bản shell chung.

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
4 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# man phar.phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)

Sự phụ thuộc:

  • php-common
  • php8.1-curl


Tiêu đề và PHP khác cần thiết để biên dịch các mô -đun bổ sung.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

How to install:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .



  • php8.1-dev


Nhận thông tin về cấu hình PHP và các tùy chọn biên dịch

[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]


Chuẩn bị tiện ích mở rộng PHP để biên dịch

[email protected]:~# phpize.default --help
Usage: /usr/bin/phpize.default [--clean|--help|--version|-v]


Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun mê hoặc cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .



  • php-common
  • php8.1-enchant


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .


PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .



  • php8.1-fpm


Nhận thông tin về cấu hình PHP và các tùy chọn biên dịch

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .



  • php-common
  • php8.1-gd


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .


PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .



  • php-common
  • php8.1-gmp


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .


PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpdismod -h
usage: phpdismod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-imap


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .


PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpdismod -h
usage: phpdismod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]

Sự phụ thuộc:

  • php-common
  • php8.1-interbase


Tiêu đề và PHP khác cần thiết để biên dịch các mô -đun bổ sung.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpdismod -h
usage: phpdismod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-intl


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .


PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP ổn định mới nhất (hiện là 8.1).

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpdismod -h
usage: phpdismod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-json


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .

0 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php.default -h
Usage: php [options] [-f]  [--] [args...]
   php [options] -r  [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -R  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] [-B ] -F  [-E ] [--] [args...]
   php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router]
   php [options] -- [args...]
   php [options] -a

  -a               Run as interactive shell (requires readline extension)
  -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n               No configuration (ini) files will be used
  -d foo[=bar]     Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e               Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -f         Parse and execute .
  -h               This help
  -i               PHP information
  -l               Syntax check only (lint)
  -m               Show compiled in modules
  -r         Run PHP  without using script tags 
  -B   Run PHP  before processing input lines
  -R         Run PHP  for every input line
  -F         Parse and execute  for every input line
  -E     Run PHP  after processing all input lines
  -H               Hide any passed arguments from external tools.
  -S : Run with built-in web server.
  -t      Specify document root  for built-in web server.
  -s               Output HTML syntax highlighted source.
  -v               Version number
  -w               Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -z         Load Zend extension .

  args...          Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
                   starts with - or script is read from stdin

  --ini            Show configuration file names

  --rf       Show information about function .
  --rc       Show information about class .
  --re       Show information about extension .
  --rz       Show information about Zend extension .
  --ri       Show configuration for extension .


PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpdismod -h
usage: phpdismod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpdismod -h
usage: phpdismod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-ldap


Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun MBString cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-mbstring


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-mysql


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-odbc


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-pgsql


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]

Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]


  • php8.1-phpdbg


Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]

[email protected]:~# phpdbg.default -h

phpdbg is a lightweight, powerful and easy to use debugging platform for
It supports the following commands:

  list      list PHP source
  info      displays information on the debug session
  print     show opcodes
  frame     select a stack frame and print a stack frame summary
  generator show active generators or select a generator frame
  back      shows the current backtrace
  help      provide help on a topic

Starting and Stopping Execution
  exec      set execution context
  stdin     set executing script from stdin
  run       attempt execution
  step      continue execution until other line is reached
  continue  continue execution
  until     continue execution up to the given location
  next      continue execution up to the given location and halt on the first
line after it
  finish    continue up to end of the current execution frame
  leave     continue up to end of the current execution frame and halt after
the calling instruction
  break     set a breakpoint at the specified target
  watch     set a watchpoint on $variable
  clear     clear one or all breakpoints
  clean     clean the execution environment

  set       set the phpdbg configuration
  source    execute a phpdbginit script
  register  register a phpdbginit function as a command alias
  sh        shell a command
  ev        evaluate some code
  quit      exit phpdbg

Type help  or (help alias) to get detailed help on any of the above
---Type  to continue or q  to quit---


Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun ODBC cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpquery -h
usage: phpquery [ -d ] [ -q ] -v version_name -s sapi_name [ -m module_name ] [ -M ] [ -S ] [ -V ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-pspell


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpquery -h
usage: phpquery [ -d ] [ -q ] -v version_name -s sapi_name [ -m module_name ] [ -M ] [ -S ] [ -V ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-readline


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpquery -h
usage: phpquery [ -d ] [ -q ] -v version_name -s sapi_name [ -m module_name ] [ -M ] [ -S ] [ -V ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-snmp


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpenmod -h
usage: phpenmod [ -v ALL|php_version ] [ -s ALL|sapi_name ] module_name [ module_name_2 ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpquery -h
usage: phpquery [ -d ] [ -q ] -v version_name -s sapi_name [ -m module_name ] [ -M ] [ -S ] [ -V ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-soap


Gói này cung cấp mô -đun MySQL cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# phpquery -h
usage: phpquery [ -d ] [ -q ] -v version_name -s sapi_name [ -m module_name ] [ -M ] [ -S ] [ -V ]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# phpquery -h
usage: phpquery [ -d ] [ -q ] -v version_name -s sapi_name [ -m module_name ] [ -M ] [ -S ] [ -V ]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-sqlite3


Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun Sybase cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-sybase


Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun gọn gàng cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-tidy


Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun gọn gàng cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]


  • php-common
  • php8.1-xml


Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun gọn gàng cho PHP.

PHP (Từ viết tắt đệ quy cho PHP: Bộ tiền xử lý siêu văn bản) là một ngôn ngữ kịch bản đa năng nguồn mở được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt phù hợp để phát triển web và có thể được nhúng vào HTML.

Gói này là gói phụ thuộc, phụ thuộc vào phiên bản PHP mặc định Debian (hiện là 8.1).

Kích thước đã cài đặt:

[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
2 cách cài đặt:
[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]
[email protected]:~# man phar.default
PHAR(1)                          User Commands                         PHAR(1)

       phar, phar.phar - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool

       phar  [options] ...

       The PHAR file format provides a way to put entire PHP applications into
       a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy  distribution  and

       With the phar command you can create, update or extract PHP archives.

       Commands: add compress delete extract help help-list info list meta-del
       meta-get meta-set pack sign stub-get stub-set tree version

add command
       Add entries to a PHAR package.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

compress command
       Compress or uncompress all files or a selected entry.

       Required arguments:

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

delete command
       Delete entry from a PHAR archive

       Required arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

extract command
       Extract a PHAR package to a directory.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       ...            Directory to extract to (defaults to '.').

help command
       This help or help for a selected command.

       Optional arguments:

       ...            Optional command to retrieve help for.

help-list command
       Lists available commands.

info command
       Get information about a PHAR package.

       By using -k it is possible to return a single value.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

list command
       List contents of a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

meta-del command
       Delete meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package.

       If -k is given then the metadata is expected to be  an  array  and  the
       given index is being deleted.

       If something was deleted the return value is 0 otherwise it is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-get command
       Get meta information of a PHAR entry or a PHAR  package  in  serialized
       from. If no output file is specified for meta data then stdout is being
       used.  You can also specify a particular index using -k. In  that  case
       the  metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given in-
       dex is returned using echo rather than using serialize. If  that  index
       does not exist or no meta data is present then the return value is 1.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

meta-set command
       Set meta data of a PHAR entry or a PHAR package using serialized input.
       If  no  input file is specified for meta data then stdin is being used.
       You can also specify a particular index using  -k.  In  that  case  the
       metadata is expected to be an array and the value of the given index is
       being set.  If the metadata is not present or empty a new array will be
       created.   If  the metadata is present and a flat value then the return
       value is 1. Also using -k the input is been taken directly rather  then
       being serialized.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -m meta        Meta data to store with entry (serialized php data).

       Optional arguments:

       -e entry       Name of entry to work on (must include PHAR internal di-
                      rectory name if any).

       -k index       Subscription index to work on.

pack command
       Pack files into a PHAR archive.

       When using -s , then the stub file is  being  excluded  from  the
       list  of input files/dirs.To create an archive that contains PEAR class
       PHP_Archive then point -p argument to PHP/Archive.php.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       ...            Any number of input files and directories. If -i  is  in
                      use  then  ONLY files and matching the given regular ex-
                      pression are being packed. If -x  is  given  then  files
                      matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.

       Optional arguments:

       -a alias       Provide an alias name for the phar file.

       -b bang        Hash-bang    line    to    start   the   archive   (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -c algo        Compression algorithm (see COMPRESSION )

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -l level       Number  of  preceding  subdirectories to strip from file

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

sign command
       Set signature hash algorithm.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       -h hash        Selects the hash algorithm (see HASH )

       Optional arguments:

       -y key         Private key for OpenSSL signing.

stub-get command
       Get the stub of a PHAR file. If no output file  is  specified  as  stub
       then stdout is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

stub-set command
       Set the stub of a PHAR file. If no input file is specified as stub then
       stdin is being used.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -b bang        Hash-bang   line   to   start    the    archive    (e.g.
                      #!/usr/bin/php).  The hash mark itself '#!' and the new-
                      line character are optional.

       -p loader      Location of  PHP_Archive  class  file  (pear  list-files
                      PHP_Archive).You  can  use '0' or '1' to locate it auto-
                      matically using the mentioned pear command.  When  using
                      '0'  the  command does not error out when the class file
                      cannot be located.  This  switch  also  adds  some  code
                      around  the  stub  so that class PHP_Archive gets regis-
                      tered as phar:// stream wrapper if  necessary.  And  fi-
                      nally  this  switch will add the file phar.inc from this
                      package and load it to ensure class Phar is present.

       -s stub        Select the stub file.

tree command
       Get a directory tree for a PHAR archive.

       Required arguments:

       -f file        Specifies the phar file to work on.

       Optional arguments:

       -i regex       Specifies a regular expression for input files.

       -x regex       Regular expression for input files to exclude.

version command
       Get information about the PHAR environment and the tool version.


       0              No compression

       none           No compression

       auto           Automatically select compression algorithm

       gz             GZip compression

       gzip           GZip compression

       bz2            BZip2 compression

       bzip2          BZip2 compression


       md5            MD5

       sha1           SHA1

       sha256         SHA256

       sha512         SHA512

       openssl        OpenSSL using SHA-1

       openssl_sha256 OpenSSL using SHA-256

       openssl_sha512 OpenSSL using SHA-512

       For a more or less complete description of PHAR look here:

       You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at:

       The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Ler-
       dorf,  Sam  Ruby,  Sascha  Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei

       Work for the PHP archive was done by Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger.

       A List of active developers can be found here:

       And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount
       of contributors all around the world.

       This manpage describes phar, version 8.1.5.

       Copyright (C) The PHP Group

       This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, that is
       bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
       the world-wide-web at the following url:

       If  you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to ob-
       tain  it  through  the  world-wide-web,  please  send  a  note  to  li-
       [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.

The PHP Group                        2021                              PHAR(1)
How to install:
[email protected]:~# php-config.default -h
Usage: /usr/bin/php-config.default [OPTION]
  --prefix            [/usr]
  --includes          [-I/usr/include/php/20210902 -I/usr/include/php/20210902/main -I/usr/include/php/20210902/TSRM -I/usr/include/php/20210902/Zend -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext -I/usr/include/php/20210902/ext/date/lib ]
  --ldflags           [-L/usr/lib/php/20210902 ]
  --libs              [-lcrypt   -lresolv -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lm -ldl  -lxml2 -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre2-8 -lz -lsodium -largon2 -lrt -ldl -lcrypt ]
  --extension-dir     [/usr/lib/php/20210902]
  --include-dir       [/usr/include/php/20210902]
  --man-dir           [/usr/share/man]
  --php-binary        [/usr/bin/php8.1]
  --php-sapis         [apache2handler cgi cli fpm ]
  --phpapi            [20210902]
  --ini-path          [/etc/php/8.1/cli]
  --ini-dir           [/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d]
  --configure-options [--includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-option-checking --disable-silent-rules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-phpdbg --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/8.1/cli --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --config-cache --cache-file=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5/config.cache --libdir=${prefix}/lib/php --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/php --datadir=${prefix}/share/php/8.1 --program-suffix=8.1 --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --disable-all --disable-debug --disable-rpath --disable-static --with-pic --with-layout=GNU --without-pear --enable-filter --with-openssl --with-password-argon2=/usr --with-external-pcre --enable-hash --with-mhash=/usr --with-libxml --enable-session --with-sodium --with-system-tzdata --with-zlib=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-dtrace --enable-pcntl --with-libedit=shared,/usr build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu host_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/php8.1-XJEKXr/php8.1-8.1.5=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DOPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED -g]
  --version           [8.1.5]
  --vernum            [80105]

Gói này cung cấp một mô -đun gọn gàng cho PHP.

  • php-common
  • php8.1-zip

Làm cách nào để tải xuống PHP trên Kali Linux?

Cách cài đặt Php 7.4 trên Kali Linux..
Bước 1: Cập nhật hệ thống. Đảm bảo hệ thống của bạn được cập nhật: Update sudo apt sudo apt full nâng cấp -y [-f/var/run/reboot -yêu cầu] && sudo reboot -f. ....
Bước 2: Thêm Kho lưu trữ PPA PHP Sury. Nhập khóa GPG và thêm kho lưu trữ PPA. ....
Bước 3: Cài đặt Php 7.4 trên Kali Linux ..

Làm thế nào kiểm tra phiên bản PHP Kali Linux?

Kiểm tra phiên bản PHP được cài đặt trên máy chủ Linux và UNIX của bạn..
Mở dấu nhắc đầu cuối và sau đó nhập các lệnh sau ..
Đăng nhập vào máy chủ từ xa bằng lệnh SSH.....
Để kiểm tra phiên bản PHP, chạy: PHP --Version hoặc PHP-CGI --Version ..
Để in phiên bản Php 7, loại: Php7 --Version hoặc PHP7-CGI --Version ..

Cài đặt cài đặt PHP như thế nào?

Cách cài đặt PHP..
Bước 1: Tải xuống các tệp PHP.Bạn sẽ cần trình cài đặt Windows PHP.....
Bước 2: Trích xuất các tập tin.....
Bước 3: Định cấu hình PHP.....
Bước 4: Thêm C: \ PHP vào biến môi trường đường dẫn.....
Bước 5: Định cấu hình PHP như một mô -đun Apache.....
Bước 6: Kiểm tra tệp PHP ..

Làm thế nào cài đặt PHP GD trên Kali Linux?

Cách cài đặt PHP-GD trên Kali Linux..
Cập nhật sudo apt-get.Sao chép.Sau khi cập nhật cơ sở dữ liệu APT, chúng tôi có thể cài đặt PHP-GD bằng APT-Get bằng cách chạy lệnh sau: ....
Cập nhật sudo apt.Sao chép.....
Cập nhật Sudo Aptitude.Sao chép.....
sudo apt-get -y purge php-gd.Sao chép ..