Hướng dẫn pseudo code to find minimum among three numbers in python infytq - mã giả để tìm số tối thiểu trong số ba số trong python infytq


Không thể lấy lại những người đóng góp tại thời điểm này

Tệp này chứa văn bản unicode hai chiều có thể được giải thích hoặc biên dịch khác với những gì xuất hiện dưới đây. Để xem xét, hãy mở tệp trong một trình soạn thảo cho thấy các ký tự Unicode ẩn. Tìm hiểu thêm về các ký tự unicode hai chiều

QNS: Viết mã giả để tìm mức tối thiểu 3 số
Dung dịch:
Đầu vào số1, Number2, Number3
Nếu (số 1
Hiển thị "Num1 là nhỏ nhất"
Hiển thị "Num3 là nhỏ nhất"
kết thúc nếu
khác nếu (số2
Hiển thị "Num2 nhỏ nhất"
Hiển thị "Num3 nhỏ nhất"
kết thúc nếu

Chương trình Python để có ba số NUM1, NUM2 và NUM3 và tìm chương trình nhỏ nhất trong số Num1, Num2 và Num3.

Mẫu đầu vào 1:

1 6 2

Đầu ra mẫu 1:


Chương trình hoặc giải pháp

num1,num2,num3=map(int,input("Enter three numbers:").split(" "))

Giải thích chương trình

Nhận ba đầu vào NUM1, NUM2 và NUM3 từ người dùng sử dụng các phương thức Input ().

Kiểm tra xem Num1 có nhỏ hơn NUM2 và NUM3 bằng cách sử dụng câu lệnh IF hay không, nếu đó là true in num1 nhỏ nhất bằng phương thức print ().

Khác, num2 hoặc num3 là nhỏ nhất.

Vì vậy, hãy kiểm tra xem Num2 có nhỏ hơn Num3 bằng cách sử dụng câu lệnh otherif hay không.

Nếu num2 lớn hơn, thì in num2 là nhỏ nhất bằng phương thức in ().

Khác, in num3 là nhỏ nhất bằng phương thức in ().

Xem thảo luận

Cải thiện bài viết

Lưu bài viết

  • Đọc
  • Bàn luận
  • Xem thảo luận

    Cải thiện bài viết

    Lưu bài viết


    Hướng dẫn pseudo code to find minimum among three numbers in python infytq - mã giả để tìm số tối thiểu trong số ba số trong python infytq


    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3


    1. Bàn luận
    2. Cho ba số. Nhiệm vụ là tìm thấy nhỏ nhất trong số ba số đã cho. & NBSP;
    3. Kiểm tra xem phần tử đầu tiên có nhỏ hơn thứ hai và thứ ba không. Nếu có thì in nó.

    Khác nếu kiểm tra xem phần tử thứ hai nhỏ hơn thứ nhất và thứ ba. Nếu có thì in nó.



    using namespace std;

    int main()

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    9 0

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 2
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    5 4

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    7 6
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    9 0

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 2

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    7 2
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    9 0

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 6 7




    int main()

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 2
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    5 4

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 2

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 6 7




    std;4 std;5

    std;6 std;7

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1std;9 int0 int1 int2

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 2
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    5 4

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 2

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 8



    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 6 7


    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3


    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3


    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3


    std;4 std;5

    std;6 std;7

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1std;9 int0 int1 int2

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    int3int int5int6int7int8int9__909020

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    17 int6
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3


    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3



    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10 Output: 10 Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6 Output: 336Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10 Output: 10 Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6 Output: 337Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10 Output: 10 Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6 Output: 317 Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10 Output: 10 Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6 Output: 339Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10 Output: 10 Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6 Output: 327 Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10 Output: 10 Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6 Output: 341Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10 Output: 10 Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6 Output: 317 Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10 Output: 10 Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6 Output: 330

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3


    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3


    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    int0 std;9 int1

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3


    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3



    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    5 4



    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 37

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    7 42
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 2
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    5 4

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    7 50
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 2

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    7 56
    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3

    Input: first = 15, second = 16, third = 10
    Output: 10
    Input: first = 5, second = 3, third = 6
    Output: 3
    1 6 7

    C O(1)


    Làm thế nào để bạn tìm thấy tối thiểu 3 số trong Python?

    Giải thích chương trình nhận được ba đầu vào NUM1, NUM2 và NUM3 từ người dùng bằng cách sử dụng các phương thức input ().Kiểm tra xem Num1 có nhỏ hơn NUM2 và NUM3 bằng cách sử dụng câu lệnh IF hay không, nếu đó là true in num1 nhỏ nhất bằng phương thức print ().Khác, num2 hoặc num3 là nhỏ nhất.Vì vậy, hãy kiểm tra xem Num2 có nhỏ hơn Num3 bằng cách sử dụng câu lệnh otherif hay không.Get three inputs num1, num2 and num3 from user using input() methods. Check whether num1 is smaller than num2 and num3 using if statement, if it is true print num1 is smallest using print() method. Else, num2 or num3 is smallest. So check whether num2 is smaller than num3 using elseif statement.

    Làm thế nào để bạn tìm thấy tối thiểu 3 số trong CPP?

    Hiển thị hoạt động trên bài đăng này ...
    Giải pháp đơn giản: int nhỏ nhất (int x, int y, int z) {return std :: min (std :: min (x, y), z);}.
    Giải pháp tốt hơn (về mặt tối ưu hóa): Float nhỏ nhất (int x, int y, int z) {return x