Hướng dẫn substring between python

from timeit import timeit
from re import search, DOTALL

def partition_find(string, start, end):
    return string.partition(start)[2].rpartition(end)[0]

def re_find(string, start, end):
    # applying re.escape to start and end would be safer
    return search(start + '(.*)' + end, string, DOTALL).group(1)

def index_find(string, start, end):
    return string[string.find(start) + len(start):string.rfind(end)]

# The wikitext of "Alan Turing law" article form English Wikipeida
# https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alan_Turing_law&action=edit&oldid=763725886
string = """..."""
start = '==Proposals=='
end = '==Rival bills=='

assert index_find(string, start, end) \
       == partition_find(string, start, end) \
       == re_find(string, start, end)

print('index_find', timeit(
    'index_find(string, start, end)',

print('partition_find', timeit(
    'partition_find(string, start, end)',

print('re_find', timeit(
    're_find(string, start, end)',


index_find 0.35047444528454114
partition_find 0.5327825636197754
re_find 7.552149639286381

re_find was almost 20 times slower than index_find in this example.

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