One of the problems associated with the body of research on puberty today is that


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What are some factors that can affect the timing of puberty quizlet?

What factors influence the timing of puberty? Heredity, nutrition, exercise, physical health, emotional quality of family experiences.

What is the impact of the timing of puberty in adolescence?

Overall, we hypothesize that early pubertal timing (peer-relative timing, in particular) will be associated with poor mental, behavioral, and physical health for girls, both in adolescence and young adulthood, while off-time puberty (either early or late timing) may increase health risk for boys.

In which of the following parts of the anatomy is puberty initiated?

Puberty is the body's natural process of sexual maturation. Puberty's trigger lies in a small part of the brain called the hypothalamus, a gland that secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

Which of the following physical changes occur for males and females like during puberty?

Puberty is associated with emotional and hormonal changes, as well as physical changes such as breast development in females (thelarche), pubic hair development (pubarche), genital changes in males, voice changes, an increase in height, and the onset of menstruation (menarche).