What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Program Overview

In today's highly competitive business environment, marketing is everyone's business. No matter your work experience, if your role increasingly involves marketing responsibilities, you need a solid understanding of its core concepts, methods, and strategic perspectives.

Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage is based on Wharton’s popular MBA marketing management program, and unlike executive education programs offered elsewhere, it is taught by MBA faculty. Without distracting you with trends, they distill the latest in marketing research, thinking, tools, and techniques into five intense days. You will come away with a strong knowledge of the data-driven, fact-based science of marketing and know what it takes to understand customers.

Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage will show executives how to become more customer-centric, says Academic Director Jagmohan Raju.

Program Experience

Highlights and Key Outcomes

In Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage, you will:

  • Develop a thorough understanding of customers and what motivates buying behavior
  • Position new products and services and evaluate the effectiveness of current positioning strategies
  • Understand the value of your brands and how to build, develop, and leverage that value
  • Maximize consumer engagement through experiential marketing
  • Conduct quantitative analyses to make — and support — marketing decisions
  • Understand your role in a fully integrated, strategic marketing plan

Experience & Impact

Academic Director Jagmohan Raju on becoming more customer-centric.

In Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage, Wharton’s top marketing faculty — who represent a wide range of research areas and expertise — will give you a clear understanding of core marketing concepts. These concepts will help you better align with your customers, differentiate yourself from your competitors, and create a strong and effective marketing plan. You will join a learning community of participants from a variety of industries, geographies, and functional areas. The program uses quantitative and qualitative methodologies, case studies, lectures, and hands-on exercises that allow you to interact with faculty and peers throughout the week.

You will gain the knowledge and skills that drive better decision making and build a common vocabulary to help you communicate those decisions effectively across the organization.

Session topics include:

  • Positioning New Products and Services
  • Maximizing Customer Engagement
  • Smart Pricing Strategies
  • Designing a Communication Campaign
  • Online Advertising: Communication vs. Marketing
  • Managing, Leveraging, and Extending Brand Meaning
  • Channel Strategies
  • Customer Analysis for a New Product Launch
  • Innovate vs. Follow: Strategic Considerations

Convince Your Supervisor

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Due to our application review period, applications submitted after 12:00 p.m. ET on Friday for programs beginning the following Monday may not be processed in time to grant admission. Applicants will be contacted by a member of our Client Relations Team to discuss options for future programs and dates.

Who Should Attend

Professor Jagmohan Raju talks about who should attend this program.

Executives from across your organization will benefit from this program, particularly non-marketers who have been given increased responsibility for marketing and planning and need to learn how to evaluate the performance of their marketing functions. Also, managers in any area involved in the development and management of new products will benefit, including those from divisions such as engineering, operations, research and development, finance, accounting, sales, and public relations.

Fluency in English, written and spoken, is required for participation in Wharton Executive Education programs unless otherwise indicated.

Participant Profile

Participants by Industry

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Participants by Job Function

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Participants by Region

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Group Enrollment

To further leverage the value and impact of this program, we encourage companies to send cross-functional teams of executives to Wharton. We offer group enrollment benefits to companies sending four or more participants.


What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Jagmohan Raju, PhDSee Faculty Bio

Academic Director

Joseph J. Aresty Professor; Executive Director, Wharton Co-Sponsorship of Indian School of Business; Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Competitive strategy, pricing, retailing

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Ron Berman, PhDSee Faculty Bio

Assistant Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Online marketing, entrepreneurship, marketing analytics, search engine marketing, game theory, industrial organization

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Eric Bradlow, PhDSee Faculty Bio

The K. P. Chao Professor; Professor of Marketing; Vice Dean of Analytics at Wharton; Chairperson, Wharton Marketing Department, The Wharton School; Professor of Economics; Professor of Education; Professor of Statistics, University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests: Marketing research methods, missing-data problems, psychometrics

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

George Day, PhDSee Faculty Bio

Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor Emeritus, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Competitive strategies in global markets, strategic planning processes

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Barbara Kahn, PhDSee Faculty Bio

Patty and Jay H. Baker Professor; Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Brand loyalty, consumer choice, customer-relationship management

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

David Reibstein, PhDSee Faculty Bio

William Stewart Woodside Professor; Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Brand equity, marketing metrics, competitive marketing strategies, product line strategy

What are the different ways in which marketing can be used to give Organisations a competitive edge?

Z. John Zhang, PhDSee Faculty Bio

Tsai Wan-Tsai Professor; Professor of Marketing; Director, Penn Wharton China Center

Research Interests: Channel and retail management, pricing strategies


Wharton’s Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage offered tremendous knowledge exchange while engaging with amazing instructors, participants, and guest speakers. It provided skills to enhance client experience with overall marketing approach, target audience, and messaging. Critical for global business was learning about digital marketing.

Participants were an interesting mix in terms of industry and career experience. Professionals proactive about getting the best quality education and achieving higher goals personally and professionally. There were networking opportunities with participants and professors, who have an open door to former students. Companies that want to go from good to great need this experience.

Marketing affects every level of an organization and programs like Wharton’s are vital to understanding our industry. We are in a new business world and have to figure out how to survive and thrive for success. If you understand the customer and what you have to offer, you are ahead of every business owner who has not been to this program or received equivalent training. Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage is an investment for yourself, your business, and your future.”

Valerie Vashio Business Unit Lead-Project Management, Biologics Consulting

Before I took Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage, being in a corporate support function, I thought most of marketing was smoke and magic. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing every year, and it was difficult for me to see the value. The program showed me through data what that value is and will be. Without it, you have no signal, and if you have no signal for even a short period of time, you become irrelevant.

The deep subject matter expertise of the faculty doesn’t begin to explain how phenomenal they are. They have access to new research no one else has and they’re in the field working with companies. The practice and learning for them is a continuous loop — it feels like they are a couple of years ahead in terms of knowledge. They’re the reason for Wharton’s reputation. While they all have different teaching styles, what they have in common is making it real. Professor Raju uses new, real-world examples with brands that everyone recognizes. It’s completely relevant and easily resonates with you. The program gave me a much greater appreciation for how important marketing is, and provided me with real-world tools for evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing programs.”

Matthew Owenby Chief Human Resources Officer, Aflac, Inc.

My background is in engineering, and I have not had formal business training. Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage gave me a great base to have better conversations and a better understanding with our product owners. Because my role as IT director is internal facing, I wanted to come away with strategies and techniques I could use to take internal projects forward. I now have a better ability to evaluate why we do things in more grounded ways.

The horsepower of the professors in the program was really impressive. It wasn’t just about their achievements and research, but they taught the program to help you apply the concepts in any line of work or industry. The case studies they chose and the discussions they spawned were also very impactful. I have already begun to leverage some strategies associated with target audiences and messaging that I learned by applying them to change management efforts. I’ve gotten far more out of the program than the week I invested in it."

Greg Thompson Director, Enterprise IT, EnPro Industries

I needed a program that not only focused on the what of marketing — the tactics — but also on the why. I wanted a strategic view that included the impact of various decisions and how best to integrate decisions in areas such as customer segments, go-to-market, price, channels, and communication. I went back with a very deep understanding and not only shared what I learned with colleagues, but also implemented some of the key learnings quickly. We are now asking the right questions and seeing a phenomenal change.

The program goes well beyond tactics and the four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion) of marketing. It’s a semester of knowledge condensed into a week. You not only get to think about many issues involved in marketing in a different way, but you come away with very specific actions to take. The payoff from the program has been enormous just four weeks after I completed it.”

Amar Pandit, CFA, CFP Founder, Happyness Factory

One of the most valuable insights from taking Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage was learning how to price a product or service offer. The group exercises were very engaging and entertaining. We had one exercise where we were in an oil company and had to decide how to price our barrels in a country where there were a lot of competing parties. That was really challenging. It was also fun since I’m a very competitive person.”

Eric Sabato Western Regional Sales Manager, Carber Holdings Inc.

Like a lot of companies, we weren’t very strategic about looking at how beneficial marketing is to our company and to our bottom line. The pricing discussion, the analytical part, and the case studies were all hugely beneficial. The one line I will remember from the week was a 1 percent price improvement creates operating improvement of 11.15 percent. We’re taking a real hard look at pricing for next year. We manufacture high-quality products, so we can command some small premium for that without losing all of our business.

Also, we did not have a specific marketing manager, so I’ve decided to hire someone for that role. My CEO went on this course a year ago and encouraged me to attend. I would certainly encourage whoever I hire as a marketing manager to take the course. I think everyone in the class came away with something beneficial from the week — to challenge themselves to think differently about some part of their business.”

Alan Kelly Director of Commercial Development, Bimeda Inc.

I found the course to be well packaged and one that gave me new and enriching insights into the various facets of marketing. The course content addressed the evolving scenario and challenges in the industry that have prevailed over the years on a global perspective. It was a refresher course as it helped me build on the concepts that I learnt while doing my MBA. This course truly helps a manager with the necessary tools and wherewithal that will equip him to face the challenges in today’s dynamic, innovative, and competitive marketplace.”

Vijay Ramachandran Senior Manager, Reliance Industries, Ltd.

I founded Bloke, a men’s fragrance company, five years ago. It was always my dream to go to Wharton, because it’s the best of the best. I thought it was time for me to step out of my comfort zone of being creative, and become more knowledgeable with what Wharton could teach me. I took the Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage course to gain a competitive edge.

Taking a Wharton course had a big impact on my career. Three days after I got back from the program, I got hired as a consultant to do fragrance work in Australia. People were saying things to me like, 'You’re so talented, and you went to Wharton.' In addition, the men’s underwear line that I recently developed is getting released at New York Fashion Week in September. I’m very good at what I do, but I’m a designer, a dreamer. Wharton gave me the vernacular and the tools to be more effective when I speak at business meetings.

In the program, I felt like there were participants with both more and less knowledge and career experience than me, yet no one looked at each other any differently. We all learned from each other, a hundred percent. There were people in very different industries from mine: oil and gas, the shipping industry, you name it. I’m still in touch with people from the program on LinkedIn and am glad that I developed a network from the course.

Every professor was amazing. However, Jonah Berger was my favorite. Barbara Kahn was also an inspiration. I have never felt so challenged — in a good way — in my life. I’m considering taking another Wharton Executive Education course in the near future."

Christopher Valiante Creative Director and CEO, Bloke NYC

This program has a unique blend of world-class faculty, an integrated curriculum, and in-class exercises that taught us how to apply key learnings. The evening exercise on break-even analysis was invaluable to me. It was great that each professor could relate to the others’ presentations to continuously drive home the key learnings until the very final session.”

Mark Hayes Project Manager, Aetna

Without a doubt, the Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage program was most valuable. The quality of the information and faculty, coupled with the interaction with the other participants, exceeded every other program I have attended during my entire professional career.”

Keith Ensinger Development Manager, Decorative Coatings & Adhesives

My learning came not only from the professors and class material, but from a really diverse group of classmates from a wide range of industries — city government, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, health care, and retail. Also, the case material was stimulating and gave me a chance to challenge myself way beyond my own business experience.”

Kim Seaman Marketing & Communications Coordinator, Seaman Corporation

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What are the five main ways to gain a competitive edge?

Here are 5 strategies you can implement to gain a competitive edge in your industry:.
Cost Leadership. Being a cost leader means your business has the objective of creating more value for customers by having lower prices. ... .
Differentiation Leadership. ... .
Cost Focus. ... .
Differentiation Focus. ... .
Analysing Competitors..

How can marketing strategy help a business get an edge over their competitors?

Charge More. While many businesses think of slashing their prices to stand out, there's value in going the other direction. ... .
Become an Online Influencer. ... .
Speak at Events in Your Industry. ... .
Create Your Own Data. ... .
Niche Down. ... .
Leverage New Technology. ... .
Delight Your Customers. ... .
Invest in Deeper Customer Relationships..

What are some marketing strategies to achieve competitive advantage?

Highlights and Key Outcomes Develop a thorough understanding of customers and what motivates buying behavior. Position new products and services and evaluate the effectiveness of current positioning strategies. Understand the value of your brands and how to build, develop, and leverage that value.

How marketing contributes to competitiveness of an Organisation?

The marketing planning process helps narrow the target customers to those most likely to buy. This allows the company to use its finite marketing resources to reach out to these prime customer targets and not waste resources attempting to sell to customers who don't view the product as something they urgently need.