What is the most common form of therapy used today?

The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that approximately 44 million Americans experience some form of mental illness in a given year, and of those only about 40% received some kind of treatment (thankfully, more youth did at 50%, but that still leaves 50% who didn’t). Speaking to your doctor, connecting with friends and family, or learning more about mental health online are all ways to get help – but for those who choose to pursue some form of psychotherapy, what might a session look like?

What is the most common form of therapy used today?

The Huffington Post recently shared some of the more common forms of therapy, their uses, and what you can expect the experience to be like.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is based around the idea that we can make permanent changes in our behavior by changing our negative patterns of thinking.  It is short-term and goal-oriented, as both therapist and patient work together to identify the behaviors that need to change and then come up with an action plan to do so.

Sessions are generally quite structured and focused on identifying and changing those problematic patterns of thinking and behaving. The patient is usually given homework assignments, which involve keeping records of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors between sessions.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Originally developed to treat patients with suicidal thoughts or ideations, DBT has also been effective in the treatment of borderline personality disorder and other BPD-like symptoms like unstable moods, extreme reactions, panic, and depression. DBT was designed to help patients understand that their thoughts and behaviors were disproportionate to the stimulus that provoked them, then to teach them ways to cope and create space for more measured and moderate ways of responding.

Therapy sessions are focused around problem-solving and interpersonal skills, with patients often given homework to monitor and evaluate their behavior over time.

Family Therapy

Families are more than the sum of their parts, and family therapy considers and treats the family unit as a system with its own unique dynamics. It may address a range of problems, from addiction to interpersonal conflicts, but generally from the perspective of the family as a whole and the interactions between each individual. The family is usually treated in sessions together, but the therapist may also meet with each member individually to get a more nuanced perspective.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is useful for anyone who wants to explore their individual challenges or conflicts in a supportive group setting with others who share similar stories. It can be useful for anyone struggling with anything from depression and anxiety, trauma, addiction, or abuse and the group setting offers the opportunity to learn from the experience of others and receive varied feedback from different perspectives. It also tends to be more economical than individual sessions, which is helpful for those on a budget.

Feeling overwhelmed with life? Experiencing anxiety? Struggling with your mental health can be scary, especially when you don’t know where to turn or how to begin working on improving yourself.

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Talking to a trained mental health professional can help. And depending on what you’d like to accomplish during your sessions, there are a variety of different therapies.

Psychologist Dawn Potter, PsyD, discusses the most common types of therapy and what might work best for you.

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, can help those with mental disorders or emotional difficulties. It can lessen symptoms and help individuals function better in their everyday lives.

This kind of therapy is often used in combination with medication or other therapies.

The National Institute of Mental Health says 1 in 5 U.S. adults experiences mental, behavioral or emotional disorders, but less than half have received any mental health services in the past year.

Consider therapy if:

  • You have trouble managing stress.
  • You consistently feel overwhelmed or exhausted.
  • You have persistent problems you can’t solve on your own.
  • You feel depressed or disinterested in life.
  • You have anxiety.

Common types of psychotherapy

There are several types of therapy. A mental health professional may combine different aspects of different types to best meet the needs of the individual seeking treatment.

Psychodynamic therapy

Therapists use this approach to help people identify unconscious beliefs that can impact their mood and behavior — many times stemming from their childhood. For example, someone who was disciplined as a child for any grade below an A might have an unconscious belief that they will be punished for anything less than perfect.

“The goal is to increase insight into whatever kind of unconscious material might be driving behavior in order to promote some kind of change through the person understanding themselves and why they do certain things,” says Dr. Potter. 

This is a good option for those who have problems with self-esteem, self-confidence and self-expression. It can also help those who have depression and anxiety.

Behavioral therapy

A contrast to psychodynamic therapy, behavioral therapy focuses on the present. There’s less focus on why a behavior started and more emphasis on the barriers to changing it and why that behavior is being rewarded.

“We want to reinforce desired behaviors that we want to increase,” says Dr. Potter. “And then we want to have consequences for undesired behaviors.

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Used often with children, it establishes rewards for things like making their bed and removes privileges for things like acting out. 

Some subsets of behavioral therapy include:

  • Systematic desensitization: This practice slowly introduces exposure to something you might fear like spiders.
  • Aversion therapy: The idea here is to create consequences for behaviors that you want to stop like biting your nails.
  • Flooding: A more direct approach to dealing with phobias, this practice places you in a situation where you’re confronted with your fear or phobia so you can process all your feelings at once.

Behavioral therapy is good for dealing with phobias, substance use disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy combines some of the principles of behavioral therapy with the theory that our thoughts, feeling or behaviors are all connected and influence each other.

“So if we think differently or if we act differently, we could likely feel differently,” says Dr. Potter. “And sometimes our feelings are going to also influence how we think and act.”

A lot of CBT involves talking with your therapist about your thought process about any situations you’d like to discuss. Your therapist will ask what you were thinking and how it made you feel.

“It’s really trying to identify and shift patterns of thinking that might be problematic or inaccurate,” says Dr. Potter.

The goal is to replace harmful or negative thought patterns or behaviors with ones that helpful and positive.

People with mood disorders, anxiety, eating disorders and OCD might find CBT helpful.

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

Originally developed as a specific treatment for borderline personality disorder, this type of therapy focuses on developing skills to cope with challenging situations. “Dialectical” simply means a logical discussion of ideas and opinions, and the goal is to learn how to deal with and accept difficult emotions,” she says.

“It’s used to treat disorders that have a lot of emotional dysfunction,” says Dr. Potter. “It helps people develop mindfulness, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness skills. It helps them regulate negative emotions and have healthier relationships.”

Dialectical behavioral therapy is useful for people who are having suicidal thoughts and other self-destructive behaviors.

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Humanistic therapy

Focusing on people’s strengths, humanistic therapy can help people achieve their goals and feel more satisfied in life. It focuses less on treating symptoms and problems.

“You will usually focus on self-discovery and self-acceptance,” says Dr. Potter. “It could be really helpful for someone who is doing OK in life but wants to grow.”

Sessions are less structured than other therapies and are good for those who want to discuss existential issues or big picture issues. It can help you understand your worldview and develop true-self acceptance.

Anyone dealing with self-esteem issues, relationship issues, depression or anxiety might find humanistic therapy beneficial.

How to decide what’s best for you

To help find the best type of therapy for you, Dr. Potter suggests starting out with what problems or issues you’d like to discuss.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I want to change?
  • What is getting in the way of me making that change?
  • How much structure do I want in my sessions?

“For example, if you know you have a compulsive behavior like gambling or overeating, then you might want to seek out a behavioral therapist,” she says.

It’s also important to note that many mental health professionals use an integrative approach, meaning they are trained in a variety of therapies and will often use multiple approaches into their patient’s treatment.

Ask any potential therapists the following questions to help make the best decision:

  • Are you licensed?
  • Do you have experience treating people with similar problems?
  • How do you think that I can get better?
  • What kind of approaches do you use for problems like this?

“If you have a sense that something is wrong and you don’t know how to fix it, then therapy is a good option,” says Dr. Potter.

What is the most common form of therapy practiced in the United States?

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is the “most common type of therapy, no doubt,” says Johnsen. “It's about getting a read on your internal monologue, building cognitive awareness, and realizing what your thoughts are doing to your mental state.

What is the most common type of psychological treatment today?

Psychotherapy or counseling. This also is called talk therapy. It is one of the most common treatments for mental health disorders. It involves talking about your problems with a mental health professional but is so much more.

Is CBT the most widely used therapy?

(2)]: (1) CBT is the most researched form of psychotherapy. (2) No other form of psychotherapy has been shown to be systematically superior to CBT; if there are systematic differences between psychotherapies, they typically favor CBT.

Which method of therapy is most effective?

Behavioral activation therapy (BAT) is, perhaps, the most effective nonmedical intervention for most depressive disorders, especially for mild to moderately severe unipolar depression.