Why was the advent of the computer so important to the development of cognitive psychology?

The importance of the computer to the development of cognitive psychology:

The most important factor that contributed to the development of cognitive psychology is the development of computer technology. In the late 1940s, the first modern computer by John von Neumann showed that machines could perform logical operations. In the 1950s, there were speculations that computers actually reflect the way the mind works. Herbert Simon (1969) was the first to compare the human mind to computer processing systems, saying that the brain is like the computer’s hardware, and the mind is the computer’s software.

Sensory and perceptual systems, therefore, act like input channels mental processes are analogous to software applications memory storage is to disk storage and, memory retrieval is to printer or screen display. Although Simon’s analogy is compelling, many psychologists complained that it was too simplistic. Among the identified limitations of his analogy are the following:

Human brains and computers function differently. Neurons communicate with each other elector-chemically, while computer wire connections use only electricity. Neuronal connections are plastic, can strengthen or weaken, and can change, while wire connections are relatively permanent. Neurons can die and cannot easily be replaced, while wires can easily be changed without altering or damaging the memory of the computer.

The mind processes ambiguous sensory information, whereas software applications manipulate user-coded information. Without human input, computers cannot work: Computers work faster, are more accurate, more consistent, with fewer errors, and can perform complex numerical calculations unlike the human mind: which is prone to committing error. For instance, who can beat a computer calculate a 10-digit number with another 10-digit number?

The human mind can learn new rules and concepts, and can generalize out of relationships and patterns, unlike computers, which require initial programming before it can process specific information in a specific manner. The human mind is aware of itself, whereas a computer doesn’t know itself.

Despite the limitations of Simon’s analogy, it stimulated further growth of cognitive psychology. The analogy sparked the interest of some cognitive psychologists to generate insights into how the mind processes information based on how computers work. It also pushed some other cognitive psychologists to investigate how the mind is further distinguished from computer software applications.

Cognitive psychology did not only benefit from the development of computers at one end, it also stirred further growth of computer technology. Artificial intelligence was developed from the rise of cognitive psychology. Artificial intelligence is a technological innovation for machines that perform intelligent functions, such as diagnosing medical illnesses, prescribing treatments, examining equipment failure, evaluating loan applicants, and advising students on college courses.

  • School Montgomery College
  • Course Title PSYC 101
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Pages 3
  • Ratings 67% (3) 2 out of 3 people found this document helpful

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Why was the advent of the computer so important to the development of cognitive psychology?

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A History of Modern Psychology


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Why was the advent of the computer so important to the development of cognitive psychology?

The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook.

A History of Modern Psychology


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What was the importance of the computer to the development of cognitive psychology?

The computer gave cognitive psychologists a metaphor, or analogy, to which they could compare human mental processing. The use of the computer as a tool for thinking how the human mind handles information is known as the computer analogy.

Why is cognitive psychology so important?

Cognitive psychology plays an important role in understanding the processes of memory, attention, and learning. It can also provide insights into cognitive conditions that may affect how people function.

What is the role of computer models in psychology?

Theoretical and computer models are used by cognitive psychologists to study mental processes. Theoretical models are diagrammatic representations of the steps involved in internal mental processes, e.g. the information-processing model.

Why is cognitive revolution important in psychology?

The cognitive revolution was an intellectual shift in psychology in the 1950s focusing on the internal mental processes driving human behavior. The study of human thought became interdisciplinary by directing attention to processing skills including language acquisition, memory, problem-solving, and learning.