Broken laptop screen external monitor bios

Hey all, I've had a Lenovo Y510P laptop with a broken screen for years, and have been using it with an external monitor. Recently it was 'bricked' from a faulty Windows update, but I can still load BIOS & boot options, Windows recovery and Lenovo recovery. It even displayed this all to the external monitor about 10-20% of the time (seemed random & independent of inputs) that I booted up. However, every recovery option failed (haven't tried booting from a Windows CD or USB because I have none), except Lenovo One-Key Recovery, but that required a hard drive wipe so I first removed the hard drive, backed it up, and then put it back in the laptop.

On the first boot after, it loaded right up on the external monitor first try, but switched back to the onboard display after about 30 seconds. Since then I've rebooted about 100 times and cannot get ANYTHING to show up on the external monitor. Tried every boot option and reset the BIOS numerous times, disconnected the onboard display from the motherboard, tried all the Fn keys, tried both HDMI and VGA, different cables different monitors, removed battery and secondary GPU, nothing. Lenovo's One-Key is also the only recovery tool I've ever seen to not allow keyboard inputs, so I need to a see a screen to be able to use it. I read that fastboot being enabled (pretty sure it is) could be causing my problem, but that it can only be disabled from Windows control panel and not BIOS? Any work-around for this or any other ideas? Read every thread I could find on this and tried every solution I saw..

Any help would be highly appreciated, thank you!