correctional officer là gì - Nghĩa của từ correctional officer

correctional officer có nghĩa là

Correctional officers are responsible for the custody, care and supervision of offenders in a prison or correctional institution.

Correctional Officers are also known as Detention Officers, Correction Officer and Prison Officers in certain jurisdictions.

Correctional Officers are employees of the federal, state, county or city governments. Contrary to popular belief, Correctional Officers are quialified in firearms and carry them when not in direct proximity with prison inmate population. They are Law Enforcement Officers with jurisdiction in a correctional facility.

Ví dụ

Q: Who are Correctional Officers ?
A: Correctional Officers are underpaid, unappreciated and underrated Law Enforcement Officers who are often referred to as "Prison Guards" and often mocked by Police Officers as being wannabe-cops.

correctional officer có nghĩa là

An individual that keeps you safe at night. One who watches the criminals locked up so everyone else can sleep safe knowing their not going to escape. Someone who gets paid little and puts up with a lot. A Correction Officer is one who doesn't get the credit he/she deserves.

Ví dụ

Q: Who are Correctional Officers ?

correctional officer có nghĩa là

A: Correctional Officers are underpaid, unappreciated and underrated Law Enforcement Officers who are often referred to as "Prison Guards" and often mocked by Police Officers as being wannabe-cops.

Ví dụ

Q: Who are Correctional Officers ?
A: Correctional Officers are underpaid, unappreciated and underrated Law Enforcement Officers who are often referred to as "Prison Guards" and often mocked by Police Officers as being wannabe-cops. An individual that keeps you safe at night. One who watches the criminals locked up so everyone else can sleep safe knowing their not going to escape. Someone who gets paid little and puts up with a lot. A Correction Officer is one who doesn't get the credit he/she deserves.

correctional officer có nghĩa là

The Correction Officer had to tase the inmate because he assaulted another officer with a liquid urine substance and refused to come out of the cell.

Ví dụ

Q: Who are Correctional Officers ?
A: Correctional Officers are underpaid, unappreciated and underrated Law Enforcement Officers who are often referred to as "Prison Guards" and often mocked by Police Officers as being wannabe-cops. An individual that keeps you safe at night. One who watches the criminals locked up so everyone else can sleep safe knowing their not going to escape. Someone who gets paid little and puts up with a lot. A Correction Officer is one who doesn't get the credit he/she deserves.

correctional officer có nghĩa là

The Correction Officer had to tase the inmate because he assaulted another officer with a liquid urine substance and refused to come out of the cell.

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correctional officer có nghĩa là

1.n. A man who is not capable of becoming a real officer so ends up becoming an over rated babysiter.He is happy when at his work and sets his work befor his family. Word that can also describe used to describe, pussy, has been, coulda' been, bitch, lier, and asshole.

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Inmate1:Hey wheres Correctional officer Buday?

correctional officer có nghĩa là

Inmate2:Oh that bitch hes negleting his family.

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Both together:Ohhhh...