Difference between bus and ring topology

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What is the difference between ring and bus topology?

- In Ring all nodes are connected with another in a loop while in bus they are connected to a central cable
- In Ring all nodes are connected with another loop while in bus they are connected to a central cable
- In bus all nodes are connected with another in a loop while in star they are connected to a central node
- In Bus all nodes are connected with another loop while in star they are connected to a central cable

CORRECT ANSWER : In Ring all nodes are connected with another in a loop while in bus they are connected to a central cable

Discussion Board

In Ring Topology, all the nodes are connected to each-other in such a way that they make a closed loop.
In Bus topology, all the nodes i.e computers as well as servers are connected to the single cable i.e called bus with the help of interface connectors.

Sapna Tongase 03-2-2017 01:15 AM


Answer: is A

kazim 10-2-2016 09:09 AM


Hello, could You please send me my answers


Yassen Vezenkov 07-19-2016 10:42 AM


good to update the knowlodge

semthil 01-27-2016 08:17 PM


I want answers of these qst?

Deepak Kumar Samal 06-4-2014 10:59 AM

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Difference between bus and ring topology

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