ians là gì - Nghĩa của từ ians

ians có nghĩa là

Ians are generally very intelligent, mentally gifted people. They can think on a much higher level than the average person. Ians are silly, quiet guys. They can be very funny when they talk. They only talk when they feel that its needed, and only if they think its worth spending the time saying it. An easy going guy, doesn't take much to make him happy and he laughs at almost everything. A pacifist, fairly easy to pick on but if he takes it personally he will retaliate strongly. A very determined individual, he will set high goals and make sure he achieves them. Ians try to become friends with everybody, he doesn't like having enemies. He doesn't like picking sides among peer disputes. Ians don't mind awkward silences if you are with them, even if you aren't talking with him and it is quiet, don't take it uncomfortably. Dick size is in the high end of average sizes, about 7 inches.


Guy: Look at Ian, wanna mess with him? Guy 2: No dude, Ian is awesome!

ians có nghĩa là

Simply the most amazing, perfect, breathtaking, heart stopping individual to ever grace the earth with his presence. You know the Dark Ages? That happened because he wasn't here. Astoundingly intelligent, hilariously witty, amazingly beautiful, and simply the epitomé of sheer awesomeness. Any words that you can think of that is any way complementary embodies everything that Ian is. Every time someone says the word "Ian" Chuck Norris' hearts stops. The only reason he isn't dead yet is because he's immortal. Like Ian. Ian selects his friends carefully, as only people who -in some way- reflect his awesome ideals are given the absolute honour and privilege of being called a friend of Ian. Many have died due to sheer ecstasy simply thinking of being named a friend of Ian. The highest honour possibly given to a human being on this planet is being named "Ian's Best Friend", but the position is currently vacant due to the last candidate's head exploding trying to wrap their head around the concept.


Sam: "You know Ian, right?" Jason: "Of course I know IAN, he's only the supreme emperor of the entire multiverse!" Sam: "Yeah, well, I heard one time he kicked Chuck Norris in the balls and he thanked him for it" Jason: "I wouldn't doubt it for a second, it is Ian after all"

ians có nghĩa là

A king


All hail ian

ians có nghĩa là

noun: a very sexy thing


He's such an ian.

ians có nghĩa là

A very charismatic and hyper person. Very good looking too. Ian's do not care what anybody thinks and always stays true to himself. It is easy to get annoyed by an Ian because they say and do whatever they feel. However, Ian's have a soft spot in their heart and have a deep desire for romance. They usually express what they feel through music because they do not want other people to know the serious and romantic side of them.


Ian is so annoying sometimes, but also really hot and funny.

ians có nghĩa là

Hot, sexy, cute, and an all around awesome guy. He is good at grinding, and plenty of other amazing things to rock a girls world.


I want to go over to Ian and have "fun"

ians có nghĩa là

A guy who everyone loves, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Someone who would give the shirt off his for you. Ian is amazingly talented! A guy worth crying for... Ian is is an amazing artist and songwriter. He is so nice that he would jump in front of a bus for you. It's a blessing to know someone like him. He has a great sence of humor and a laugh thats funnier than the joke:). He has a personality that make you melt on the inside. He makes you feel so special and indescribable it's crazy. ALL AROUND GREAT, AMAZING, AND AWESOME MAN YOU WILL EVER MEET!!! period.


Girl 1: hey who's that guy? He seems so sweet and nice i wish i knew him! Girl 2: I dont know looks like an Ian to me...

ians có nghĩa là

Ian's are lovable and sweet and always can make you laugh. They may have a hard time defending themselves but they will always defend you. Take care of and love an Ian you don't want to lose him.


He is soo sweet and loving he must be an Ian.

ians có nghĩa là

Oh,where to start. Ian is a truly amazing friend. He has the most beautiful bright green eyes and his smile lights up the whole room when he walks in. He comes off as a total jerk,but he's really a nice,funny guy. Ian is also very smart and dorky. He loves searching things he doesn't know about on Google. Ian is always there for you when you need him. That is of course,if you are friends with him. He's a blond at heart. Ian loves video games,television,and movies. Comedy is definitely his favorite genre when it comes to movies and tv. Ian absolutely LOVES to laugh. He'll laugh at almost anything. He's very sweet when he wants to be and cares A LOT about his friends. Ian is my best friend.


Girl#1-Eww it's Ian.
Girl#2-Yuck! Ian..what a jerk!
Girl#4-Hi Ian!
Boy#1-Hey look it's Ian.
Girl#6-You know what people Ian is my best friend so shut up! He's AWESOME!

ians có nghĩa là

Ian is sweet at times , and funny to talk too, but at times he can be mean but it’s only cuz he cares


Have u that guy he’s just like ian