mencia là gì - Nghĩa của từ mencia

mencia có nghĩa là

The absolute worst television show ever aired, or, for that matter, concieved by man. It is a void, a black hole completly empty of any mirth or comedy whatsoever. It is a momentous failure of mankind and God. It is the humor equivalent of Absolute Zero; so blatantly unfunny that it can only be achieved through a controlled laboratory setting. This leads some to believe that Mind of Mencia was, in fact, created specifically as an experiment to find the most unhumorous idea possible, but it's hard to imagine that any but the most sadistic would even contemplate unleashing such an abhorrition as MoM on the world.

Also, vb: Mencian
Something so horrible it compares to the calibur of the unholy blight itself, Mind of Mencia. It has yet to be used seriously, because come on, let's face it, nothing is that fucking bad.


"Dude, that class was so was, like mencian." (It is as bad as Mind of Mencia)
"Woah, woah. Hold up. It wasn't that bad."
"You're right. NOTHING IS THAT BAD."

mencia có nghĩa là

A Comedian famous for his race humor. Has recently been given a show called "Mind of Mencia". He is highly unimaginative since the only thing he can do is play the Race Card. Which is almost as bad as constantly using the "I'm a guy, we're not complicated" Card which most other unimaginative comedians use. I hope he can think of some new material for his and his shows sake.


Carlos Mencia can make fun of retarded people too! DER DER DER!

mencia có nghĩa là

A white man in a hispanic suit, programmed to destroy jokes, racial equality, and all intelligence.


Oh it's Mind of Mencia, starring Carlos Mencia, let me get my remote.

mencia có nghĩa là

A show made by Comedy Central to try and fill the gap that Chappelle's Show left that horribly fails and is thoroughly unfunny. All jokes are about 9/11 and Arabs because Carlos Mencia isn't afraid to SPEAK HIS MIND! HE'S SO EDGY AND OFFENSIVE!


"Dude did you see Mind of Mencia last night?"
"Yeah dude, it fucking sucked. All of the jokes weren't funny and they were part of his old unfunny material.

mencia có nghĩa là

Hands down the worst show/comedian in the history of television/comedy. Carlos Mencia does for comedy what the holocaust did for the jews, except the holocaust wasn't as brutal, it made more sense, and was slightly less of a crime against humanity.

Carlos Mencia's jokes have no range outside of weak observations about race, nor do they contain an ounce of originality. When I talk about the show being a horrendous atrocity, I'm not reffering to the show being overly racist, in fact that has almost nothing to do with it. It's the constructs of the jokes themselves. They're pitiful attempts at humor. They lack any kind of intelligence whatsoever, so little in fact, that his comedy is barely one notch above a clown slipping on a banana peel. 80% of his jokes don't even have a punch line, they are just stereotypes examined to the point of obscurity.

The following paragraph is specifically for Carlos...

Yelling a joke doesn't make it funnier. Doing little twitches while telling a joke doesn't make it funnier. Pointing at the camera or various people in the audience doesn't make it funnier. Laughing hysterically at your own jokes doesn't make them funnier. Relying on stereotypes for 99.8% of your material doesn't make you funnier. Having your own show doesn't make you funny. Your not funny, nor are you by any means a respected comedian, but rather, you are a commercialized joke, a fat vulture feeding on the remains of the Chappelle show. Perhaps when you take the time to construct a joke coherently, rather than fall back on "in-yo-face"-ity, will you truly know what it means to be a comedian.

What's that you say, Carlos speaks the truth? He's brave for saying what we're all thinking and people just need to lighten up? Well then I have good news for all you Mencia fans: We can all be Carlos Mencia! Its easier than you think. Just take a sterotypical topic (like Asian drivers, Black people eating watermelon, or mexicans mowing lawns) and yell it while doing a little dance.


See? Wasn't that easy? I hope there are enough time slots and paychecks at Comedy Central for all of us.

Mind of Mencia's abnormal success is a dark glimpse into the comedic mind of the American majority (although we all know tv rating systems are inaccurate). To put it simply, it is simplistic, it is comedy (dare I even use that word to describe it) that requires no thinking, intelligence, or taste. The next time you laugh at his quote-unquote "jokes", ask yourself why your laughing. Is it content that is essentially clever and humorous, or is it an exploitation of obvious stereotypes that any person with half a brain can concieve?


As Mother unfastened Baby's diaper and wiped the Mind of Mencia from between his chafed cheeks, an atrocious smell filled the room, suffocating the three of us.

mencia có nghĩa là

A man who thinks he's a comedian because he rehashes unfunny versions of jokes he stole from other comedians.

He seems to have delusions of grandeur, as his commercials and joke deliveries convey an attitude of "I'm bad because I said that! You wouldn't have the guts to laugh!" or "If you don't know who I am, you've been living under a fucking rock!"

He's a pathetic little miscreant who gives himself "scary" nicknames like "The Punisher" the way an eight-year-old without any friends would.

He's also half Honduran and half white, pretending to be Mexican when in reality he has no Mexican blood at all. Because of this being part of his thinly-veiled schtick, he overuses the phrases "wetback" and "beaner," trying to be offensive and funny.

The only way he is offensive is because his "comedy" is so painfully unfunny, yet he thinks he's the funniest, most offensive comedian out there.


Bill, "Hey look! Mind of Mencia is on! Carlos is so funny because he says things that are supposed to really offend people!"

John, "Carlos Mencia is not edgy or bad. He's pathetic."

mencia có nghĩa là

A travesty of television. Everything that is wrong with comedy. Ethnic simple minded garbage. Tries to be controversial, but the only controversy here is that the show is still on. Oh and the fact that the guy isn't even a mexican. The only reason this guy has a job is a misguided attempt by Comedy Central to corner a hispanic market.


Look at the examples the guy who said that Mind of Mencia was good. They are stupid, and were jokes on the internet and other places a long time before.

"I love mind of mencia! Whether Ned Holness...sorry Carlos Mencia is talking about race or....race he finds a funny insight I could never think of!"

"Is that a shit stain on your pants?"

mencia có nghĩa là

Carlos Mencia obviously added the last ten or so entries himself trying to glorify himself. The first twenty entries all knock that faggot. I seriously wouldn't be surprised one bit if this was true. I hate Carlos Mencia. He is a thief, and Joe Rogan should have knocked that filthy piece of shit the fuck out.


Person #1- I hope Carlos Mencia gets hit by lightning.

Person #2- Word.

mencia có nghĩa là

To steal; ninja; pilfer something from someone. Coined after infamous joke thief Carlos Mencia.


I just mencia'd that guys wallet!

mencia có nghĩa là

A no talent hack of a comedian who's considered 'edgy' by only himself. His name isnt Carlos, and he isnt Mexican, but FULL fag. He does material that hasn't been funny in years, or is more funny done by the ORIGINAL comedian who he stole it from.


Did u see my shit last night, it was almost as big a shit as carlos mencia